Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 261: Terrible control

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The reason for flushing is because of anger, and panic is because of the vigilance that the bottom card is lifted. Ma Yuan saw through the other party's state of mind.

When everyone's eyes were on Rajus, someone knocked on the door, and the two men entered the room without waiting for the door.

"Brother, and Lei Wenhou."

Everyone reacted to Lana's words and bowed their heads slightly to salute.

Ma Yuan also saw these two people for the second time.

The first meeting was just now, when he entered Wangdu. The content of the commission was changed there, instead of alerting the eight fingers, but eliminating Yadababo. At the same time, the other party asked him to fight side by side with the adventurers called by Lana for this commission.

After a simple greeting, the two said they had something to talk to the princess, so Ma Yuan and others left the room. In general, things have been negotiated, and as long as you come back, you just need to pull Qiu Si to command the battle on the spot.

"Then everyone. I stay here and pray to God that everyone can come back safely... Everything depends on your performance, and more accurately, it depends on Mr. Ma Yuan. I wish Wuyun Changlong."

Ma Yuan and others walked out of the room while responding to the deeply bowed Lana.

The rest of them are Lei Wenhou and the second prince-Sennak Valreo Igna Leir van Serv, and Princess Lana.

As soon as Clem left the room, Lana's face suddenly lost expression, and her blue eyes were full of the color of frozen lake water in winter. Senac felt a chill for the arguably sudden change and asked:

"I heard the details later, but..." A room that can be tapped was designed next to the room. The two were just there. "There is only one question you haven't answered. Why use guards to build the frontline?...Wouldn't they be regarded as abandoned chess?"

The guard is very weak. The strength is probably only equivalent to that of the lowest-level adventurer. If they are attacked, they must be devastated.

"They are bait."

This answer is completely in line with their guess.

"An adventurer also said that letting the low-level demons of Yada Bavao scatter in various areas of the king's capital, the consequences are unimaginable. So in order to bring the enemy together, I prepared a feed yard nearby. ."

And as long as the stomach is filled, the killing intention will be eased. Lana said with a smile.

There are surprisingly few problems in the world that can be solved with good obedience. There will be sacrifices no matter what you do. Politics is a group of people who act to reduce this sacrifice. From this point of view, Lana is really a role model for politicians.

However, creatures like humans cannot help but want to use emotion to deny certain problems.

"Is there no better way to protect the guard without sacrifice?"

"If so, how about you, brother?"

Senac was silent.

He couldn't think of a better idea than Lana. Although there are a few ideas, there are always too many conditions. Currently he can only admit that Lana's proposal is the best way.

Lei Wenhou pulled his eyes away from the silent prince. Then he also raised questions.

"Can the minister also ask one thing? Why give Clem a dangerous task?"

"It's just like my brother patrolling the royal capital with the soldiers of Lei Wenhou."

Sennak patrolled the capital, pretending that some of the royal family were also worried about civilians. Then he scheduled a few days later to spread the rumor that their eldest brother, the first prince, was hiding in a safe royal city. The purpose is to improve your reputation and at the same time reduce the reputation of your opponent.

Lana said that her approach is the same, that is to say, her purpose is to give herself a dangerous mission to save the people, in order to gain fame? However, when I thought of hearing Lana's love for Clem before: I could not help leaving a question.

Perhaps he was aware of his doubts, and Lana continued:

"Maybe Clem will be killed, but when that happens, Rajus will use resurrection magic on him. Resurrection magic needs to use a lot of gold, but I still have it on hand at this point. There is no problem. Who is going to take care of Clem, who has been sucked away by magic? He followed my orders and died, and then resurrected. I take care of him, who can complain?"

"It turns out so, the officials can understand. Thank you, Your Highness. Just--"

"--You mean Lajus might be killed, right?"

"His Royal Highness." Lei Wenhou lowered his head, Lana told him his plan.

"When there is a need to attack again, and the risk increases, I have arranged some questions. The adventurer union leader is also reluctant to let the important characters who can use the resurrection magic die, so he readily agreed."

"All go according to your plan, don't you, old girl."

"Yes." Seenak shivered when she saw her sister blossoming like flowers. Even Lei Wenhou had to exert all his strength in order to suppress the chill of the back.

Fire month [September] 5th 02:30

I can't feel the heat from the level of flame eruption, it is like a phantom. After exchanging glances with their companions, the adventurers who stood at the front took courage and took a step towards the fire wall.

They have asked the support forces of the temple to apply defensive magic to reduce flame damage, but still hold their breath when passing through the fire wall, probably afraid of the flames scalding their lungs.

Say that the flame itself is harmless.

Looking at everyone from behind, La Qius muttered in his heart, his thoughts drifting towards the fire wall.

Without harm, there is no need to take precautions. This kind of thinking is too lacking in consideration. If it is not used to inflict damage, it is necessary to speculate on the true intentions of the enemy-for what purpose, what kind of effect is made.

In fact, you should give up when you can’t think of the answer no matter what you think... You should use your mind for more important things. This seems to be mourned by Evel? Uncle?

They pass through a realm of magical flames that does not have any resistance and heat like a phantom.

Rajus looked around the adventurers walking nervously.

According to the plan, they want to build a front, but it is not easy to build a beautiful straight line in the city. To this end, they took the four mountain bronze team as the main axis, divided all the adventurers into four groups, and established the organizational structure. If someone looks down from above, it looks like four scattered protozoa.

Since serving as the main axis, they must be a role model for others.

But they embraced a serious sense of tension. ,, ..

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