Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 263: The girl in the moonlight

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The timing is just right.

From the front of the road came the roar of the beasts all around, and the sound of running footsteps.

"Here it is. Let's build a front line from here. When entering the trail, someone with a higher listing level will take the lead! I will advance this route!"

A group of beasts rushed along the road. It looks like a large dog, but his eyes are full of the evil color of hell, and the mouth is not spitting, but flames.

Hellhound. And the number is up to fifteen. Rajuth, who was in front of them, clenched the magic sword Ziliniram with both hands.

"Every devil, don't underestimate me."

Pray to the **** of water, Rajus slashed the **** hound with a knife.

She skillfully moved the group of floating swords that also served as shields, and resolved the offensive of the hellhound that was rushing from the side. Then he kicked another hellhound who wanted to bite her ankle.

A total of six hellhounds attacked Rajus alone. The rest scattered around and attacked the adventurers around.

A few adventurous opponents deal with one, while a more powerful adventurous opponent deals with a few. The number of hellhounds continues to decrease. When La Qius solved all six, the surrounding battle came to an end.


"It's okay! Miss La Qius!"

Although it cannot be said that everyone was unharmed, no one was seriously injured.

Under the condition that the combat power must be preserved, it is a good start.

"You can hear both right and left after the retreat! Let's move forward! Let's think about fifty meters ahead!"

"Fifty meters to the front" came from the left and right sides like a valley echo. Rajuz waved his sword and moved his foot in front of the crowd.

Fire month [September] 5th 02:41

The three of them moved on the road without a figure, and they chose a narrow and dark path to jog forward.

The three are Clem, Bryan, and the former mountain bronze adventurer thieves who fought in shields when attacking the facilities of Zhiluo's gang.

The adventurers who played for Ravenhall patrolled the capital with Prince Sennak. If demons appear outside the enclosed area, they will be destroyed.

The reason why they can lend Clem to the strongest fighting power of Qianshan Bronze, Lei Wenhou said it was the thieves themselves. He seemed to be because Clem caught him when he was hit by Zhiluo, and then he did treatment for him. In return, he offered to help.

Another possible reason is that Lei Wenhou wanted to sell Lana alone.

Perhaps it is because the thieves walking ahead chose the route that will not encounter the demon. The three have not encountered the demon once.

If there are no thieves, they may not be able to come here.

He is confident that he can deal with demons that rely on power and speed to fight, but if there is a type that can use magic or special abilities, the chances of winning will immediately drop a lot. Because this team is mainly based on steel in both offense and defense, it is difficult to deal with offense and defense outside of physics.

Although they haven’t known each other yet, the thieves already know that Brian and Clem lack the skills in this area, so they will volunteer to participate in this dangerous task that only those who don’t want to live will accept it.

With gratitude, Brian lowered his body and continued to jog. The atmosphere of the surrounding buildings has gradually changed, and there are more and more non-residential large buildings. The destination is at hand.

"After all, why is the destination the warehouse area?"

The thief asked while paying attention, and Clem answered him.

"Sir Lana said this. If human beings are held as captives, you need a spacious place where many people can be imprisoned. In this way, the enemy should dismantle each family rather than let the captives gather in the square. Enter a few warehouses."

"It turns out that. Putting the family in different places can host each other, right. Then we move faster. Hey, I will try to find a safe path, even if I have to go a long way."

"Trouble you."

There is something to do after saving people. Thinking of the return journey, it is absolutely necessary to find a safe route. In particular, they have to take many people to act together, and finding a route is really important.

But how long can this luck last? Brian thought.

This task is equivalent to ordering Clem to die.

If the enemy captures a large number of civilians in one place, there must be his purpose. So there must be guards. I heard that the enemy’s mastermind, Yadabavo, was a strong man who could knock down steel-level adventurers. Then the enemies deployed by monsters are not called small characters.

His eyes moved slightly towards Clem who was running next to him.

In order to let people know that he is a close soldier of Lana and wearing pure white armor, the boy is touching his metal gloves. No, Brian saw that he should have touched the ring on the ring finger under the metal glove.

It was the ring Ge Gefu gave him on his ring finger.

It seemed that the ring was given to Ge Gefu by an old woman who had previously belonged to Cang Rose. It is said to be an ultra-precious prop made of ancient magic. Brian listened to it a little, as if it was a prop that could increase the strength of the warrior and make it push the limit.

He remembered the expression of Ge Jeff saying "you will come back alive".

There was no special expression on Ge Jeff's face. No anger, no sorrow, no sorrow. This is because the warrior who has a worthy loyal master knows that sometimes he must go to the battlefield of death. However, Ge Gefu lent Clem to the ring with extremely high value. The kind of maximum support he can do seems to fully explain his state of mind.

The thief running ahead beckoned, and Brian was about to run along, suddenly feeling a breath, and looked up. His gaze moved upwards along the building-shocked by the heart as if it had stopped beating.

In a warehouse, standing on the edge of the roof, letting blonde hair flow with the wind-in terms of height and posture-is a girl. She wore pure white fabric with silver thread embroidery, a seemingly expensive dress, and high-heeled shoes exuding crystal brilliance emerged from the skirt. In addition, she also wears a variety of elegant decorations such as necklaces and earrings, just like a big noble lady or a noble lady.

The seductive reflection of the splendor of the flame curtains behind, the shiny figure, even if the chalk mask covering the face creates a strange feeling, it still does not destroy the mystery. In addition, even though the appearance is so striking, the sense of existence is extremely weak, as if falling from the world of Youxuan. ,, ..

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