Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 264: consciousness

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Dress up and hair color are all different. If she was born from darkness at that time, now she seems to have come from the moon. But Brian cannot admit the wrong person. The shadow strongly branded in Brian's heart perfectly overlaps with the person in front of him.

He dare to conclude. The face under the girl's mask above must be that monster-Shatia Bradfron.

She didn't seem to notice them. However, if it is the monster, no matter how far away it is, it will be killed as soon as it is found. However, can they escape from this position without being noticed by the monster?

He really felt impossible.

It felt like unconsciously stepping on the cracked thin ice. As soon as he thought that he might even be noticed by the other party, a sticky cold sweat came out all over his body.

Clem and the thieves wanted to say something, he stopped them with his fingers.

Probably after seeing Brian Tieqing's complexion, she noticed something. Both of them stood still and held their breath.

What should I do? What can I do? If you fight with that, you will definitely die. I can’t escape if I want to escape. At that time, I was able to escape because there was a hidden passage. Can't escape in such a place. But why did she appear here? Is it coming to me?

Thinking of this, Brian smiled.

There is only one answer.

"Brother Clem. I'll fight for time. Let's go." He turned to the thief again and bowed his head slightly. "He just asked you."

He did not wait for the two to object.

Brian ran out, grabbed the protrusion of the building, and lifted his body up in one breath.

Although he does not have climbing skills like a thief, a two-storey low house can be easily climbed by the soldier's arm strength. Climbing up the roof to see, Shatia was still there.

Brian's heart beat hard.

He was terrified, terrified. At that time, the memory of desperate escape came back to mind. However, it is unbelievable that he still has the courage to confront the other party head-on.

"What's the matter?"

Because of the mask, the woman's slightly tuneless cold voice reached Brian's ear.

—She didn’t recognize me? why? Are you acting?

Then you should pretend that you don’t know each other and observe the other party’s reaction. Bryan judged this way and asked her:

"I saw a suspicious woman standing on the roof before I came to see. What good things do you do in the king capital?"

"Why do I have to tell you? How could you be a human being here? Only you broke in?"

The heart started beating violently. He wanted to know how far Clem had escaped, but he couldn't move his eyes. In order to conceal his inner tension, he raised his voice slightly.

"Are you looking for someone? Not looking for me?"

"To you? Why?"

"We are meeting for the second time, I never forget your pretty face."

Shatia reached out her hand and touched her mask.

"Did you admit the wrong person?"

Brian froze for a moment. He wondered if he had admitted the wrong person. However, he immediately abandoned this idea.

She is not wrong.

Brian had no absolute sense of sound, and he was not confident in hearing the sound across the mask. Even so, there is only one person in the world Brian will never admit, that is Shatia.

Probably I was like a ants in her eyes, it is too difficult to remember.

If Shatiya was not deliberately ironic, but really did not remember Brian, it means she was only interested in Brian.

For an unmatched strong man like Shatia, this is neither pride nor arrogance.

"No... sorry. Yeah... you are right. We are meeting for the first time."

"Really? You know it's fine... But should I kill you better? Do you want to die or live? As long as you kneel and lick my shoes, maybe I will be in a good mood A little bit.'

"Sorry, I don't plan to do that."

Brian exhaled slowly, sinking his waist and making a knife-drawing style.

The martial arts launched are of course "domains." Needless to say, he knew that this trick would not work for Shatia.


Xia Tiya looked helpless, gently scratching his head.

"It's really troublesome not to understand each other's strength gap."

No, I am very clear. Brian glared at Xia Tiya and answered her self-talk in her heart.

He knew how terrible Shatia was, and it was terrible to make him sick. But why didn't he escape?

Bryan raised his lips in doubt.

There is no ripple on the lake called Inner Heart. Even in the face of such a fear and letting myself throw away all escaped existence, the heart is surprisingly peaceful.

Shatia took her steps with ease. The action was like a repetition of past scenes. Then the result will not change, or Bryan's fiasco. Everything he has spent his whole life will be crushed like a game.

It should be... that would be it.

He was scared.

For a lifetime of beating, killing and killing yourself, you might be afraid to be afraid. But he couldn't lie. Brian was scared.

The enemy is overwhelmingly powerful and is a monster that can easily kill people. If the battle so far is a battle of life and death, it is like jumping off a cliff.

He was conscious of dying in battle, but he was not conscious of suicide.

But, inconceivably, when he came to the Wangdu, the thought of stabbing in the chest that only wanted to escape, now disappeared.

Unintentionally, this reminded him of the back of a teenager.

A teenager who is far weaker than himself. He was trembling in the overwhelming murderous rush, but still standing desperately.

Brian smiled lonely.

The old man said that human beings can sometimes exert incredible power. However, that might be impossible for Brian.

He couldn't do everything he could for the princess he served like the teenager, and he couldn't bow to the king like Ge Gefu did. He is different from the kind of "excellent" people. Brian is a selfish man who only lives for himself.

Even so, as long as you can buy time for Clem, you may be able to write off those sums.

Step by step. Shatia, who raised her little finger in her left hand, approached at an unusually slow speed.

Did the concentration increase to the limit delay the passage of time, or did Shatia really walk slowly deliberately to play with herself? Brian felt that both were possible, with a wry smile.

That woman is that personality.

Although it was only a few minutes of encounter, Brian felt that she knew better than any woman she had known so far.

Two steps sword is coming to an end...

He used to run away. But still did not let go of weapons.

Your own life is with the sword. Then it may be good to go to the finish line with the sword.

He was well aware. ,, ..

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