Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 267: Guard

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"You are so gentle."

"Don't say boring polite words. Besides, I feel that you who volunteer to participate in this super-dangerous job are called gentleness."

The thief grinned sullenly and glanced at the youngster who didn't know what the two were talking about, and his face was puzzled.

"What should I say? Seeing the young man’s hard work seems to make me miss the lost past... In short, I admire him. Although the time for acting together is very short. After all, I can probably guess What you are thinking. You are right. But..." The thief's eyes shone sharply. "This is the life that the guy chose. Don't let others distort it casually."

Brian couldn't help but hold his breath.

"I admire the kid. Maybe it was because he once lived and died together. Looking at the kid's eyes, I guessed what he wanted for the princess. What an incredible kid. This wish was too reckless and too chaotic. Just Because of this... I want him to grab the most valuable treasure of the kingdom, as a thief."

"That's right. Although it may be fatal, that was his decision. Brian made up his mind. "If that's the case, speed up. Shatia may also catch up. "

Fire month [September] 5th 03:38

The adventurers who served as the temple army crossed the barrier and retreated to the rear. The team of guards received an order to stay here until their injuries were healed and supplies were completed.

The space opened by the barrier-the entrance for the adventurers to pile up the wood immediately and block it up.

There is no one in front. In other words, this is the front line.

Behind you can see the scarred back of the retreating adventurer. The armor has new claw scratches and burn marks. There are blood-stained spots.

In the farther back, the fire wall can be seen. This is about 150 meters into the enemy's position. Obviously it is a familiar king capital, but it makes people feel awkward to break into a different world.

They destroyed the surrounding houses and used the time the adventurers were fighting to build the barrier. However, until now they still felt that the obstacles were extremely strong. At this time, they appeared very fragile, as if they could be easily destroyed.

"It's okay. The monster didn't follow the adventurers. The enemy must not want to attack, and intends to consolidate the defense. It's okay. It won't be attacked."

Someone said the same thing again. In order to resolve the extreme anxiety, the words spoken for praying to go back alive are repeated like prayers to the gods.

Forty-five guards defended this barrier. They were armed with lances and wearing leather armor. One of the men is still wearing a helmet. His name was Bernard Ingrid, and he was one of several chief guards.

It is said that it is the chief of the guard, which is actually no different from the general guard. It is neither a particularly good physique nor a particularly smart mind. I am afraid that the strength is not as good as other young guards. The reason why he can take this seat is because he is on duty until the age of forty, and there are no other suitable candidates for the vacant position, so he let him do it.

His face was pale, his hands clenched tightly until the gun was pale. At first glance, his feet were trembling slightly. Keep your eyes on the front because you dare not look elsewhere. This really unreliable virtue has increased the restlessness of other guards.

However, he is no wonder, because this is his first fight.

Indeed, every year the kingdom sends troops to the Katz Plain to meet the imperial army. However, because of the task of defending the city, the guards never went to the battlefield to fight against the empire. Therefore, for citizens who do not want to participate in the Imperial War, the guard is an enviable profession. Who knows now but—

So far he has only been involved in small disputes such as drunken quarrels, rarely intervening to stop the bloodshed. So the fear is even stronger. The reason why he can suppress his desire to escape is because he can be sure that if he dares to escape, he will not be able to eat and walk.

Even if you will not be punished, you do not need to participate in the Imperial War to defend the city. If you do not defend the city properly, you will be forced to go to the battlefield 100% next time.

"When the matter is over, I must quit the guard job."

Bernard murmured. Several people beside him agreed.

"Then do you remember what the adventurers said?"

"Are you saying that they have encountered such monsters as **** hound, high-level **** hound, Zhuyan Demon and extremely small demons?"

"Yes. Does anyone have an impression of those monsters? Especially know their weaknesses or hate something?"

No one answered, everyone just looked at each other.

Bernard's face clearly read "It's useless". After seeing a few people's dissatisfied expressions, they changed their anger to other directions.

"Damn! The adventurer, can't make it clear!"

The adventurers who told the monster information about these guards were seriously injured and were in a hurry to retreat. Therefore, they can only say the name of the monster, and have no extra strength to tell them the appearance of the monster, or what means of attack.

However, it is too cold to blame the adventurers for this. Because the guards and the adventurers have not made good contact, and the information is not well communicated, it can be said that it is a mistake for high-level people to take a defense line that does not know the guards. Besides, in fact, not all guard groups have not received enemy information. In the same situation, some groups still got the information.

This group is to mobilize several members to help carry the adventurers to the back, and ask for detailed information.

This group did not do this, probably because the team leader Bernard did not expect so many, and did not dare to reduce the number of guards who defended the barrier.

"They should have more money than us, so they should try harder! Don't be afraid of dying!"

Bernard shouted loudly, and several people agreed.

"We don't want to fight anymore! Then they should stick to the dead fight, they should not back away!"

Bernard asked the guards around him. He didn't notice the icy sight of the guards standing in the distance, and he only paid attention to the defenders who were beside him.


The guard who kept staring at the guard in front shouted, and Bernard immediately showed a disgusting expression.

Everyone saw the demon figure walking towards them along the road.

Walking ahead is a demon like a frog and a human. The skin color is like a person suffering from jaundice, and also has a lustrous luster. Everywhere the body is bulging, a human face appears to be pushed out from the inside.

It opened a straight mouth that could swallow a person, and grew a strange tongue with a lick of air. ,, ..

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