Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 268: assistance

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And he was followed by **** hounds looking forward to feed.

It was followed by a group of humans whose skin was peeled off and whose body was covered with black slippery liquid instead of skin.

That is a total of fifty beasts, a demon with a belly exposed, and six skinned demons.

"Too many!" Bernard screamed like a gong. "No way! Run away!"

"Noisy!" Someone shouted at Berner. "shut up!"

Ignoring the screaming Bernard, the roaring guard turned nervously to his companions.

"Listen! Just use a spear to poke outward! Our job is not to kill them! It is to buy time! Don't be afraid! We will survive!"

Several people followed the thought of "We will survive", and then several people repeated it.

"Okay, let's go!"

Although the expressions of the guards froze in fear, they spread to various positions and raised their spears.

"You come to me too!"

A person dragged Bernard and forced him to position. No manpower can be wasted.

The beasts roared, scratching and trying to break through the barrier. The wood made a crackling sound at an alarming speed and was torn into pieces of wood chips. The guards pierced their spears from the sharply thinned pillars.

The screams of the beast quickly came and went. Other beasts that were not stabbed by the spear hurriedly left the barrier. They grunted and groaned in their throats, wandering around to observe the situation.

The guards, a little lighter in spirit, pierce their spears from the slits as soon as a beast approaches the barrier. Then the beast will leave immediately.

The guards regained their radiance.

The demon in the back just showed a terrible sneer without any action, causing everyone to be uneasy, but it would be best if time could just pass by. They are not here to defeat demons.

"What, what!"

A guard made a timid voice about what was happening in front of him.

The beasts began to line up. They lined up at the distance the spear was about to reach.

Unlike the random assault operations so far, the guards showed anxiety. If they have detailed information about the beast in front of them, there may be other ways to deal with it, but all they can do is pierce the spear from the crack. Unable to adapt to the actions of the hand.

The beasts opened their mouths when they were armed with spears and about to pierce. The big mouth seemed to be dislocated. The depth of the throat looked extremely red, not because it was inside the mouth.

The spitting red lotus industry fire hit the barrier together. As if the entire barrier was on fire, the guards' vision suddenly turned red.

Although the firepower was extremely fierce, the time was too short, so the barrier was not completely destroyed. However, the guards hiding behind the barrier are not the same.

Mourning everywhere. Some eyes were burned. Someone sucked in the flames, and they were all charred from the esophagus to the lungs. These people fell to the ground one by one. Only the people at both ends survived, and the guards guarding the center were all burned in flames and screamed.

"No, it's not good anymore!"

No one said anything, Bernard was the first to call it. His next move was very rapid. Bernard threw away his spear, not even the helmet. After reducing his weight as much as possible, he tried his best to escape.

All the remaining guards were stunned. They didn't expect that Bernard would run away, but he escaped so thoroughly that it really left everyone speechless.

The speed of Bernard's flight was amazing, when humans were forced to despair, they could run so fast. The surviving guards opened their mouths halfway, watching the figure running further and further away.

However, his escape was ended by the demon who landed from above.

The swollen demon could fly without wings, and landed violently from above, suppressing Bernard. There was a crackling sound of dead branches breaking.

They heard painful weeping. The demon could easily cause Bernard to die, but did not kill him. The demon's next move made them know immediately that it was not out of compassion.

The demon lifted Bernard's body.

It opened its mouth wide and swallowed Berner. Even if the abdomen that had been inflated was swallowed into Bernard's body, there was no change-no, there was a big change. As if stuck to several faces on the body, a new face appeared.

Although not easy to see, it was Bernard's face.

Behind the sound of the step-by-step destruction of the barrier, but the guards were unable to move.

From the beginning, the barriers were nothing to them.

The demons crossed the destroyed barrier and gradually surrounded the guards.

A small whimper could be heard. It is the cry of someone who knows the end of the death period.

Then came the demons' laughter. Mocking the voice of stupid humans.

A guard, while praying to God, looked up at the night sky and saw strange objects.

It was a shadow of high-speed approach-a strange pedestrian.

"Go, go on."

Obviously there was a long distance, but he seemed to hear that voice.

But that didn't seem to be wrong, he was a handsome young man holding a white bone sword. He fell from the sky, followed by a warrior and a dark elf.

The glorious appearance made both the enemy and the enemy stop moving. So his calm voice seemed exceptionally loud.

"We are the black dragon of the steel team. Change hands, you back away."

At first they did not understand what the soldiers were saying.

However, a large number of beasts called them back. Only then did they realize that the reinforcements they were expecting had finally arrived.

"Hellhounds...there are just a few of them. It's too little to double!

Hellhounds trying to kill Ma Yuan came from all directions. They surround them from all directions without any trace of gaps.

Defending with a sword will also be wrapped around the back, bitten and torn. Sword wielding and killing will also be ravaged by other beasts. Once hit by the Hellhound who jumped into the air, he must stand unsteadily and cannot avoid the next attack.

This type of attack is entirely based on quantity violence.

No wonder the guards showed sad expressions. However-the guards present did not know how much power the real powerhouse possessed.

The sword set off a strong wind and killed the enemy.

All people with long eyes are speechless.

It was a slash. For ordinary people, it is good to be able to cut down one. However, unlike those who wield swords, slashing will also become beyond the realm of ordinary people.

Of the **** hounds that the guards thought were invincible, four bodies were cut off and rolled off the road.

However, it may be that Ma Yuan's body was a little out of balance because of his sword. Hellhound was not hacked to death. He could not escape the next attack in this way. ,, ..

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