Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 269: Absolute crush

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Despite wearing seemingly strong armor, hellhound's fangs are quite sharp, and there are hard claws that can tear steel. And being attacked by so many hounds, it is impossible to be unharmed.

The guards seemed to see the wounded adventurer who came to help.

However, they are too anxious.

Ma Yuan did not just pull the unbalanced body back, but followed the shaking motion in a circle. He once again stepped on the ground with a dancer-like light movement, and then the blade swept vigorously from left to right, making a wind roar.

The body of the remaining Hellhound was cut off and flew fiercely on the road. Never see a moving hound again.

"Just two hits?"

A guard murmured and said everyone's voice. No, after witnessing such a great cause, it is impossible to say anything else.

"Then again, are the Soul Eater and Zhuyan Demon. Boring opponents."

Throwing a whisper, Ma Yuan walked towards the demons. That footstep is like walking in the park, unsuspecting. If it is normal, they should stop it out loud. However, after witnessing the stunt, no one would want to do that.

What mortals should do is just watch the backs of powerful warriors.

Probably unable to withstand the pressure of approaching casually, Zhuyan Demon attacked with a strange noise.

A flash.

The cut body flew everywhere.

In the meantime, Ma Yuan never stopped. It seems that the Zhuyan Demon does not exist at all, and moves forward as if entering a land of no one.

"too strong."

It shouldn't have reacted to the guard's voice, but the Soul Eater opened his mouth wide. That big mouth is like a snake trying to swallow its prey. The swaying light of flames could be seen deep in the big mouth. The human face that appeared on the body became more painful. What is about to spit out is the scream of the soul.

The screams uttered when the soul devoured by the soul devouring soul will be destroyed, will make the spirit of living people shrink and pain faint.

But the soul-eating sorrow was too late to scream, and his head flew out first.

With the sharp sword thrown out of his head, he rolled to the ground.

"Just knock it down before screaming."

Ma Yuan just said this and pulled out the sword from the body.

Just tens of seconds. The guards thought that the devil who could never win was completely wiped out.

The guards cried out. That is the soul roar from a dead person.

Ma Yuan, who was suffering from a frenzy of joy, said quietly to them:

"The next adventurers should fight back. Please defend you here for a while, but I have just repelled the demons, and they should not come again in a short time. Andre, Ankar, Iver mourn, trouble you guys."

Ma Yuan, who was gradually floating in the air, left the last sentence to everyone.

"Next I will rush to fight against the enemy mastermind. Before that, please protect the citizens behind. Please."

Watching him fly away, the guards couldn't help sighing.

It is so embarrassing to be so pleased by such a great hero if he does not die here.

"Hey, put up the barrier again! We have to stop the enemy from invading again. Don't think about what happened after being broken!"

Fire month [September] 5th 03:44

The second attack team composed of adventurers above Mithril is headed by Raju Ribbon, with Tina next to it and starts to advance.

On the departure of La Qius, others asked her to reconsider several times, thinking that people who can use the resurrection magic should not be on the front line. However, whether to go or not to go is a great influence on the combat power. The first priority now is to let Ma Yuan deal with Yadababo smoothly. That being the case, how could Rajus stay behind.

They avoided the rear of Ma Yuan and entered the destination from another road. The first target location of the pedestrian should have been a barrier built by the guards. But what they saw was a **** road, the torn pieces of meat were scattered, and the scene of the miserable killing. Of course, the barrier was destroyed long ago, and even the shadow was gone.

The adventurers made a loud noise and got together and continued to invade. However, their advance distance was less than thirty meters, and they fought against a group of demons that had emerged from the fork in the vicinity.

After the battle began, the adventurers who had better personal fighting power than their opponents at first prevailed.

However, the balance of power gradually began to fall to one side. The reason is that the number of enemies trumps individual strength. The number is so large that it creates an illusion that all the demons present here have gathered.

"Don't step back! Continue to resist!"

Rajux shouted to support all the magic. Of course, no adventurer intends to retreat. They know the importance of this battle, so they will never choose to retreat.

Evel's mission is to deal with the enemies who hindered the battle of Ma Yuan in the nearest position. In contrast, their mission is to put pressure on the demons so that they cannot obstruct Ma Yuan.

From this point of view, confronting such a large number of enemies from the front is arguably the greatest support for Ma Yuan. The longer they fight here, the higher their chances of winning Ma Yuan.

The roar echoed with the sound of the sword halberd. The magic flew out, and the special abilities—flame breath burning human body, etc.—sounded.

After confirming the situation, La Qiusi distorted his expression. An adventurous word from an adventurer occupied her mind.

"The power of demons is getting stronger and stronger."

Perhaps the gates of the demon inhabited by demons are slowly opening, calling out more powerful demons. Will this fire wall represent the boundary? If time continues to pass, what will happen? And if Yadababo is overthrown, can the king really restore peace? Is everything just in vain?


She cursed and eliminated countless concerns.

If you don't try it, how will you know? Therefore, Rajuth had to fight with his sword.


A sword in the floating sword group floating around the shoulder rises vertically, and then follows the instructions to shoot. A sword that flew through the air pierced the **** hound that slammed in the open blood basin, and the hound immediately disappeared, leaving no body.

La Qius looked around and knew that he and everyone were completely surrounded. The invasion has completely stopped since the beginning, and the enemies' encirclement has not slowed down. Now she can only keep fighting with her sword.

The avant-garde put away the broken or broken weapon and began to take out spare weapons. The magical chanters who have run out of magic power with a scroll or a short staff. There are no more supplies left.

The adventurers are surrounded by mountain bronze adventurers, which protect the injured and completely lost mithral adventurers. even so--

Not good. This will be slowly worn away. Isn't it alright? Haven't you beat Yadababo yet? ,, ..

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