Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 270: Heroic Assault

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Hearing the screams, La Qiusu hurriedly turned his head and saw that the soldier was slammed by the devil and fell to the ground.


Before Rajuth took a step, Tina rushed to the demon first to fill up the loophole of the formation.

The adventurer behind dragged the fallen warrior to the rear. It doesn't seem to be dead, but needless to say how bad the current situation is. No one uses healing magic, which means that the magic power of the magical chanters such as the priests has been excessively consumed.

Can only retreat.

Once the balance of power collapses, it will be swallowed by the enemy in one go. Rajus couldn't let them die. If Ma Yuan loses, she must consider the future situation and take action.

It's difficult to retreat when you are exhausted. You have to retreat while you have some spare power.


When Rajuth was about to shout to retreat, the alien demon that landed slowly from the air made her breath.

The height is about three meters. The muscular body is covered with reptile scales. A tail as long as a snake rolled.

The head is the skull of a goat. Pale flames burned violently in the empty black eye sockets.

The sturdy arm holds a huge big hammer.

The wings of the bat folded behind spread out. A flap of wings, the cold air is like a gust of wind, and a soul-stirring terror strikes. She is protected by terror-resistant magic, so she has not fallen into a state of panic, but her opponent has fully demonstrated its greater power than the previous demon.

The whole body was sweating.

"--Not good."

If you should be able to win with the magic and team members. If you check the opponent's information in advance, it is even more a win. But in the current situation, the odds are equal to zero. First of all, Iver, who is knowledgeable and able to use powerful magic, is not here. Ge Ge Lan, who can block enemy weapons and fight back, is not here. Tia, who can dodge enemy attacks skillfully and continuously attack with ninjutsu, is not here. All that remained were two tired people.

She looked at Tina, and Tina nodded in response, indicating that she was conscious. Rajus clenched the magic sword Zilinilam, ready to walk towards the demon that appeared. At this moment, a mountain bronze adventurer grabbed her by the shoulder and shouted:

"Let's block that guy! Hurry up!"

Rajus was taken aback, he said quickly:

"As long as you are still alive, you can use the resurrection magic for us. So, only you have to go back alive. It is regarded as for the possibility of resurrection!"

The man grinned with a masculine smile, and his face was full of the charm of the reputation of the mountain bronze. All the adventurers agreed with him, nodding hard.

Think about it calmly, they are right. Rather than holding the mortal determination to fight for time, it is better to leave a life to resurrect those who died here.

"I heard that resurrection magic requires expensive materials as a medium. Please count me free!"

"Isn't the princess paying for it?"

"Let those nobles come out! They should give some money anyway!"

The steps were as easy as picnicking, and several adventurers broke away from the circle. There are no secret signs or eyes. Their steps moved like a choice from the same brain and walked in front of the demon that appeared.

Do a good job in realizing the cheerful attitude of the people facing the deadly battle, let La Qius bit her lower lip, she turned back to them.

"Break through the enemy line! Do your best! Just leave the strength to run!"

As she shouted, she rushed towards the demon clique, waving Zilinilam. The defense depends on armor and magic. She abandoned her life safety to the final limit and killed a **** path.

Rajus felt all sorts of pain, such as the flesh being cut off, and a hard object piercing the flesh, but she clenched her teeth and held it. She calmly estimated her physical strength, and did not use the healing magic until the last moment. La Qiusi must go back alive, but he can't break through the encirclement without stopping.

"Drink ah!"

She poured most of the remaining magic into Zilinilam. The starlight emerging from the blade became huge, and the entire blade expanded.

"Super Skill! Black Demon Sword Million Shockwave!"

The blade swept horizontally, and the dark explosion wave raged like a gust of wind. The low-level demons are wiped out one after another by the explosion of no-attribute energy.

Although there is no need to call out a move name, the attack is quite effective. however--

"It's still far away!"

Very tired eyes saw-although only a group of low-level demons, but formed a thick wall. So many demons had been blown up just now, but the holes had been repaired.

Can it really break through? Her uneasiness made her irritable, and she used her strength to restore the original size of Ziliniram.

At this moment, Rajus saw the metal glory behind the demons and heard the roar of the man.

"——Six Lights."

The six slashes cast in the exhibition cut off the demons.

"——Six Lights Continuous Cut--Water Acceleration--Humph!"

Seven more demons were cut down as if using a hot knife to cut cream. Seeing the unstoppable sharp edge of the "razor blade", the demons seemed to wince and stopped.

"Poke them!"

In line with Ge Gefu's roar, spears speared out from behind.

That glory of steel was not the wrong thing for La Qiusi. Dozens of guns and spears could be thrust from behind Ge Gefu, penetrating the demons one by one. Appearing there were the knights and soldiers guarding the royal city. The military force of hundreds of people flooded the entire road.

The demons flinched and doubled their strength, lifting the siege.

Everyone cheered, and the soldiers who protected the wounded adventurers began to retreat.

"How could Lord Storonov be here!"

Didn't he stay to protect the royal city and guard the royal family? Probably I heard the question from La Qiusi. Ge Jeff turned his face in one direction.

Lajus turned her head and looked round, her eyes widened. There was an old man who was protected by four priests and four magic chanters. Wearing a crown that only one person in the country allowed to wear. And he was wearing armor.

King Rambus III.

This action is too dangerous.

Although he did wear armor, some of the demon's attacks even penetrated easily with steel. Moreover, even if someone protects, it is difficult to guarantee that the range magic will not break the defense and hurt the king’s precious body. As a king of ordinary people, he will die immediately if he suffers from the magic of the area. Although there is resurrection magic, it is impossible to withstand the loss of vitality during the resurrection with the king's physical fitness.

"Your Majesty said this. Are you protecting a lifeless castle, or me? There is only one answer. My duty is to protect the king! Then here is where we must fight! Charge!"

The soldiers shouted to shake the earth and attacked bravely. ,, ..

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