Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 272: Account plan

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"I'm going to go!"

Yville screamed loudly, activating magic.

Fire month [September] 5th 03:59

"Don't underestimate me!"

Infused with negative energy, the crystal shot hit the maid who had spearheaded-Alpha. In addition to the physical attack that combines the effects of beating and thrusting, there is also negative energy devouring vitality.

-It should have been this way. However, she seemed to continue running without pain.


Evel mourned to fly into the sky. The magic chanter of the magic system is most afraid of being approached by the enemy. There is a better chance of getting away from the battle.

At the moment when she floated up in the air, something broke in front of her. It seems that the "Crystal Shield" that Evelia had launched before rebounded the enemy's attack, and the dust surrounding the body quickly lost its glory.

This should be because the "Crystal Shield" invalidated a fairly powerful attack, but fortunately the "Crystal Shield" can resist the attack. "Crystal Shield" can only resist a certain degree of attack. If it exceeds a certain amount of damage, it will not have any defense effect.

"Are you coming again!"

From now to now, as long as she wants to fly high, she will aim at herself and shoot.


Alpha shouted in full breath and beat him with a fist. Evel wailed loudly.

Beating his opponent with his fists was not a fear for Evel in the past. However, it was only a short time since she started fighting with Alpha. She had realized that because she had only passed her enemies, which made her arrogant. What a terrible opponent. Even if the distance is increased, the opponent will be several times faster and the distance will be shortened, and the barrier of Half Hanger will be smashed by her.

She didn't care. It's like walking a tightrope all the time.

With the sound of "Qiao", the "crystal shield" surrounding it became weaker. Almost wiped out.

She cursed and tried to distance herself from Alfa who had beaten up in front of her eyes. Although Evil lamented as a vampire and possessed physical energy beyond common sense, Alpha's physical strength was stronger than her. Even so, he was still not caught up because of the help of "flying".

If you want to concentrate on using magic, it is always difficult to move while pulling away from the body while fighting. Because it will catch the distance, or it is difficult to concentrate while running. Magic chanters often stop and shoot each other with magic, precisely for this reason. That's why Iverian will take the simple method, which is to concentrate on using "flight" to open the distance, so as to flexibly control the advantages of mobile warfare. She is not alone in doing this, as long as the magic chanters who can use "flying" have done this kind of training. It depends only on my talents. In this sense, regardless of her ability to fly a vampire and the experience of living for two hundred and fifty years, her ability is indeed first-class.

Even as good as she is, you still need to be very careful when fleeing Alpha. She moved around in a large circle in the square by moving horizontally, but there were two enemies.

With a hard "bang", the barriers covering them were completely eliminated.

The "Crystal Shield" was destroyed only after being attacked three times. It seems to be not very cost-effective, but this is a matter of strength and helpless.

""The Realm of Sand·The Whole World"."

The grains of sand spread around, enveloping the alpha. This trick also affects companions, so a wide range of magic that cannot be used when the team is fighting can trap the opponent with sand to hinder the movement. It also has secondary effects such as blindness, silence, and distraction. Not only that, her killer hand also gave sand dust negative energy, and can devour life energy greedily.

This is her unique fifth order magic. It is the strongest card held by Evelia.

However, Alpha's movements didn't slow down at all, and it didn't even seem to suffer any damage.


It seems that she is completely resistant to movement obstruction and negative energy.

"I want to commend you! The resistance is really well prepared, no flaws!"

Alpha didn't thank him, but his figure flickered. Like a short teleport, Alpha suddenly appeared in front of him, kicking Evel's sad face.

With the cracking sound of the sunken mask, Evel's body flew out.

Evel mourned on the ground with a bouncing and bouncing twice, which only offset the force and shook his shaking head to get up. At this time Alpha had reached her eyes.

""Crystal Wall"!"

The crystal wall created in front of him collided with Alpha's fist and made a loud noise. The crystal wall seemed to be hit by a huge iron ball, creating a radial crack.


As the foot slammed down on the ground, the radial crack was struck and sorrowed toward Evel.

"Do you work hard!"

At this time, only a short period of time, Iverian slowly pulled away with "flight" and felt a tremor of the earth. Although she didn't know where the woo came from, she had an intuition that she knew it was the aftermath of the two men's battle.

"Is the battle still going, maybe it's about to reach its climax. Since that's the case...let me get some more time!"

After Yver mourned, he rushed towards the attacked Alpha.

Just one more time, she has to do everything she can to gain time. This realization led to her special attack.

Alpha, who is facing him, turns his hands and adopts a frame style in which each hand draws a circle. Yver mourned that she stood like an unbreakable fortress, but she didn't stop--

Fire month [September] 5th 03:53

Ma Yuan wrestled with Yadababo and rammed into a house.

When he pressed Yadabavo against the door, he broke the door panel, and the wood chips were scattered all over the floor. The dark room without lights is very narrow, and it is not suitable for swordsman Ma Yuan to fight with his sword.

Ma ignored the Yadababo and walked to the house. Then Yadabava followed. Entering another room, there is a small table and two chairs. Mare is also there.

Ma Yuan put away his sword and asked questions to Yadabavo-Dimiugos who had taken off his mask.

"Long time no see, is this room safe?"

"Absolutely safe. No one can eavesdrop on the conversation here."

"Very good. First of all I have to say sorry, I should have accidentally ruined your plan. Just after I communicated with Anz, he said you can tell me the whole plan."

He was worried about whether the plan had gone wrong, or if Dimiuguos had any complaints about himself.

"This series of plans has four advantages."

Ma Yuan nodded, indicating that he was listening carefully. ,, ..

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