Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 273: solution

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"Yes. First, the first point is to attack this warehouse area and transport all the treasures to the underground grave of Nazarek, which will allow us to earn a sum of income. For this, I have let Shatiya launch, portal." Move all the materials in the warehouse back to Pandora, and Yakete will manage it."

"The second point is to disguise the intelligence that we attacked the eight fingers. You have also noticed that if we only attacked the stronghold of the eight fingers, there must be some people who are suspicious. If you fail to do so, you may find Sebastian and yours. Body. So in order to make others think that we have other purposes, we must expand the scope of the victim."

In other words, if you want to hide the branches, it is best to hide in the forest.

"However, will it be so smooth? What to use as bait to make people mistakenly think that we have other purposes?"

"Please see this."

Dimitu Goss called for a secret signal, and Mare, who was on standby, took out his leather bag and opened it.

Inside is a statue of a demon. Each of the six arms held a jewel, emitting a strange glow like a beating heart from the inside.

"The magic given to this gem is "Final Decisive Battle · Evil."

Tenth-rank magic "Final Decisive Battle-Evil" is magic that can summon the Demon Legion. Although a large number of demons can be summoned, each demon is not very strong. And unlike angels, demons will attack everywhere without authorization, so it is a kind of magic that is not easy to use. It is of limited use, and usually uses the fact that the summoned demon is not an ally. It is used as a offering to launch ritual magic or special skills.

Like Shatiya used to kill his family members with a dropper spear, this kind of magic is used for that.

"This is a prop made by Lord Urbert. I think it is time to use it."

Indeed, it is not surprising that the demon of Yadabavo will attack the king for it, considering the level of world-level magic.

"So, this is how it is. Yadababo is going to attack the eight-finger stronghold for this prop, and then occupy the warehouse area of ​​the king capital. It is also part of this plan to **** the various materials in the warehouse. Then, of course, Ur The props made by Lord Bate will be found in a material warehouse in the eight-finger base."

"It turns out that. What about the third advantage?"

"Yes. Most of the humans inside the fire wall I made have been taken to Nazarek. I think these humans can have various uses in Nazarek, and all the bad reviews are by Yadaba. Wodai is committed."

"Is it true to cause bad reviews?"

"Exactly. I plan to put Yadabav in the Devil's seat."

"And the fourth advantage is that it can be used as experimental materials for events caused in the Holy Kingdom."

It turned out that Ma Yuan understood.

"Okay, then things are almost the same?"

"In this case, there are two more things. The first one is Tomare's blessing, which brings great benefits."

Ma Yuan glanced at Ma Lei slightly, and saw that the teenager seemed to be ashamed, and looked timid.

"What is it?"

"I'm currently in training, I don't know if it will go well. So I want to wait to go back to Nasariq to explain. There is one more thing. The brainwashers of Shatiya haven't seen this situation before, they can see the other side Probably the kingdom has nothing to do."

"It turns out that I understand. So is there anything I would like to help?"

"Just beat me."

Ma Yuan nodded. This matter is very simple, except that you have to get some scars on your body before, otherwise it will be too easy to be seen.

Fire Moon [September] 5th 03:57

"Please calm down! Please calm down!"

Clem tried to lower the volume to calm everyone down. However, a large number of people in the warehouse were emotional, and with this volume he could not make everyone quiet.

"my child--"

"Wife was taken away--"

"Mom and Dad--"

The voices of men, women and children are intertwined, like a big wave hitting Clem. The violent ups and downs of the big waves make people do not understand what is being said.

The three hundred people here are the only group of citizens that Clem has searched for in danger. The crowd tucked into this smaller warehouse did not know what was going on outside, so they only worried about their family members who were taken to other places and shouted.

This is a natural sight and attitude, but it is very bad.

Although the three did not encounter demons along the way, it does not mean they are not here. The trio saw hordes of demons several times on the other first place of the road. A group of people in the warehouse shouted so loudly that it might only be a matter of time before the devil heard it.

"We only find everyone--"

"Where is my wife! Will you go to her immediately!"


If Clem roared louder, they should be able to make them quiet. Clem, as a warrior—although there are people on him—has a strength that the guards are nowhere near. Such a man's roar can easily grasp the fear of ordinary people. But the premise is that he can do it.

Clem, as the princess's messenger, came from carrying the reputation of Lana. Acts that scare or offend civilians will not guarantee that Lana's reputation will be affected, making him afraid to show a tough attitude.

"You made it clear--"

"The child is still young--"

"Daddy--! Mom?--"

"--shut up!"

The momentum is so strong that the warehouse seems to be shaking with a roar blowing everything. Brian could not bear the roar-the anger of the super first-class fighters, swallowed the soul of the weak in an instant.

"If I don't speak, you will have an end. Let me tell you first, this is the enemy's sphere of influence, you are not already rescued. Everyone must act quietly, otherwise the demons will come over and kill you. Find out this, Just close your mouth first."

After looking around the silent warehouse, Bryan stared straight at Clem. The spitfire-like glare forced the citizens who asked Clem away.

"Coming again... Clem, you should make it clear."

Clem probably guessed what Brian was referring to. But he was not confident that this was correct.

"It's hard to talk, right. Let me help you. First of all, there is only one thing you have to remember. Then when I hear what I say, who dare to shout, I will immediately cut him without hesitation. Because No one can guarantee you are human."

Brian pulled out his knife, and the blade reflected the little light they brought, with a strange light.

"You may not understand what I am talking about, and I want you to look at the side quietly. Are everyone here human?"

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