Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 279: parting

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The demon appearing in front of the warehouse is not comparable in strength to others. Even the powerful demon that the martial arts superb Brian Angelus could hardly deal with has already suffered many injuries. If it appeared in front of the three people unscathed, the three must have been defeated. Later, he heard La Qiusi mention how strong the demon was, and he was lucky that he and the two had good luck in order to win.

Doomed to survive the crisis between life and death on the front line, but got anger. He was used to being alone, but it was another kind of pain.

However, their words of hatred for Clem were okay. Although Clem is a soldier directly under the princess, he is also rejected by others. Even if he is scolded, others will acquiesce. But if they were allowed to see Lana, it would be difficult to ensure that they would not cause problems. If their hatred turned to the princess, or even insulted, Clem had to pull the sword.

"So, Clem. Next I'm going to talk about a sad thing. Please listen carefully." Lana closed her eyes silently and opened it only a few seconds later. "Clem and Mr. Sebasi worked together to rescue the people who were kept in the prostitute...and were killed."

Clem didn't understand what she was saying for a moment, and then asked in a hoarse voice:

"How could this happen..."

He heard before that it was clear that those people would be temporarily placed in the duty station, and then find another opportunity to send them to Lana’s territory.

"It's my fault. I wanted to ask the adventurers to protect them, but because of the unrest in Wangdu, they could not hire adventurers, so I had to hire mercenaries to **** them..."

All died. Lana shook her head.

"No, it's not like that, don't say that. This is definitely not the fault of Lord Lana! The fault is the guys who attacked them!"

"No! It would be nice if I could act more cautiously... If I didn't think the situation in Wangdu was chaotic, the guards would become weak, and it would be dangerous and eager to let them go, things wouldn't be like this! If I let Clem you **** them, maybe the situation will be different. I really don’t know how to apologize to the adventurer who introduced mercenaries to me..."

Tears oozed from the corner of Lana's eyes.

Clem's chest tightened and his heart hurt. Maybe Lana did make a mistake. But in that situation, that should be the best way. In this case, who can blame her?

"This is not Lord Lana's fault!"

Clem asserted firmly that Lana was moved to stand up and hugged him.

He wanted to reach out and hug his petite back snuggled in his arms-but he didn't do it. He can't do this.

"But where did those people get their information..."

"There is no clue. Wang is in the midst of the turmoil. For a while, Wangcheng's security has been relaxed. Maybe the information was leaked at that time? I think I have sent them away as soon as possible..."

However, there is still no guarantee that the information will not leak. It should be said that as long as Clem has protected them, they will continue to track, and eventually the duty station will be found.

"Where was the body found?"

"In Wangdu. It seems that it was found in a slum. I don't know the details."

"What about corpses?"

"Buried. Why do you ask?"

"As long as the wound is examined, some clues may be grasped."

"...Clem, don't do it anymore. Stop insulting them. At least let them get peace after they die."


Lana's tenderness shook Clem's heart. What Lana said made sense. Clem felt so embarrassed that he was not thoughtful enough. It seems that he is too obsessed with the pursuit of truth.

"Don't worry about it. This is by no means Clem's... It's the opposite of the position just now."

Lana smiled. Although the eyes are red, the tears have drained.


Clem no longer looked expressionless and laughed.

"I'm sorry, I left you for so long. Then, Clem also has to work hard."

The warmth that faded away deeply regretted Clem, but he still cut off his desire.

Fire month [September] 10th 09:08

That day was like wishing them a journey. The clear blue sky is vast and endless.

Standing behind the man in silver armor, Evil mourned and asked him:

"Are you going back?"

It's a bit weird to say it back, but it's this feeling in Evel's state of mind. The same is true for Cang Qianwei. Adventurers are often regarded as rootless duckweed, but some people will regard a certain city as their stronghold. For Ma Yuan, Ye Lantier is his stronghold.

"I really want to go with you."

Evel couldn't believe he made such a helpless voice. She feels that she has become a girl who keeps her lover away, and her inner deer is bumped by the word lover.

"...Don't care."

He only replied.

What a cold person.

Evil thought secretly.

She could not think of what to say, and the wind blew between them.

A man waited for this blank time to speak.

Evel can't help but feel that men and women are parting ways, which is really not understandable, but there are not only two of them here. Behind Ma Yuan, there are Andre and Ankar, and behind Evel, there are members of Cang Rose.

"This time I'm really under your care."

Thanks to Lei Wenhou, Ma Yuan simply nodded.

"Your Majesty also seems to want to express gratitude to you..."

In this turmoil of the kings, one-on-one with the enemy leader Yadabavo, a super-level demon, and the name of the warrior who repulsed it spread among adventurers, civilians and nobles. It is of course the king would want to see him in person. Depending on the situation, the title may be awarded. However, Ma Yuan refused, and did not even intend to meet the king.

This attitude seems to have an adverse effect.

In the eyes of the nobles who value their face, a man of unknown origin is so arrogant to show such an attitude to the king who is above their status.

Some people said it was an insult to the king.

I also heard that some adventurers dare to be so rude.

Some nobles believed that it was his fault that Ma hadn't removed Yadabavo. Some even said that he didn't kill Yadabavo because the two were in the same group. Regarding this opinion, Lei Wenhou couldn't sit back and watch, and used his power to make those people shut up. He even threatened and said, "I was commissioned by someone. If you say so, I will be regarded as a provocation to me." ,, ..

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