Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 280: The meaning of dagger

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The condemnation of the nobles also stated in Ma Yuan, "I am just accepting the commission as an adventurer and completing the mission. How dare I accept the king’s comfort in such trivial matters, if the king respects this, I hope that all adventurers participating in this battle will be treated equally. "After that, it gradually subsided.

But this does not mean that the smoldering flames are extinguished. They just realized that if they continue to scold Ma Yuan, they will be scorned by themselves.

Evel remembered the explanation given to Rajus, a nobleman.

Without the presence of the strong man Ma Yuan, no one could solve the turmoil that invaded the Wangdu. It is not difficult to imagine that it will cause more disasters. When such a hero returns to the base, only the members of Cang Qiangwei and Lei Wenhou come to see off, because his position is complicated.

The people whose reputation increased in this incident included the adventurer King, the second prince, and Lei Wenhou, and the nobles declined in reputation.

Of course, the nobles also refuted. Kings are all kings’ territories. For nobles whose territories are located elsewhere, they can use their militia from their own territory to help defend the king, but they do not have this obligation. Thinking that demons might attack their residences, of course, they should focus on protecting themselves.

After this incident, the aristocracy began to show a tough attitude, shouting that people who could not even protect their territory were not worthy of the king. The Wangyong faction strongly advocated that the king did not hide in a safe place, but stood up and fought. In this way, the power struggle between the two parties is intensifying.

The Wangdu people, who have nothing to do with the struggle for power, have another kind of dissatisfaction: why do the nobles who usually do great things and blessings only protect their own homes instead of protecting us?

Because of this, those who fight hard are praised even more. As a result, the nobles who had lost their reputation were even more annoyed. The situation formed a vicious circle, and the nobles finally pointed their dissatisfaction at the adventurers.

But it's just using money to do things, so it will fight desperately.

In this incident, among the stainless steel adventurers, Ma Yuan who won the first name of the kingdom is the standard bearer. No one can see you off. Some nobles with a more friendly attitude were also unable to move easily because of the intensification of the power struggle.

Lei Wenhou can come because his position is like a worm.

"The king, the second prince, and the third princess jointly sent a certificate of appreciation to His Majesty Ma Yuan. There is also a proof board that exempts all tolls in the king's territory. In addition, there is a short sword given by the king."

Evil sighed admiringly when he heard Lajus as a noble.

The king gave the dagger, which has the meaning of awarding medals to the nobles or knights who have won the battle. In the current situation where the power struggle is intensifying, if the nobles are given the idea of ​​giving the daggers, it will surely cause a storm. Even so, the king still decided to reward Ma Yuan's merits, and his determination can only be admired.

I originally thought that the man would only create a confrontation. There is nothing extraordinary about it.

"No, the nobles may also feel that this is enough as a reward, no more to say."

Evel murmured to himself.

For nobles, there must be a lot of unpleasantness in making a person with both prestige and strength as a noble. And it would be a big trouble to let the warriors who surpassed Ge Gefu join the Wangwang faction. Therefore, if the king intends to grant the title of Ma Yuan, the opposition will be quite large. At that time, they can move out the dagger as a basis, claiming that the king has already given the dagger, and any more praise will be overdone.

The nobles should acquiesce easily.

Evel's thoughts were immediately rejected by those around him.

"...It's naive to think this way, Evel mourns."

"It's too tender. The king thought more."


"...That short sword was given to a knight or noble."

"So if there is any situation in the future, when Mr. Ma Yuan needs to be removed, if the nobles protest, he can move out the dagger and say, "That dagger cannot be given to civilians, right? You know it too?" In fact, it was even rewarded with the title of the title at the time.” Although it is a strong word, it is very effective.

"It turns out that... really, you can think so far."

"Humph. Proud."

"Don't underestimate the assassination... Ninja."

"Then I am almost gone. Lei Wenhou, thank you for your troubles."

"No, I hope you and I can maintain a good relationship in the future."

"I just want to ask you to take care of me. There are also Cang Qianwei, who are also stainless steel adventurers. I hope the two parties can keep in touch. If there is any situation, I will trouble you again."

"This is what we are going to say, Mr. Ma Yuan. Now that we know the strength of Mr. Ma Yuan, saying that we are adventurers of the same status as Mr. Ma Yuan, we really have no place for ourselves, but we will work hard to achieve a little bit Mr. Ma Yuan’s level. Please take care of me in the future."

La Qiusi and Ma Yuan nodded to each other.

Then Evel felt that Ma Yuan's eyes moved towards him. That was by no means her ambition. Ma Yuan seemed to stop talking, which is the best evidence.

Evel's heart that didn't feel moving jumped again.

If Ma Yuan asked Evelia to become her companion, she must be unable to refuse. Although this is tantamount to betraying her companion who has always been suffering, but she can't deceive her heart.

Ma Yuan hesitated for a while and exhaled, then turned around.

The figure gradually walked away, Ge Gelan said sarcastically:

"Being dumped."

"No. He is that kind of person."

Yver mournfully stared at Ma Yuan from beginning to end, but the magic chanter under Lei Wenhou launched the "floating board", carrying Ma Yuan and they slowly floated up into the sky.

"There must be a meeting somewhere."

"I hope it will not be such a major event, and it will be easier to do it."

"It's hard."


Cang Qiangwei member, you said me one sentence.

Steel-level adventurers can only meet at work when major events occur.

"Then you just run to see him yourself. Ivelai will use teleport. It's not bad to be a teleporter in Ye Lantier. Is it that you go with him and kill two birds with one stone? Let Ma Yuan protect him It’s safer to move."

Evel stared at Gegrain in amazement. Of course she was wearing a mask, but her sullen expression completely appeared in her attitude. ,, ..

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