Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 281: Confrontation with woman

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"Hey, didn't you notice it at all? Long-distance love hasn't lasted long...Ah, but you haven't started dating yet."

Gagelan looked up at the sky, and Evela also looked up to the sky. Ma Yuan's back is getting smaller and smaller.

"Wow wow ah ah ah ah ah!"

Evel screamed with near roar, and all the members of Cang Rose laughed.

Fire month [September] 10th 18:45

"Ma Yuan ——!" Xia Tiya's cry can be heard from a kilometer away.

The three Andrea frowned at the same time.

Ma Yuan is distressed, Andre and Ankar are helping Lilith to watch people, God knows when she knows what Shatiya came out to see Ma Yuan's rage, but fortunately they are not at this time.

He hadn't had time to figure out a countermeasure yet. A smaller figure threw himself up straight, and Ma Yuan slapped her to catch her.

Lilith would never do such a bold move, and as a long-standing vampire, Xia Tiya had no such thing as a face, which Ivell couldn't compare.

Before Shatiah made a questioning voice, all three quickly put on a smiling mask and made a friendly inquiry.

"Master Shatiyah, your task must have been completed well." Andrea complimented a few words in due course.

Satya's face was satisfied: "That is of course, this time Lord Anz will definitely praise me." So she dared to come here so quickly, Anz said that there was a period of free time after completing the task. .

If Lord Anz must give her a reward... Would she be equated to Ma Yuanxu? Shatia was caught in a fantasy, and the whole person was strangely excited, letting the three people next to her Goose bumps were aroused.

Andre and Ankar confirmed once again that Shatiya and Ma Yuan must not be allowed together. This is not from the perspective of Lilith, but simply from the perspective of the two of them, always facing this monster. Judging from this, it's more important to be a little life.

"Do you have any plans next?" Ma Yuan followed the topic, but he didn't want to let Shatia have any room for freedom. He was good at dealing with enemies and he had no way to deal with women.

"Not for now, return to Nasariq tomorrow. They have just confirmed with Dimiuguos, this time the plan is very successful."

"Really..." I thought they would have any opinions. After all, Dimiuguos still wanted Anz to defeat him personally.

"Well, it's not far from the days when Lord Anz dominates the entire kingdom. There are so many materials in that woman's mansion." Of course, the food is also very understandable. Xia Tiya recalled it, sticking her tongue out excitedly, "I have all transported the wheat."

Ma Yuan forced himself to ignore the past and continued to ask: "Can't I return to Nazarek now? What happened?"

Shatia's face was stagnant, but she still said, "Well... it takes a little time to prepare..."

Upon seeing this expression, the three of them immediately understood that it was clear that they wanted to create a little time alone with Ma Yuan. Once they returned to Nazarek, Lilith would not let Shatia easily.

Ma Yuan immediately answered: "Then let's hurry and prepare, Andre is anxious to see Winika."

He confirmed this with Anz yesterday and everything is correct. Thinking of the layer of magic he attached to Winika, Ma Yuan's mouth showed a slight, undetectable smile.

"Well..." Xia Tiya jumped off him a little sullenly, not forgetting to wipe a handful of oil, white jade green onion fingers crossed Ma Yuan's chest and pointed into it, And he took a lick, and Andre and Ankar looked stunned.

Ma Yuan stayed there directly. The first reaction was actually, instead of Anz here, Shatia was absolutely afraid to do such an act? Sure enough, he does not look as dignified as Anz? But it's not true that Anz's majesty is pretended.

"Brother, come back!" Andrei poked Ma Yuan's waist.

As soon as Ma Yuan looked up, he saw Xia Tiya looking at him with a smile on his face.

"What just happened?" Ma Yuan whispered for help.

"People ask if you can help her do the finishing work together, just the two of you. Hey, this is going to throw us away."

Ma Yuan shook his head reflectively, and Xia Tiya's face changed suddenly, completely white.

Ma Yuan felt his head hurt.

He decided to go out and make it clear once: "Shatia."

"I'm here." Shatiya smiled charmingly, matching her loli's face, which was also a special style.


"Huh?" Shatia looked at him expectantly.

However, Ma Yuan got stuck. He originally wanted to say that we were not suitable. Although the excuse was very popular, but the victory was easy to use, he suddenly couldn't think of any place where it was not suitable, and the race was not suitable?

What's the matter with Sebastian and Qi Yalei's present love?

Ma Yuan suddenly flashed, thinking of the excuse he had found with Anz, and quickly entered the play.

"Do you know... what happened to me in the past?" The expression of sorrow and the tone of sorrow made the three of the people present were shocked.

"What... what?" Shatia asked cautiously.

"My fiancee...she..." Ma Yuanban lowered his head and gently twitched the corners of his mouth, which seemed heart-wrenching to Xia Tiya's perspective.

But she pays more attention to another place: "Do you have a fiancee?! Who is it?!"

"..." Ma Yuan's mouth twitched, "She has passed away."

Ma Yuan repeated the version of Anz for a version of this world, which was more sad and sad than the version that was given to Anz.

In order to save his life, his fiancee would rather die. What is terminally ill. What a martyr in the sea. What a surprise. What swears that this life loves her alone.

This kind of nonsense Ma Yuan just opened his mouth. The straight-talking Ankar looked at him with sympathy. When he talked about the redness of his excited eyes, he patted his shoulder comfortably.

Andre exaggerated and gave him a hug: "Brother I'm wrong. How can I match you up with Lilith?"

Shatia seemed to hear this kind of story for the first time, and she could see the tears shining in her eyes.

Just when Ma Yuan thought he wanted to succeed, he shouted out: "What are you afraid of dying? I'll help you resurrect! Oh, it doesn't matter, as long as I can be with you, I will be satisfied."

"..." He almost forgot that Shatia was only a vampire. ,, ..

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