Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 283: conquer the world? !

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"No, adults don't need to be so troublesome. Qi Yalei has already suffered enough from Endz, and he can't afford any more."

"So... that's okay. But the clothes..."

This is really too difficult for Anz who has never bought women's clothing. What if someone thinks that Anz is not tasteful? Failure to do so will reduce the evaluation of Anz by the Nazarek female ethnic group.

"Can I ask Naberal to do it for you? You can't trouble Lord Nazarik's ruler Anz for this little thing."

Sebastian should not have seen through Anz's uneasiness, but his proposal helped Anz a lot.

"...Nabelal, are you okay?"

Hearing the voice of Anz, one of the NPCs who remained immobile under the line of sight looked down deeply.

"Okay, Sebastian. This matter will be handled by Naberal. Or..." Anz grinned. Of course his face didn't move, it just meant that. "You can also buy Qi Yalei as a date."

Anz has heard from the maidservant about Sebastian and Qi Yalei. Although it doesn't seem to have happened yet, Ma Yuan also said it was only a matter of time.

"But... is it okay? So, I want to go with Qi Yalei."

——I will not bully sweet couples because I am a single king.

If the two of them were dating Ye Lantier, they would wear that jealous mask to follow them. Anz thought about these meaningless things.

"I'm going to decide on Nasalik's future policy. Dimiuguos, come to me."

Nazarek's top wise men climbed the steps and stood opposite Yalebed to stand by.

"The two of you made it clear to everyone. The presence was all the elite selected by the guardians. Let these people listen to the future guidelines without any omission."

That's right, this is Anz's last resort. He expanded the scale of the "Explanation to All Guardians" that he used several times. It is such a battle plan that someone does not know it, or let everyone understand it as an excuse, and listen to the content while pretending to understand.

"Then Dimiogos. For those of you who don't know the details, you should briefly explain the current information. In short, let's talk about the actions taken by Nasariq against the kingdom."


Dimitugos began to explain to the NPCs under the steps,

Anz wanted to hear this. Antz did agree at the time and believed that the actions of the wise Dimitugos could not be wrong. But when he thinks about it in the future, he always feels that Dimiuguos seems to have done something extra.

"First of all, in the Kingdom, with the efforts of Mare, Niroste and the Duke of Terror, we have successfully suppressed the high-ranking members of the underworld. As long as we slowly infiltrate in the future, we will one day be able to dominate the underworld."


Anz murmured a question. Why do you want to control the underworld of the kingdom? It seemed a little different from the simple instructions I heard at that time. It is reasonable to speculate that it should be to obtain long-term financial resources, or to easily obtain information.

While Anz was thinking, Dimiuguos closed his mouth and turned his head, staring straight at him. While thanking this body for not sweating, Anz asked:

"What's wrong, Demi Ugos, is there any problem?"

"No, it just seems to hear what Master Anz said."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just spoke out in agreement, it seems to have misunderstood you. Well, go ahead and tell everyone what it means to dominate the underworld."

"Yes. Then, you, by ruling the underworld of the kingdom, can lay the foundation for Lord Anz's main purpose, which is to conquer the world. No one should be stupid enough to understand this."

Everyone on the face of Anz looked down with understanding. It seems that no one does not understand.

Only Anz failed to keep up.

"......conquer the world?"

Anz turned his head slightly and asked Ma Yuan, what is that? When did it become like this?

Ma Yuan was stunned, and then suddenly reacted, just want to laugh at his past!

It's been too long, he doesn't even remember when Anz had the desire to conquer the world. Wasn't it originally mentioned by him?

It's a bit weird... Ma Yuan smiled secretly, biting him secretly with a magic whisper. Don't ask, just continue listening.

In fact, this is also very conducive to his original plan. If Anz’s wish is not to conquer the world, then he will not have to deal with many things.

This is the one time that Anz tried his best to use his brain in his life. How could it be like this! He originally wanted to act low-key, avoid making enemies, improve his reputation, and get in touch with his former companions who might have stayed in this world. It was just this cute little wishful thinking.

However, now--

conquer the world? When did it become like this!

Anz wanted to deny it, but he didn't have the courage to reject what his men said.

Not just NPCs, but even every servant, who has an expression of understanding of the known facts, that is, he said, "Of course." It can be seen at a glance that this matter is already a common knowledge of all people, and it naturally comes into mind. Anz thought it seemed to be only near the throne, blowing a dry wind.

Hearing Ma Yuan's comfort, he barely suppressed the restless mood.

Anz Oul Kung is the supreme master of Nasarik, and is a supreme being. He has now become such an object of worship. If he destroys this image himself now, he does not know what will happen.

It would be like the idol being photographed by the paparazzi. The idols with fewer admirers and declining sales are certainly sad, but Anz has a hunch that he feels that even a more tragic fate is waiting for himself.

It seems that too much money has been invested and the plan cannot be stopped...

But thinking about it calmly, it seems pretty good to conquer the world.

Of course, this is not as simple as playing games. For Anz, who is a mortal, the overall plan is too vague to understand. But he can understand that this is a perfect method for the purpose of gaining fame, although it may be notorious.

The problem is that the companion knows how it will feel. At that time, I can only apologize for my failure to properly manage Nasalik.

Besides, there are unknown enemies who can brainwash Shatia. It should be an excuse... they should forgive me... right?

Anz, who is well aware, nodded generously at Dimitugos who seemed to be waiting for praise. ,, ..

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