Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 284: Brother and sister reunion

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Ma Yuan didn’t listen carefully, and Di Miguos, as he remembered, proposed the establishment of a country called Nasariq, rather than being attached to any country.

And Anz also got into a tangle as expected. This proposal was not immediately rejected, but the inconceivable clearness could still be distinguished from the eyes. Ma Yuan lowered his eyes, thinking about how to proceed next.

After the meeting, Anz wanted to discuss this issue with Ma Yuan immediately. Ma Yuan stopped him one step at a time.

"How is Winika?" Ma Yuan felt that if he could not solve the matter, Andrea's anxious mood was about to burn him.

"Ah!" Anz slapped his head. "I'll take you there. Jared puts her in a bedroom."

Ma Yuan nodded and shouted Andrea, Ankar, and of course Lilith.

Since Anz held the meeting almost as soon as he came back, Lilith didn't see Ma Yuan even though he knew that Ma Yuan was back, but only spoke to Andrey and they were in the room. Hearing Ma Yuan's communication at this moment, Lilith wished to fly past.

Andre is almost in the same mood as her.

"Mayuan, you are back." Lilith's entire eyes were glowing when she looked at Mayuan, but she still kept her proper restraint, pursing her lips and smiling. It didn't rush past like Shatia.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." Ma Yuan also smiled. Although he couldn't accept Lilith's feelings, he still missed this little girl who hadn't seen for a long time. He thought, if he can guarantee to stay in this world forever, or leave with Lilith, is it also a good choice to be with her?

In all fairness, Lilith is really a very good girl. The kitchen under the hall is at the top of human level in strength. Even vampires such as Iverian may not easily win her, Ma Yuan feels that It's not good enough.

Thinking of this, Ma Yuan's tone was softer again: "Is it good to have been in Nasari recently?"

"Well, everyone is very friendly." Lilith hesitated and said, tentatively holding Ma Yuan's arm.

Ma Yuan did not refuse.

A number of single dogs were watching the scene.

Anz cast an inexplicable look at Ma Yuan. Ma principle is to look back firmly and express his thoughts. He and Lilith will not choose Shatiya together.

Andz silently waxed Shatia, which is a sad story.

"Don't show off, let's go..." Andrei turned his head straight.

Ma Yuan laughed: "Got it, don't delay you in finding your sister."

A long-haired maid carrying a glazed lamp led the way ahead. Several people passed through the splendid corridor decorated with portraits of demons. On the way, they also met Sebastian who was talking to Qi Yalei. After greeting each other, they were finally in a certain one. The room stopped.

Anz did not move, but raised his hand to signal Andrei to go forward.

Andrea was taken aback, then took a deep breath, and everyone could notice that he was shaking. I saw that he put his hand gently on the door frame, paused, and changed to knocking on the door, banging, banging, and tapping a few times.

The door was opened almost immediately from the inside, revealing a cheek of a lively girl.

At that moment several people held their breath at the same time. The girl's linen hair was tied into two strands scattered on her shoulders, and the color of her eyes was like a blue sea. The small cherry red lips opened gently. After a little stagnation, they called out the two The word: "Brother?"

"Vinika!" Andrei suddenly reddened his eyes and hugged the girl into her arms like a dream, touching her hair for a while and touching her nose for a while, for fear of this next second The fresh body disappeared before his eyes.

They haven’t seen them for too long, too long. Although it seemed to Winika that seeing her brother was just yesterday’s thing, she didn’t quite understand why she hadn’t seen her overnight, and her brother became such a young boy. Mature man.

Despite the great changes in appearance, Winika is sure, this is her brother.

No one interrupted the reunion of Andre’s brothers and sisters, and there was no expression on Anz’s face. Ma Yuan and Lilith were a little relieved. The reunion of loved ones was always exciting, especially after life and death.

Lilith seemed to be sentimental, and suddenly leaned to Ma Yuan's ear and asked quietly, "If one day I die... you will..."

Ma Yuan interrupted her directly with a voice: "With me, you won't be in trouble."

This sentence immediately made Lilith blush. Although she wasn’t sure if Ma Yuan meant what she meant, she felt inexplicably reassured from Ma Yuan’s decisive words that she seemed to stand behind this man. But I am worry-free.

In the end they quietly left the room and left the room to Andrea.

After seeing his sister anyway, Andre didn't even remember the presence of others, and his only sister was in his eyes.

"Should we leave when we should be on the agenda." Ankar asked, they all remembered that Anz said that after Andre's sister resolved this matter, they would wash away their memories and send them away.

Anz pondered for a moment and asked, "Are you really not going to stay with Ma Yuan?"

Ankar shook his head: "My decision has not changed, and Andrea has not."

"I know." Anz nodded blankly, and couldn't see any thoughts.

Located in the western capital of the Bahas Empire, Owental, the center is located in the center of the emperor, known as the blood emperor-Giknif Ren Falod Al Nix, where the outer periphery Radiantly lined with important facilities such as research institutes, the Imperial Academy of Magic and various administrative agencies, it can be described as the heart of the empire.

Although the population is not as great as the king capital of the Kingdom of Jesty, the size of the city should be above the king capital. In addition, after years of major reforms here, it is at the most prosperous scene in the history of the empire, constantly introducing new things, and the influx of many materials and talents. The old and obsolete things are gradually destroyed, and the face of the hopeful future vision makes the people living here have a glorious face.

Anz and Ma Yuan walked in the hustle and bustle of the city.

If it is normal, Anz will walk like a bun from the countryside while looking around. At the same time, many differences between this place and the kingdom are deeply moved. ,, ..

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