Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 288: North Market

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Almost all the shops selling stalls in this market sell some broken copper.

Mostly, a prop is placed on the display stand with only one thin plate. And it is rarely a new product, each looks old, or it is a used second-hand goods.

The merchants of this kind of shop have a little fighting strength and strong arms, otherwise they are dressed like magic chanters and seem to be better at fighting than bargaining or pricing.

At first glance, you might think that the bodyguards are looking at the shop. In fact, they are the owners of the vendors. It's just that they are the store owner only one day today. They usually work as adventurers or workers to make ends meet. In other words, it was Hekron and Robert Dike's counterpart.

They came here to sell the props they used before, or found them on the adventure, but no one in the squad could use the props that were not used. Rather than selling to magic props specialists or magician unions, it is better to find a buyer to talk about the debt, and you can also save agency fees and other commissions, which is of great benefit to both buyers and sellers. Even considering the payment of a small amount of amortization fees to the industrial and commercial unions, they still make a profit.

For these reasons, many adventurers or workers will come here to dig for treasure like Hekron. Some people even report daily during their stay in the imperial capital and want to find something good.

This is also the reason why there are fewer offenders in the North Market. Who knows that it is not easy to cause trouble, but dare to deliberately find a combat expert to start it?

The two visited the street vendor for a while. Although their faces were not gloomy, they were not very cheerful.

"It's a shame, maybe it's faster to go to a general store."

"Anyway, I just want to get cheap, and I can't find it. Hey, this humble money-saving method is the first step in saving."

"Then do you know what I want to say?"

"...You probably want to say that this may be the last adventure, right?"

"Please don't speak so unlucky." Robert Dyke smiled bitterly. "However, it is not too far away. Ms. Ai Xue said she would take her sister away and raise it by herself. If so, it would not be easy to venture out again."

"Yeah. She should use her skills, or should she find a job that can make money without taking risks."

"It shouldn't be difficult to find a job. She is the third-order magic chanter. Although she doesn't know her family-she has a few sisters, but three or four people should be able to afford it."

"Well, I think so, so she dare to say that she needs to support herself."

"As a result, it is us who has the problem. Once the magician Miss Ai Xue quits the squad, who should I contact to fill the vacancy?"

"Will there be a third-order magic chanter on the roadside?"

"Please go to bed to have a dream... If we are adventurers, we can ask the union to ask us... If you want to find it yourself, it depends on luck."

The two looked at each other and sighed in unison.

Lost a companion, the companion could not keep up with the team, or only his own strength exceeded the other team members. In this situation, adventurers or workers will withdraw from the squad, which is nothing strange. It is quite rare to belong to the same team from beginning to end, and most of them will change to two or three teams.

However, that being said, it does not mean that it is easy to find a mana magical chanter-and can still use the third rank, but there is no companion worker.

"Or let the second-level magic chant join and join him again?"

"That should be the last resort, it is better not to do it."

"It's difficult to dig corners. Because people who become workers are often people with flawed personality, it's not good to just find someone to join if it causes problems. For example, fighting crazy or something."

"...In this sense, we can say that it is a miracle."

"...If you can't get a member, you can only disband it. The risk of three people is too dangerous... or should I go back and be an adventurer?"

"I don't want to be the poor worm who has to listen to the Temple's will when I save it again. If I want that, I'd rather retire."

"Retire...maybe good too."

"I have saved a lot of money, hoping to be able to work as a force to help others and help the weak. It is also good to work in the pioneer village as an amateur clergyman. What about you, Hekron?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet."

Robert Dyke raised his mouth.

"...A person decides not very well."

Hekron couldn't understand the meaning of Robert Dyke for a moment. Finally, he finally understood what he wanted to say, and Hekron's face twitched.

"--I said you!"

"Hehe..." That smile was really evil. "Do you think I haven't found it?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! No, I didn't mean to hide everyone. You think, you just can't find a chance, right? It turns out to mean that, give gifts."

"Who confessed first?"

"Hello, Rob! Look over there."

Hekron pointed his finger at a duo looking at the goods in the luxury tent.

One is a warrior wearing dark armor. Crimson cloak hung from behind, carrying a huge sword. The other is the silver-white chain mail. There is no extra decoration. If there is anything to be noticed, it is probably his black hair and handsome appearance.

"It's really hard to change the subject...Okay, okay. I'll ask you later. Hmm~ The equipment is very high-grade. If you don't lose to the equipment, you should be a strong soldier. . Are the people you have seen equipped with new weapons or armor?"

"It's not clear, but I think those two people should never have appeared in the emperor before."

"Both are travellers, or adventurers from other places. It might be a new team that moved their base to the Imperial Capital again."

"But they are buying magic props for life, isn't that strange?"

All sorts of magic props were put in that luxury tent. However, those are not magic props used by adventurers or workers, but daily necessities. For example, a refrigerator that produces cold in the box and keeps the food in the box fresh. Or a fan that makes the hair cool.

Many of these props were created by the tauren who was called "the sage who can't speak" two hundred years ago.

Although the soldier proposed various ideas for props, he was neither able to make them, nor was he able to explain why the props had such a shape and what kind of principle they had, so they would get this alias. ,, ..

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