Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 289: Participate in the exploration of the ruins

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However, the man seemed to be a super-class warrior, leaving many unbelievable legends, such as a tornado that can set off a tornado, and inserting into the earth can cause a fissure and so on. In addition, he was famous for persuading the Tauren Power, which only regards the human race as food, to promote the status of the human race to the working slave class.

It’s strange that such sub-human designs are magic items that are difficult to take for adventure. They are usually propped up by an adventurer who uses a hotel as his home.

"It's not that strange. The magic technology of the empire is very advanced. The price of this kind of prop is cheaper than other countries. They probably think that even if it takes a little time to bring it back, it will still be a bargain."

"Ah, that's what it is. Right, it is possible."

"It's strange to think about us as a standard, but from the perspective of a traveler, I don't think there is anything strange."

"Well, indeed. Thinking from this angle, you can understand why that person took it so seriously."

The warrior in armor fiddled with the magic props very carefully. He opened and closed the door, picked it up and turned it over. It seemed as if I could see the merchant's forehead sweating on the forehead.

"Let's buy items as seriously as he does."


Anz and Ma Yuan over there sensed the gaze of the two, and did not feel any malice, so they did not pay much attention.

"Have you received any information?" Ma Yuan used magic communication to communicate with Anz while looking at the fan in the shop.

"Well, tomorrow morning we will join their relic exploration team in the name of the two steel-level teams."

Ma Yuanwen nodded as he expected.

The sun had not yet risen, and several workers had gathered in the Earl's yard. Including the Hekron who finally arrived here, their "four strategists", there are a total of 18 people. These powerful workers in the imperial capital are gathered here for this work.

Each team keeps a certain distance apart, and also observes each other how much the other teams are able to bear. Everyone's eyes are concentrated on the four members of the "Si Si" who arrived last. The scene is quite spectacular in a certain sense.

The Earl's housekeeper walked in the dimly lit courtyard, walking and raising his chest, quite in line with the posture that the servant serving the Earl should have.

The housekeeper came to the workers and performed a salute. No one responded, but he didn’t mind and said:

"Time is up, thank you all for accepting the commission from our Earl's house. Our family will send two coachmen to take care of the six adventurers responsible for the carriage and other work. The destination is the unexplored ruins in the kingdom-the shape seems It may be a grave. The duration of the investigation is three days, and the additional bonus will depend on what my host gets from the intelligence, so it will be arranged in the future. Are there any questions?"

What the steward said is not different from the content of the commission, the new information is probably that there are adventurers accompanying the guard.

The place where the steward took them to prepare two large covered wagons scheduled to drive to the ruins. A group of people are loading luggage into the carriage. They should be the adventurers mentioned by the housekeeper, and the sign hung around his neck glowed with gold.

But what surprised them was not these adventurers, but the horses pulling the cart.

"--Eight-legged horse."

Someone made a startled sound.

The eight-legged Warcraft eight-legged horse has a larger body than ordinary horses, and has excellent muscle strength, endurance and mobility. Some people think that it is the best land animal.

Of course, the price is also scary. This kind of horse, which is more expensive than the five horses, is not easily owned by ordinary nobles.

But there were two carriages with two horses in front of them, for a total of four eight-foot horses. The client should take into account the danger of losing the horse in the adventure, so that people have to admire his determination. Or did he think that the gold and silver treasures buried in the ruins were too much to be pulled by an eight-legged horse?

Maybe someone has the same idea. A grunt swallowed from somewhere.

"Please use these carriages. The food and other materials are packed in the carriages. In addition, in order to protect these carriages and your camps, we hired adventurers. According to the contract, they will not enter the ruins in principle. remember."

Hekron judged that this must be discussed as soon as possible, so he left his companion and ran to Greenham.

"Sorry, Greenham. I have something to discuss with you."

"What's wrong, why discuss?"

"Can you separate us from "Tianwu" with regard to the grouping of carriages?"

"Huh? That's the case. Ru's worries. I understand. Ru is worried about the lady. Since that's the case, let me wait with "Tianwu"."

"Sorry, it helped me a lot."

"No need to mind, I will wait for the same job in this job. It would be very troublesome to cause some disputes before investigating the remains, and I am unwilling to..."

"--Is there any problem with the gold adventurers? I don't want to find out that the stronghold was destroyed when I came back, or there was a monster passing by when camping!"

Suddenly, there was a big voice like a fireball thrown, and the two looked at each other, their expressions twitching.

Alya is challenging the housekeeper. But he did not control the volume of the speech at all, and as if the time was paused, the adventurers' movement of carrying luggage stopped.

Looking up, you can see a higher position. Whether you can climb to that height is still unknown. But some people are still moving towards their goals step by step. For these people, Alya's speech will only make them uncomfortable. They are also those who are in the competition for strength. Once their strength is doubted and not clarified-especially by the client-it will affect the future commission. In this case, you must prove your strength in a simple and clear way.

"No, I understand that they have no problem carrying luggage. I'm just worried that they can't help us get rid of the danger."

In terms of the level of adventurers, all the worker squads on the scene can indeed match the Mithril level, that is, they are better than these adventurers. But some words should not be spoken.

Everyone is good, go and beat him to stop him.

The workers began to have a fierce light, and when they looked at each other, Hekron hurried back to Imina. No matter what, you can't move the knife.

However, it was not any worker who came forward to stop.

"You are Lord Uzils, we are sure there will be no problems."

"...You say that, provided that we also have to help? If so, then I can accept it."

"No, it is because there are two people who are stronger than you-Mr. Ma Yuan, Feifei Xian...

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