Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 291: provocative

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"Silver Bird" is a squad led by a minstrel who reaches the hero's realm, and the participating members are all strange careers. "Ye Chong Lian" is a team of nine people. Due to the large number of members, although some people say that their personal strength is less than that of the steel grade, others say that as long as they work together to deal with the problem, they can do it even if other steel-level adventurers cannot.

However, it is really doubtful whether the two teams can be regarded as possible secret weapons of humanity-the strongest existence.

Hekron heard the teammates behind him whispering and whispering these topics.

These three people are not the only ones who think so. Listening intently, you can hear everyone discussing various topics. The most is how well Palpadola can fight. No one thinks he can win Feifei, because although only a short period of time has passed, everyone has admitted that the heroic energy emitted by Ma Yuan is indeed in line with the status of stainless steel.

Only Anz asked him worriedly: "Do we have to sway like this..."

Ma Yuan was about to be ridiculed: "What do you think we are here to do... You want to establish prestige and don't want to sway, where is there such a good thing? You listen well, I'm here To show strength in the name of Nasalik, so as to avoid future troubles due to strength issues in the ruins, you understand?"

Anz nodded and said that he was right after Ma Yuan.

Hekron walked in contemplation, when someone came to him. Hear the noise from the metal armor and know who it is without looking.

"Greenham, what do you think will be the result of the match between the two?"

"It's not good for the old man to say that, but Ma originally won. It will depend on how long the old man can last. Will you not be behind the old man?"

"Let's come, forgive me. What about you?"

"I am also grateful to Min Min. I have been satisfied with witnessing the majesty of the super fighters. However, I hope he can be invited to teach swordsmanship during the journey."

"I hope so too...ah!"

I saw the two of them in front of their eyes, and Ma Yuan, who was in the courtyard, kept a distance from Palpadola and stared at each other.

Palpadola's vision is not the sight of the mediocre old man, but the eyes of the veteran of the battlefield.

The spirit gradually turned into needle-killing murderousness, and the atmosphere of the small test was gone.

All the people watching the battle were sweating and uneasy.

"...Isn't the situation pretty good? The old man seems to be real!"

Greenham, who was watching from his side, could not help but change back to his original way of speaking.

"After all, the opponent is a steel-level adventurer. He really wants to play, but..."

Hekron's eyes turned to the dark-haired young man who confronted the old man, and before he spoke, he gasped.

You can't feel anything from Ma Yuan.

With both hands drooping and unguarded posture, there is no spirit of fighting swords at all. It's like an adult dealing with a child with a sword.

It's just as easy.

"It's so powerful, with such a strong murderous spirit, there is no response. He can't be aware of the other party's murderous spirit, so that's the ultimate of the soldier. Is it the so-called nihilistic extreme!"

"Without me, or the field of clouds and waters? The weapon gap is so big, and it is so calm, it must be extremely confident in his own skills...Oh, I really admire the five bodies."

Palpadola held in his hand a magic prop made of dragon teeth at the front. Ma Yuan, who confronted him, was holding a wooden rod borrowed from an adventurer before coming here. It was impossible for him to have magic power. Magic weapons have various effects such as increasing sharpness, enhancing the ability of equipment, or giving additional damage. As far as the current stage is concerned, Palpadola is overwhelmingly dominant in terms of weapons.

"No, it shouldn't be. The weapon is so much better. But Mr. Ma Yuan's armor should be better than the old man's in terms of magic. The magic props on his body should also be higher than his. All Add up, I think either it is not far from each other, or else Mr. Feifei has the advantage."

"I'm afraid the conclusion is too early. Have you never heard of the magic props equipped by the grandfather, the total price is higher than that possessed by stainless steel forging? The grandfather ventured to this age in his life and reached countless commissions. Consider To the total amount of remuneration, but the empire first!"

"No no no, wait..."

"Ru Cai should be restless..."

At the time when the two were arguing, driven by their rising fighting spirit, the battle kicked off.

"So, the old man is going to do something."

"There are still important tasks to deal with next. Don't force yourself too much, just come and relax, old man..."

Without letting Ma Yuan finish his speech, Palpadola instantly took a step towards him with the smoothness, strength and speed that the 80-year-old should not have. In contrast, Ma Yuan didn't even raise the wooden stick in his hand.

"——"Dragon Tooth"!"

Seeing Palpadola's first move, he undoubtedly used martial arts, and Hekron's eyes widened.

Let the spear bend and bend softly, like a dragon fang, two consecutive bursts. And this trick has an additional effect, which can give additional damage according to the attribute. This is a martial arts "penetration" developmental move. It is said that Palpadola developed the martial arts more than 40 years ago. It is widely known because of its excellent balance. Many soldiers have practiced this move until today.

Among the "dragon teeth", Palpadola uses a martial art called "green dragon teeth", which has the additional effect of giving additional damage to thunder and lightning.

What is the old man thinking! Although healing magic is available, this trick is generally not used!

The martial arts that can inflict lightning damage just by rubbing are best suited for opponents wearing metal armor. Palpadola chose this trick, which shows that he is really coming.

However, this trick was extremely tricky for people wearing metal armor, but Ma Yuan evaded lightly. The movement is as light as a feather. What's even more surprising is that he didn't jump back and avoid, but stayed in the standing position, and avoided it almost without moving.

too exaggerated! What kind of dynamic vision and physical ability is that!

"——"Blasting Speed"."

Palpadola continued to use martial arts.

Overplayed, stinky old man! Are you even aging!

""Dragon Tooth"!"

The same martial arts as before hit the original Pegasus gunpoint once again, with a snow-white cold air, which is a "white dragon's teeth protrusion." ,, ..

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