Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 292: Rolling duel

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Thunderbolt can't cover your ears, a total of four consecutive attacks-

The audience clamored.

This is of course. Because four attacks did not touch Ma Yuan's armor.

Palpadola jumped back sharply. Sweat beads oozed from his forehead. It wasn't that the attack consumed physical strength, but that the mental load caused by the death of the gun was too heavy.


"-- Stronger than Hekron."

"Of course, Ai Xue. Please don't compare me with him, he is called the highest-level adventurer, and it is the culmination of everything. That is the power of steel-level adventurers."

"Then let me move for the next step."

Ma Yuan slowly lifted the wooden staff to the middle position. On the contrary, Palpadola put the gun that had been clenched on his shoulder. That is not a fighting situation, but the attitude of those who have lost their fighting spirit-who gave up fighting.

"It's brilliant. Don't play. With the strength of the old man, let alone win you, it's hard to leave a bruise."

"...This way."

"Oh..." Hearing a sigh of admiration from everyone watching Parpadola surrender. It was really an overwhelming duel. Everyone witnessed the big gap between children and adults.

Excited audiences had a lot of discussions, discussing which genre the evasion was taking, etc., and sharing their inner touch. Ignoring these people, Hekron led Greenhan to Palpadola, who was talking with Ma Yuan while wiping sweat.

"Is it over, old gentleman?"

Ma Yuan's atmosphere and tone have become quite soft.

"...Don't you just want to show your true skills?"

"...Hahaha, speaking to an old man so mercilessly. The old man has already shown his true skills just now, that is the full strength of the old man now, His Excellency Ma Yuan."

"--Ah, sorry, this is rude."

"Don’t apologize, you really apologize for your apology. And you can be more straightforward in your way of speaking, because our value is not how long we live, but how much skill we have. No one like you can match The old man pays tribute and will make the old man uncomfortable."

"...It turned out to be the case, then I would rather be respectful and obedient. Having said that, interrupting here makes me a little dissatisfied. If there is another chance, I will do it first. Then I have to go He moved his luggage into the carriage and lost his company first."

"It's a trivial matter to carry luggage, just give it to someone else, isn't it your job?"

"I don't think so. Regardless of my status, I must do the job that someone else has given me."

With only these words left, Ma Yuan walked towards the carriage, followed by Anz. The two who walked past them watched his back indifferently.

Watching his slender back completely mismatched with his strength.

"Haha. Seeing your expressions, there seems to be something to ask."

"--Master, what do you think?"

The wrinkled face twisted. It feels like a bitter smile, like other feelings.

"That person is very strong. No, since it is a steel grade, it is natural to be high-strength, but the old man really did not expect to be like that. From the moment of face-to-face, the old man feels that no matter where the attack is, it seems to be blocked."

Hekron felt the same way. He also felt that all his attacks would be easily blocked and counterattacked by the man named Ma Yuan. Even if all attempts were made according to plan, it would only be ejected by the armor. Palpadola, who is facing him, must have a stronger feeling.

"That's... steel grade."

"Yeah. That's the steel grade, who is located in a field that can only be reached by the arrogant of heaven. Ah, it's really impeccably beautiful, the pinnacle that you can't reach... well, you see that pinnacle, You must be content!"

"Exactly! Watching the battle, you can see the movements of the two more clearly. If I stand up against him personally, I will not be able to observe that person's skill so calmly. In my case-saying so to the old man , But I really want to see the strength of His Majesty Ma Yuan who turned into an attack."

"No way, it seems that you have no intention of attacking the old man, and you can't feel the fighting spirit from him. Probably as he said, he is not good at showing mercy. It must be that if you attack the old man, it will be easy. Take the life of the old man."

If so, it can be said that Ma Yuan's ideas are quite arrogant. Because the old man, Palpadola, is also a very capable warrior, but Ma Yuan looked down on him without even seeing the veteran's moves.

However, it is precisely because he can do this that he can be called a stainless steel adventurer.

"No way, the gap between the strength of the gentleman and the old man is so big. At first the old man felt unhappy, but although he always took defense, he avoided all attacks after all. How dare the old man say anything."

The so-called powerful is the case.

He chose a weapon that was not used to him, and the weight and balance were completely different from usual, indicating that he was so confident. The gap between the two is so big.

Parpadola shouted "Tired, exhausted" and turned away from the two. The place to go is, of course, a covered wagon.

Watching his back go away, Hekron heard a small mumble.

"The old man didn't stand up in that field when he was young. Is that a steel grade... really unattainable..."

Palpadola's back looks very small. In contrast, Ma Yuan looked very tall and felt a strong sense of oppression.

"...That's the highest grade, steel grade."

"Yeah. It's amazing."

For the words they admire, there are many other people around who agree.

Their conversation had long spread to the ears of Anz and Ma Yuan. They smiled and did not express any opinions.

Only Anz sighed afterwards: "I think you are more suitable to be a superior than me."

Ma Yuan glanced at him, and just said, "If you are ready to return to reality one day, tell me, I will kill you first, maybe you will go back." He was not kidding.

But Anz didn’t think he was serious at all: "I just think about it...if my companions are here now, I think they will agree that you become our fourth Twelve full members..."

"Yes." Ma Yuan responded casually. In his opinion, Anz is still too naive. No wonder, after he came, many things were done by him. ,, ..

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