Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 293: Empire Investigation

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On the stone road in the Ovintal, the imperial capital, a carriage drove by like a wind.

Pulling the luxury carriage is the Warcraft, an eight-legged horse with eight legs. On the driver’s seat were two seemingly capable battlefields, the carriage roof, which had been transformed into a shelf, and the magical chanter and the crossbow soldiers and other four people sat on it to wait and raise their surroundings. .

They adopted this surplus guard like a mobile defensive array, and could drive on the road generously, of course, because of the identity of the person riding the carriage.

As long as you see the coat of arms crossed by the three sticks on the side of the carriage, anyone with a little knowledge will know who the carriage is and who is sitting inside. So the knights on the side of the road did not stop the carriage to question.

There were three men in the carriage. Everyone wore robes, like magic chanters.

All three are well-known individuals in the imperial world of magic, but there is a clear difference in attitude. The highest position is an old man with white hair.

Just as Ge Jeff Storonov is a well-known warrior, when it comes to magic chanters, no one can spread all over the world like this character. This old man is the strongest and greatest great magic chanter of the empire "Triple Magic Chantler" Fruda Paradion.

Sitting opposite Fulda, are the two proud students who can use fourth-order magic.

Since leaving the imperial city, there was a quiet atmosphere that dominated the carriage, as if it could not withstand this heavy pressure, one of the students said tremblingly:

"Teacher, how are you going to deal with your majesty's orders?"

Silence dominated the carriage again, but only for a moment. Fruda replied in a calm voice that made people feel unpredictable:

"This is His Majesty's wish. As a courtier, you can only start operations and investigate. However, it is too dangerous to investigate by magic. You should start with the information and then summon the demon to gather intelligence."

"Doesn't the teacher know that?"

Fruda closed her eyes and opened it again after a few seconds.

"Unfortunately, I am ignorant and have never heard of a powerful demon named Yadababo."

A month ago, the Demon Army attacked the capital of the kingdom. According to the collected information, Commander Yadabavo and the accompanying maid demon are all terrible existences beyond the common sense.

This demon riot made the imperial knights, who would invade the kingdom every year, stand still. According to common sense, it is common for soldiers to attack while their opponents are tired.

However, in the final analysis, there are two main reasons for the Empire to wage war against the Kingdom.

One is indirectly causing fatigue in the kingdom. Compared to an empire with standing soldiers, the kingdom adopts a conscription system. Therefore, every time the empire uses troops, the kingdom has to inspire its troops because its soldiers are not of the same quality as the empire. For this reason, the empire made long-term plans, always choosing to start wars during the harvesting of crops, and so that the kingdom recruited peasants to the battlefield, resulting in farmers lacking the manpower to harvest, thereby damaging the crops of the kingdom.

Another reason is to weaken the power of nobles within the empire. The state imposed a special war tax on the nobles who resented the emperor so that they could spit out the money. If he dares to refuse, he will copy the family for the crime of rebellion. The result is either to be strangled slowly, or to give pleasure at a time, the end is the same.

For these reasons, the emperor Jikenif believed that as long as the kingdom's own national strength was weak, the empire did not have to force up the war. Anyway, the nobles within the empire have greatly lost their threat.

However, there is still a problem.

Where is the cruel act like the devil's Yadabavo? What kind of existence he is is also very worrying.

Therefore, he would order Frudar, the emperor's best magic chanter, to investigate Yadabavo, which was a natural development.

"There is also Ma Yuan who defeated Yadabavo, which is really interesting. The next thing is that the soldiers who have recently risen to the steel level fly. The heroes of Qianshan Hidden City have begun to take action? Maybe it will happen. The same tragic war as the battle of the Devil God two hundred years ago."

"...Will it happen?"

"I don't know. However, only fools will wait for it to happen before they are ready. The wise are all precautionary."

Soon, the carriage reached its destination.

Thick walls were circled around the vast land, and several watchtowers were built to guard inside and outside. The selected knights-among the eight knights of the empire, belong to the most elite first knights-and several mixed guards with magic chanters are patrolling.

When you look up, you can even see the Imperial Guards directly under the Emperor, the Royal Air Guard Corps riding the flying Warcraft, etc., and the high-level magic chanters who use flight magic to guard.

This is the symbol of the national power of the empire. It is the province of imperial magic that has invested the most effort since the previous emperor.

It can be said that the production of knights' magic equipment rations, the development of new magic, and the research of improving the living standard through magic experiments are the gathering place of the true essence of imperial magic. And the chief person in charge here-although the Ministry of Magic has another chief-is Fuluda.

The carriage moved forward in the site and finally stopped in front of the deepest tower in the site.

They passed many buildings of different shapes along the way, each building had many people in and out, but only this tower almost no people in and out. On the contrary, the population of the tower is much more guarded than other buildings.

First of all, the guarded knights wear different clothes. They are not the same as the first knights seen elsewhere.

Enveloping the whole body is a magic body armor, holding a magic shield and a magic weapon hanging on the waist. The crimson cloak embroidered with the imperial coat of arms is of course a magic item.

Although the magical power attached to these equipments is weak, even an empire cannot be worn by ordinary knights. The most important thing is that the general knight cannot be distributed to the important institutions of this empire.

These elite knights are the guards directly under the emperor, the Royal Guards.

The magic chanters who stood side by side did not lose to the knights. These actual combat experienced, brave and warlike magic chants exude an atmosphere of not losing to the veteran of the battlefield.

Not only these people, but also the four Rock Gorems, who are more than two and a half meters tall, guard the entrance. ,, ..

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