Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 295: The tip of magic

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The fellow magic chanters nodded together. Fruda would repeat the same warning every time he came here, but they knew what was behind the door, and their expression never slackened.

Because behind this door is the strongest undead. Once let him escape from here, the emperor will have an unprecedented major tragedy.

Several people began to practice guardian magic. Not only purely physical defense magic, but also spiritual protection magic. After enough preparation time, Fruda looked around the faces of his disciples and saw that everyone was mentally prepared.

He nodded, then read the key word to lift the seal.

The power of magic made the heavy door "boom" and slowly opened.

The dark, rampant interior overflowed with cold, causing several disciples to shrink their shoulders as if they were cold. Even with the magic props corresponding to the environment, the hatred of the living from the depths is still enough to teach people to be terrified.

Someone's swallowing slobber seemed exceptionally loud.

"let's go."

Hearing Fruda’s words, the disciples cast several magic lights and dispelled the darkness in the room. The darkness of escape entrenched beyond the light, and became more dense-even painted like this.

Take the lead by Fuluda, a group of people walked into the room with the breath of death.

Because the room is not too spacious, the magic light quickly illuminates the deepest part.

There was a huge pillar that reached the ceiling. This pillar like a tombstone is indeed striking. But it is even more difficult for people to look away, who are tightly bound by chains and sentenced to punishment,

The man's entire body was tied by a chain much thicker than his thumb, and he couldn't move at all. The front end of the chain is fixed on the slate floor. Not only that, there are huge iron **** hanging on the hands and feet.

In this situation, it is impossible for any existence to move a finger. This excessively strict binding method, on the contrary, shows their strong vigilance against this existence. So some people in the party saw such a thick chain, still holding a little uneasy, worried that this existence could easily break the chain and regain freedom.

The appearance looks like a knight in black body armor. It's just that there is a huge gap with the heavily armed.

First of all, it is striking. It must be the huge body. The height is estimated to be more than two meters.

Then came the black body armor that he wore. The armor is painted with veins like veins, and violent spikes are prominently reflected everywhere. The helmet grows demon horns, and the face is hollowed out. From there was a corrupt face. In the empty eye sockets, the hatred of the living and the expectation of killing formed a bright red light.

That is not a living person, but a dead person. Otherwise, it is impossible to exude such a strong resentment towards living people.

"Death knight."

A disciple who came here for the first time whispered the name of this legendary undead. Because this undead is almost a legendary existence, its popularity is rather low.

The red light in the death knight's eyes moved like a blink of an eye, and he licked the magic chanter who had come to look at it all. No, it is impossible to see the movement of the line of sight from the flashing light. But the creepy fear made them feel like the death knight was looking at himself.

There are only a few strong men who can use at least third-level magic. But even they can't stop the teeth from shaking.

All the guardian magic of the spiritual department has been applied, but still can't restrain the fear that surged in my heart. However, after all, they held on and did not run away, presumably thanks to the effect of magical guardianship.

"--Keep your mind strong, and those with weak minds will die."

After Fruda issued a warning, he approached the death knight. The death knight reacted to him, exuding killing intentions, and his limbs began to exert force.

Fruda stretched his hand straight towards the death knight.

Fruda's magic chant, echoed in the dark place where magic light dispelled. This is based on the "Sixth Order Dead Call" improved, Fulda's own mantra.

"--Submit me."

Magic comes out-Vulda's whispered words flow out and dissolve into the surrounding space.

Relatively, however, what remains in the eyes of the death knight is hatred of the living. Everyone knows that magic has failed.

"...Is it still uncontrollable?"

Fruda's tone was regretful. Because after five years, he still could not control the undead.

They discovered this monster in the well-known place where the undead often wander.

An imperial knight squadron that met this monster, although he had not seen the undead, but because of the mission, he began to crusade in accordance with the usual rules. After dozens of seconds, they knew they were too reckless and stupid. At this time, the knights of the Empire, known for their refined and powerful, were already covered with fear and despair.

They were overwhelmingly disadvantaged and were unilaterally ravaged-the opponent was too strong.

After the enemy killed many knights like a violent wind, they finally determined that there was nothing to do and began to retreat.

Of course, they can't leave that monster alone. In particular, they also witnessed that the knights killed became undead and became monsters. Obviously, giving more time to their opponents will directly lead to serious disaster.

After repeated discussions at the summit of the empire, they decided to send the killer from the beginning-the most powerful empire of the empire, that is, to mobilize Hu Luda and his proud students.

And now that the death knight has been arrested and locked here, that is to say, in conclusion, the battle ended with the victory of Evrodus and others. However, the reason why Fulda can win is simply because the death knight does not have the means of flight. They repeated the same range of attacks as the carpet bombing-the continuous shooting of the "fireball" from above, which weakened the death knight's movements, and was finally caught by Froudar attracted by its overwhelming power.

Now Fruda has tied the death knight here, and has used countless magic, countless magic props, and countless means-looking for any method that can control the general undead, just to control the death knight.

"What a pity... as long as I can control this monster, I can surpass that magic chanter and become the supreme magic chanter."

As long as he succeeds, he can far surpass the necromancer of the thirteen heroes, Ligurette Biels Carau.

In fact, Fruda was not very interested in power. His real desire is to glimpse the abyss. This is just one of the processes.

The disciples did not understand him, so they all said comforting words that were not correct.

"The teacher is already above the hero."

"That's right. The thirteen heroes are just past existence, and they can't beat you who are the most cutting-edge teachers of modern magic technology."

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