Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 296: Jealous

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"I also think that the teacher has already surpassed the thirteen heroes, but if the teacher can control the death knight, the empire can gain the strongest power."

"It is often said that an individual cannot win a group, but that is just that the individual's power is too weak. This death knight is the strongest individual."

Since Fulda was at the forefront, no one saw his little wry smile. Only the death knight with disgust saw it.

"But even the teacher can't much power does this death knight have?"

"This... who knows? In theory, it should be controllable. So what am I missing? Does anyone have an opinion?"

Everyone answered this question in silence.

The undead can be controlled by magic, in fact one of the thirteen heroes has done so. The strength of Fuluda is enough to control the undead with a relatively high level. Maybe even this death knight could dominate.

However, this is pure speculation, and the **** of the undead by magic actually has a more complicated mechanism. Basically, dominating or destroying the undead is the realm of priests who rely on divine power. Magic chanters use magic power instead of divine power, and it is a matter of course that various errors will occur.

"...I have no intention of insulting the teacher, just..."

A disciple spoke heavily, and Fruda asked him to continue.

"Is it because the teacher's power is not enough? Assuming that the seventh order magic exists, maybe the death knight must be summoned by the undead in that field to call out..."

"This is indeed a good point."

"I have heard that adventurers will digitize various monsters and mark them with a number called difficulty. Let's think about it as a benchmark, how?"

"I heard that the basic value is very rough, and it will immediately lose meaning because of age or physique."

Another disciple said.

"However, apart from the unknown monster, there is no clearer and easier-to-understand standard. After all, it is also based on the collection of various materials such as the adventurer's feeling when fighting, and it cannot be said that it is completely inaccurate."

"If you say this, you can't use it on legendary monsters like the death knight."

"Right, teacher. Are there no such monsters in the mystery books that record countless monsters?"

"No." Fulda plucked his beard. "Maybe there is a full version in Elliotti, but only the incomplete version is in circulation."

One disciple seemed to have a question and asked a question to the other disciples beside him. Although his voice was small, the room itself was like a silent assembly, so the sound sounded unexpectedly loud.

"What exactly does Elliot Tiyu mean?"

"Isn't that the name of the city?"

"I know this, but I think the name is weird."

"Well... I have checked it once, and remember that it should be the distant old saying, which means "a big tree in the center of the world."

Fruda knocked on the floor with his staff to signal a warning to any disciple who was talking. This is a dangerous place with legendary monsters, not a place to relax.

The disciples immediately heeded the warning and ruled the return of the master in the room. Only the death knight tried to tear the chain.

"Unfortunately, there is no need to stay here today. Let's go."


Hearing the sigh of relief, Fulda took a step and left the death knight.

Even a character like Fruda cannot keep walking at the same speed when entering and leaving the room, and bears the fierce sight of the death knight from behind, always speeding up. It's just that the disciples are the same.

As Fruda walked in the darkness, he recalled what his disciples had just said.

"Elyon Tiyu".

It was the capital of the country established by the Eight Desire Kings and the last remaining city. At the same time, it is also a city guarded by thirty city guardians equipped with magic weapons and armor beyond the common sense.

It is said that there are hidden magic props left by the Eight Desire Kings, as long as those props are available, they will be able to make their magical skills advance by leaps and bounds. Fruda imagined. Those super magic props never fell into the hands of anyone, only thirteen heroes were allowed to take a few of them.

Fruda swayed a black flame inside.

Thirteen heroes, heroes of the past. The strength of Fuluda should be able to keep pace with them, but only if they are allowed, they are not allowed. Which one is worse than them?

Fruda hurriedly tried to extinguish the swaying flame and think about other things to comfort herself. Your current status and the things you build up will never be lost to the thirteen heroes. No, among the magic chanters of the empire, Fruda even outranked the thirteen heroes.

However, the once-burning black flame—jealousy could not be extinguished easily, because he was not jealous of power—wisdom or ability, but that the ancestors had a chance to glimpse the abyss of magic.

Fruda is the highest-level magic chanter. No one will question this. At most, the only thirteen heroes who can keep up with him. However, he was unable to serve the death knight. It is said that all magic has a total of ten ranks-although the credibility of this information is a little low-and he can only use the sixth rank.

This situation simply means that he is far from the magic abyss.

Fruda is getting old.

Among the magic techniques practiced by the magic chanters of the spiritual system, there is a system called Prohibition. He used this prohibited magic and stopped aging. Of course, as far as the level of Fruda's practice, using this magic is quite difficult. He combined the ritual magic with barely launched.

It's just that because this makes the impossible impossible, it leaves a clear distortion. When it is perfectly activated, it can make people immortal magic, but still let Fulda taste a little time.

Now it can barely cope with the past. But the distortion will become bigger and bigger, and there will be flaws one day.

That's right. Frudar would die before he could glimpse the abyss of magic.

If there is excellent guidance from the sages, maybe he can arrive at his current situation earlier. However, there is no one else in front of him, he can only open the way by himself.

Fruda casually looked around the disciples beside him.

Look around the people walking on the path pioneered by the character Fruda.

Jealousy fueled the fire and burned more vigorously.

I... I am more intelligent than everyone present, at what age did I reach the level of the disciples? ,, ..

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