Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 297: Visit Fruda

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No, I don’t need to think about it at all, I am definitely older than the disciples. No one guides, no one walks ahead, the difference is so big.

Why don't I have a teacher?

Fruda tried to use another idea to cover up the complaints that often arise.

--what is the relationship? I will make a history of being a sage. Through their footprints, those who become magic chanters all have to thank Fulda for his merits. These disciples are my treasures, as long as any one of them reaches a higher level than me, it is equal to my strength-

While Fruda comforted herself so much, she remembered one of his disciples, who had now left.

Fruda spoke a secret word and opened the heavy door.

Then he went outside and repeated several breaths with other disciples. Because the heavy indoor air in the death knight's breath is heavy, it gives the illusion that the air does not seem to enter the lungs when breathing.


A deep, thick voice called him. There was one of his proud pupils and a famous male adventurer. Because of his rich experience, he became the deputy person in charge of security of the Ministry of Magic.

"...What happened? Is it an emergency?"

"No, it's not an emergency, it's two steel-level adventurers who want to meet the teacher."

Fruda looked suspiciously at the man.

He did not make an appointment with someone. Fruda is the highest-level magic chanter in the empire. He is busy with his work, and he has to spend time doing his own magic research. There is no spare time at all. Suddenly said he wanted to meet him, and he could not nod easily. In the empire, only the emperor can see him without prior appointment.

Having said that, one cannot rashly refuse. Stainless steel adventurers are heroes. Although they are only individuals, they are by no means negligible. Even Luluda, the great magic chant. Sometimes I have to entrust them to look for scarce items, not to be neglected.

"Are you a member of "Silver Bird"? Or "Yaeron"?"

He named the two imperial adventurer squads of steel.

However, the disciple shook his head.

"No. It's a duo calling themselves "black". They also took out a brand of stainless steel to confirm their identity."

"what did you say?"

Fruda thought while ordering his disciples:

"Lead the way for those two adults. I sorted out my grooming and immediately passed."

"Ah! I didn't think there were any traces, which scared me. Although it seems that the other party has prepared such a generous reward, it should not be deceiving, but there is an unexplored place in the middle of this grassland. The ruins are amazing, right."

Heckron said this, and the companions looking at the ruins beside him also agreed.

It is said that the ruin is a tomb. In fact, at first glance, it is located as if it was sunk into the earth-just like something on it is sunken, a place like a basin.

This ruin has not yet been explored. One of the reasons may be that the surrounding area is grassland, and there are no ancient urban ruins and other things that attract the attention of adventurers. Moreover, the vast surrounding areas also have the same mounds dotted with stars, even if one of them is buried with ruins, it is impossible to notice. The roof of the central building protrudes a little, but you still have to climb to this height to see it.

Because the sand surrounding the ruins collapsed a little and some walls were exposed, the ruins were only discovered. This is the consensus view of the think tanks of the various teams.

"You can't be wrong. I honestly look forward to it. Because of the unexplored ruins, some amazing treasures may be hidden."

"It's hard to say, but the ruins are located in this place without any problems. It can be seen that there should be no dangerous monsters. Compared to this, I am more worried that the client can even specify the location of the camp."

The camp is set in the open place of grassland, which is the best choice.

Surrounded by dotted mounds, it can block the line of sight without worrying about being seen from a distance. As long as you pay attention to fire and other issues, it should be difficult to be discovered.

Because of this-he was taught to be afraid.

"How exactly does the client know this place?"

The biggest possibility is that the client has found the most suitable place to camp in this neighborhood for some reason. So many questions make sense.

But in this way, a new question will arise, that is, how the client first thought of camping in such a remote place. What's more, what do the imperial nobles camp in the kingdom's territory?

"--I have heard that there is a huge illegal organization in the kingdom. I remember it should be called "eight fingers". I heard that the organization did a lot of malicious acts."

"I heard that they still smuggled something into the empire. The thieves I knew complained that they had considerable power in the kingdom, and it would cause great problems to investigate them."

Imina held down her hair that was blown by the breeze, and said after Ai Xue. Robert Dyke whispered in a stern tone:

"I have also heard about the rumors about drugs. As long as the drugs are used correctly, it is really helpful. But those people turn the drugs into commodities that poison the weak, which is really unpleasant."

His voice grew louder, and it was understandable.

Because Rob Dyke was only to help the weak, he became a worker.

"Don't talk about these has nothing to do with this entrustment, and it is based on unfounded delusions. According to Ai Xue's investigation, the entruster is not a person who has done bad behavior and may be wiped out, isn't it?"

"It may not be clear enough, or it is cleverly hidden." Ai Xue whispered, but Hekron ignored it and confirmed to everyone.

"Hey, I think everyone should understand."

"Of course, we will not start with other teams. Because workers may sometimes be entrusted with "eight fingers" smuggling. As long as other teams are likely to have any problems with that organization, we will not talk nonsense. What. Until the commission is processed this time."

"It's just that I don't know how many people's tears this salary sucks, how dirty it is."

"--Even if it is dirty money, remuneration is remuneration, and it can make people live."

Robert Dyke glanced at Ai Xue and took a deep breath to spit out the passion in his body to calm himself down.

"--Sorry, I was too rude to speak."

"No, I almost spoke rude. Please forgive me."

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