Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 298: Enter the ruins

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They are scheduled to ascend the hills and then land in the ruins a few meters below. Then, while searching for the surface part, gather at a place similar to the Central Ling Temple. These actions must be completed within the effective time of "transparency" as much as possible.

However, in order not to allow a small number of people to act without permission, everyone must move in unison. But in the middle of the night, and invisible, it is difficult to confirm each other's location.

However, issues in this regard have also been considered.

A wonderful short stick of about thirty centimeters suddenly appeared on the ground. The short stick floated up into the air as if it was picked up by an invisible person, and after bending it glowed faintly.

This special short stick, the glow stick, just bends and the special liquid of alchemy contained inside will mix and emit light. The reason why it is thrown on the ground first is because "transparency" will take effect on all items held by me at the time of launch. If you want to hold the item, you must first throw the item away from your body.

After shaking the light a few times, the stub seemed to be useless and destroyed. As long as the glowing alchemy solution is sprinkled on the ground and covered with dirt, it is completely covered up.

In this way, it can be determined that the worker teams everywhere are all going well and are waiting for the next action.

Although it was impossible to see the situation of other people because of a certain distance, the four ropes were laid down almost at the same time and hung down to the surface part of the Nazarek underground grave. This is a rope for climbing, with a knot every other length.

The front end of the rope was tied to a rock nail that hit the ground, shaking and making a squeak.

If someone on the scene can see through the transparency, you can definitely see someone descending along the rope.

Even if like Ai Xue focuses on the magic and knowledge of the forging chain rather than the flesh, and does not have the skill to learn light skill, this degree is not a problem. It should be said that whether it is a worker or an adventurer, this level of muscle training must be carried out.

The forging chains and knots on weekdays are fully effective. Every worker did not fall to the ground and landed in the cemetery.

The first destination of the invader teams is a small spiritual temple at four locations.

The effective time of "transparency" is over, and everyone's figure emerges. All the teams ran to the Li Temple in charge of them.

They lowered their postures, hid slightly with tombstones, trees or sculptures, and ran in the dark graveyard. During this period of time, the "silence" effect continued, so no sound was made, and even the soldiers in full body armor were running desperately to find cover. Like several shadows running across the ground, the movement is quick and smooth.

Greenhan, the leader of the "Heavy Crusher", gradually approached the Ling Temple, his eyes widened slightly.

Because the Ling Temple is more magnificent than expected.

Although it is a small spiritual temple in the Quartet, it is only compared with the huge spiritual temple in the center. When you look close, the spiritual temple is majestic and breathtaking.

The white stone wall is as smooth as cut. It should have passed a long time since it was built, but it is completely free of wind and rain stains and no damage caused by wind and snow.

In front of the three steps made of marble, a seemingly thick iron door is embedded. The door was also wiped free of any rust, and contained black light of steel.

Looking at this building alone, it seems to be able to see how carefully maintained this place is.

-In other words, there must be someone in the grave.

When Greenham judged in this way, the thieves in the companion stepped forward and slowly started to check from the steps.

Greenham-due to the "silence" imposed-saw the thieves gesturing to stay away from him, and slowly backed away. This is to avoid falling into the scope trap.

The thieves checked very carefully. Although it makes people anxious, it is also a last resort.

It is said that the human soul is lodged in the flesh, and when the flesh begins to corrupt, the soul will be called by the gods. Therefore, the deceased will almost immediately be buried in the arms of the cemetery-the earth, but some privileged classes such as nobles with power will have a slightly different situation.

If you immediately bury it in the ground, you must dig out the body when you want to confirm whether corruption has begun. Therefore, in order to confirm with their own eyes that the deceased has indeed begun to corrupt, these privileged classes will not be buried immediately after death, but will be placed for a period of time. However, no one would choose to leave his body at home.

At this time, the place they chose was the Ling Temple in the cemetery. Place the body here for a period of time, and wait for corruption to begin, then under the witness of the priest, judge that the soul has indeed been favored by the Lord.

At this time, the resettlement site will basically be selected in the public space of the Ling Temple. Several stone bases were placed in the spacious space, and the remains were placed on the base. Several scenes lined up with corpses beginning to appear corrupted at first glance, but to the common sense of this world, it is an extremely reasonable scene.

However, if it is the class of the rich and aristocratic rich and powerful, things will be a little different. They did not use a common spiritual temple, but a place where ancestors passed on from generation to generation. Because people think that this is a place where a high-weight person rests briefly before being called by the Lord-so the spiritual temple is also a symbol of power.

It is not uncommon to decorate the temple with furniture or treasures. In other words, the Ling Temple is a treasure room for tomb robbers. Therefore, dangerous traps are often set here to stop intruders.

So this magnificent spiritual temple must have set up a more dangerous trap, and the thieves' companions were more cautious than usual.

After checking the steps, the thieves were about to start checking the door. Suddenly, the surrounding sounds recovered.

The effective time of "Silent" is over, maybe it is just right. The thief approached the door quietly and began to examine it again carefully. Finally he took a cup-like thing on the door and tried to listen to the sound inside.

After a few seconds, the thief shook his head a few times at Greenham's companions.

It means "nothing".

The thief himself was surprised and tilted his neck several times.

The door wasn’t even locked, which was puzzled, but since the thieves didn’t find anything, the next step was to change to the avant-garde.

Greenham stepped forward and reached for the thief's oiled door. Behind him was a soldier who raised his shield waiting for an opportunity.

Graham pushed the door open in one breath, and the heavy door began to move. I don’t know whether it’s because the oil was poured in advance, or the managers here are meticulous in doing things. Although the door is heavy, it is easily pushed away. ,, ..

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