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The soldier standing by was standing between the opened door and Greenham, facing his front with a shield to protect Greenham from raids or traps.

Nothing like an arrow flies, the iron gate is completely open, and the empty darkness appears in front of the "heavy crusher".

""Eternal Light"."

The wand in the hand of the magical magic chanter of the magic system illuminates the magic light. With this magic light that can control a certain brightness, the scene in the Ling Temple is clear. The magic chanter once again activated magic, and the soldier's weapon also shone.

The space illuminated by the two light sources is like a room in the mansion of a royal noble.

In the center of the room is a white sarcophagus that seems to be used on the shrine altar. The length exceeds two. The five-meter sarcophagus is carved with slender and elegant patterns. There are white warrior statues wearing armor, swords and shields in the four corners.

and also--

"--Well, does anyone have any knowledge about that coat of arms?"

"No, I haven't seen that coat of arms."

Banners of strange heraldry embroidered with gold thread hang on the wall. Thieves and magic chanters can recognize the coats of arms of most aristocrats at home and abroad. If they do not have such coats of arms in their memory, they should not be the coats of arms of the kingdom aristocracy.

"Will it be the coat of arms of the nobility before the founding of the kingdom?"

"Do you mean this is something that was two hundred years ago?"

Many countries were destroyed by the Devil God two hundred years ago, so there are unexpectedly few countries with a history of more than two hundred years in the vicinity. Kingdoms, holy kingdoms, reviewing nations and empires are all nations established within two hundred years.

"If this is the case, this flag hasn't worn out over the years and retains such a beautiful shape. What material is it made of?"

"Maybe it's protected with preserving magic, or the old part is repaired with magic."

"Yes, lead, don't talk in that weird way anymore, we are the only one here."

"Hmm..." Greenham's eyebrows turned into a dangerous angle and instantly turned into a smile. "Oh, I'm so exhausted. What you are, idiot."

"It's hard. That guy is right. It's okay to speak normally as long as we are there."

"No, it can't be like that! The hard and stiff way of speaking is more like a powerful worker. And it's also very troublesome to change the way of speaking, so I always talk like that at work. This is my principle. Do you also know?"

Greenhan also responded with a bitter smile to his companions.

Greenham was originally a farmer's three men in the kingdom.

If the farmer assigns the field to each child and inherits it from generation to generation, the field will be divided into fewer and fewer, and the harvest will be reduced accordingly, leading to the decline of the family. Therefore, as the saying goes, the term "divided fields" has become synonymous with "stupid things" in later generations. (Note: In Japanese, "Fen Tian" is pronounced the same as "Stupid." Therefore, the farm fields are all inherited by the elder men, and the second men can also choose to help the family to do the living, but the three men are just rice bugs. So they often leave home to make a living in the city.

Indeed, Greenhan was lucky to have superior physicality and friends, and he made a name for himself. But because he was originally a farmer, and was only a second-level spare for the maintenance of his family, he had no knowledge. He can neither write nor read books, nor understand etiquette.

Indeed, what the worker needs is the ability to complete the commission completely, not knowledge. But as the team leader but ignorant, of course there will be problems.

He had read the book desperately, but his head just didn't have a physical body to excel, and it was a mess. Even so, he has not been ousted from the team leader's seat because, apart from learning, his other abilities are highly appreciated by his companions. In order not to embarrass these companions, Greenham began to speak in strange ways.

This is done to make the client feel that "this is for propaganda for his team, so the way of speaking is a little strange and there is nothing incredible."

In fact, his speech will be teased. But it's better than being said that "a peasant who is a junior learner is a team leader, at most it's this level".

"Okay, the break is over. Let's wait, Ru."

After Greenhan announced this, everyone had no objections and began to move forward.

First, the thieves invaded the inside of the Ling Temple carefully and searched the room.

The rest of the others sandwiched the door with a thick iron rod, so that no matter what trap was launched, the door would not be completely closed. In order to prevent light from leaking out of the door, close the door for more than half. When the thieves carefully observed the internal situation, Greenham and others also paid attention to the surroundings and never slacked off. Although it was absolutely necessary, they lighted up after all. Maybe someone will find it.

While Greenham was watching the surroundings in a lowered posture while waiting, the thieves had come under the flag and looked carefully at the flag. At last he decided to reach out and touch the flag, and the moment he touched it, he shrank back again.

"For the time being, there are no problems, everyone come in."

The thieves turned back to see Greenham and they all entered the temple, pointing at the banner.

"...This thing should be quite valuable, it's made of precious metal thread."

"Hahhhh? Noble metal wire? Decorating this thing in such a place, is there something wrong with the brain!"

Everyone made a startled voice. Then he hurried to the banner and touched it in turn. That cold touch is indeed metal.

Judging from its glorious appearance, the thief's inspection should be correct. Such a large banner should be quite heavy, plus the value of being an art product, it must be valuable.

"It seems that the client has won the bet. Although I haven't earned my wait... No, it is the amount of employment of the four teams, but there must be quite a lot of treasure buried in this place."

"Do you want to take it now?"

Greenham responded to the thief's inquiry:

"It's too much space, and it should be heavy, come back later to get it. Does anyone have any objections?"

"No, it's really too inconvenient to take this. There are no traps or hidden doors after searching."

"...So, please, please."

Greenham nodded to the magical magic chant, the magician, and his companion responded with magic.

"『Magic Detection』——I can’t feel the existence of magical organs, except in the case of hidden magic.”

"...There's nothing to check, let's go and watch the rest of the highlights.",,...

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