Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 300: gold

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Everyone's eyes gathered on the sarcophagus in the center of the room.

The thieves spent a lot of time inspecting meticulously, judging that there were no traps.

Greenham and the soldiers nodded to each other, and then began to open the sarcophagus lid. The coffin cover is very large, originally thought it should be quite heavy, but I thought it was much lighter than expected. The two pushed hard and almost lost their balance.

Pushing the lid of the sarcophagus away, the objects inside reflect the light and emit countless bright lights.

Various jewelry such as gold, silver and gemstones with countless luster. More than one hundred gold coins scattered in the coffin.

Although he expected it when he saw the flag, Greenham couldn't help smiling when he saw the scene. After observing the thief carefully, he reached into the sarcophagus and took out one of the bright treasures-the gold necklace.

It really is an amazing product. At first glance, this chain of gold chains looks like ordinary necklaces, but the chains are carved with exquisite ornaments.

"... worth at least one hundred gold coins. It doesn't matter if you want to sell one hundred and fifty coins depending on where you sell them."

After listening to the results of the thieves' supervision, everyone responded differently. Some people whistle, and some people can't laugh. What they have in common is: the flames of joy and desire are lit in everyone's eyes.

"You can get half of it, so at least you can get 50 more. Ten per person. What a big bonus."

"It seems... this ruin is a golden mountain."

"Awesome, it's awesome!"

"Yeah, but it's a waste to put treasures in such a place. Let us use them properly."

As the magician said, he took the ring with large rubies out of the pile of jewels and kissed them.


The priest reached into the sarcophagus, picked up the full of gold coins, and let them fall from his hands.

The gold coin collided with the gold coin and made a clear sound.

"I haven't seen this kind of gold coin. Which time and country?"

The thief scratched the gold coin slightly with a knife, and was moved to say:

"The quality of this gold coin is very good. The weight is twice that of trading gold coins. If you look at it as an art product, the price should be able to increase a little."

"This is really...he...hehehe..."

Several people laughed softly as if they couldn't help it. Even with these treasures, the dividends have scared people.

"Ru wait, if you want to pray to God, say it later. Take away the treasure as soon as possible, and find the real Jinshan. Late, I won't be waiting."

"--it is good!"

Greenham's words received a powerful response. The voice was filled with excitement and enthusiasm.

Great Ling Temple located in the middle of the ruins. As if it could move at any time, a giant statue of a vivid warrior surrounded the place like a knight defending the king. Hekron hid at the foot of a statue of a warrior, carefully watching one of the small linguistic temples holding on to all sides of the big linguistic temple.

After a while, Hekron's eyes saw five people rushing from the Xiaoling Temple. He continued to hide, and his nervous texture carefully confirmed that the silhouettes running quickly did not have any abnormalities, and no one around was watching them. After a while, it was determined that there was no problem with these people, and Hekron exhaled with a little relief.

He leaned out from behind the huge statue and screamed, and Greenhan, who ran ahead, immediately noticed and ran towards Hekron.

"Greenham, why is it so slow?"

"I apologize, it seems that Ru Jiu has waited."

"Anyway, I haven't made an appointment for the meeting time, it doesn't matter. Don't talk about this, hurry up and change the location and decide what to do next."

Hekron lowered his posture and led the way while alerting around.

Soon after starting to move forward, Greenham asked him:

"There was a question, did Ru's team find the treasure?"

Hearing his excitement, Hekron remembered his team's appearance and smiled proudly at him.

"It's too much, it's a profit. The old man said the same."

"Ru waiting too? It's really right to come to this grave."

"Yeah, thanks to the great talents buried here."

"Well. Having said that, with so many treasures discovered, perhaps the possibility of being empty in the main grave must be considered."

"No, I bet there must be more treasure."

"You say... how much do you dare to gamble?"

"Not bad. Not only can you find more in the grave, but you can also strike a pen on your dude. It's awesome. However, the problem is that I and you may both bet on the same option."

Neither laughed, but raised their lips.

"That's right. Having said that, I want to ask Ru, what is that?"

In front of Greenham's line of sight, there was a stone-like object at the foot of a huge statue alone.

"Is that?"

Hekron went on and told Greenham the results of the investigation. The text written on the stele was read by the three teams that arrived first, but no one could understand it. He had a touch of anticipation, hoping that Greenham would understand them.

"That seems to be a stone tablet with symbols similar to words on it."

"Why do you say ambiguously, similar.?"

"Everyone doesn't recognize that language. It's not kingdom language or imperial language, and it doesn't seem to be the ancient language around here. Maybe it's not human language at all. However, the number 2.0 is understood."

"Number? As usual, it should be inferred that it was the year the Ling Temple was built. But in this way, the number is too small."

"Ai Xue said it might be a riddle about this ruin... Hey, just keep it in mind for a while."

"To be honest, I will do this."

Walked in front of the huge statue, climbed the long and sloping steps made of white stone, the entrance of the Central Ling Temple was revealed in front of you.

"It smells of the dead."

"Yeah, you are right. This smell is often heard in the Kaz Plain."

Hekron agreed with Greenham's whispers.

Although there is no foul-smelling stench, the odor of the undead unique to the cemetery is still mixed in the cold air.

Even if it is such a clean and beautiful grave, there are still undead.

A group of people made psychological preparations and stepped into the Ling Temple. In front of them was a hall. Numerous stone bases are placed on the left and right, and opposite is a ladder. The door under the ladder was now wide open. The inexplicably cool air flows out from behind the door.

"This way."

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