Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 301: Skull

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Under the leadership of Hekron, Greenham and others went down the stairs.

Below the stairs is a tomb, with a door directly in front. There seems to be only one door.

Although it is narrower than the upstairs-Ling Temple, it is wide enough. Hekron’s companions “The Fortune-teller”, Alya’s “Tianwu” and Palpadola’s squad are all here.

"So, what should I do next? It was originally planned to separate internal intelligence here. After you searched the Ling Temple, do you have any other ideas?"

After finishing speaking, Hekron looked around everyone a little.

It seems that no one wants to make new comments. Is it desire, or is it pure light reflection? There is no way to judge this, except that everyone's eyes are shining brightly. Everyone's face showed excitement that they could not immediately rush into the depths of the grave.

"Then the old man has a proposal. Let's go outside and check for a circle to see if there are any hidden doors."

Although the leader said this, the team members all showed a little dissatisfied expression.

After all, they all saw such dazzling treasures. Even if it is the opinion of an experienced team leader, it is difficult to agree. They must have seen the illusion of the treasure flying away from their eyes.

"How? Although the surface part has already been inspected, it cannot be said to be a thorough inspection. There may be other routes hidden under the Ling Temple, isn't it? The part of the cemetery has not been inspected yet?"

"The old man said exactly what I heard about the huge ruins mentioned in the poetry of the bard. The ruins of Sasaxia also have a safe passage near the entrance, which allows you to step into the center at a stretch."

"Ah, Greenham. It has been checked here. Unfortunately, no secret door was found in this room."

"So myself. We are willing to lose. Relatively, I hope you can share the treasures found on this floor with us a little bit. Well. How about each team divided by 10%? And if we find the lower floor tomorrow, we can give priority Has the right to explore been given to us?"

"I have no objection to this proposal."

The first voice was Greenham. Hekron slowed down a bit and agreed.

"Okay, no one seems to have an opinion! By the way, Uzles you?"

"I personally have opinions, but only 10% anyway, it doesn't matter."

The old man smiled naively at the thorny tone in Elya's words. Instead, Alya's sour words were gently taken over, revealing an unpleasant expression.

"Ah, Grandpa. If you want to ask you something like this, there is a large flag woven from precious metal thread in the temple we have explored. It is too much space to take it. Can you please recycle it? "

"I agree with Hekron's words. Although I have to bother you, I still hope you can help recycle."

"Since that is the case, we also trust you.

Elya raised her chin to a forest elf, and she slenderly placed a large piece of cloth on her back on the floor.

"Understood. Is there anything else I want to stay or want to tell us to take away?"

No one answered Palpadola's inquiry.

"Okay! Then, let's search for the surface part according to the proposal just now. You have to be careful along the way. However, if there are valuable items, it's OK to stay and give us."

"Haha, Grandpa. You can leave the words of the monster, but I'm sorry, even if the treasure is a gold coin, we won't stay." The people laughed softly, and Hekron asked everyone: "So, Do you want to go?"

The crowd immediately accepted the proposal, and they took a step. Both eyes sparkled with anticipation and desire, and took the first step toward the unknown remains, the underground grave.

Open the door deep, and a passage extends straight deeper. Perhaps it should be as expected, the passageway is kept very clean.

This is a stone channel without any mold or moss. Two high holes are hollowed out on the left and right walls, and inside are human-sized objects wrapped in layers of shrouds. There is no peculiar smell of corpses. There is only a clear cold air, and a unique smell similar to the breath of the dead.

The ceiling is lit with a pale light at regular intervals, but because of the large intervals, many dark corners are left in the passage. Although it does not affect walking, the dim light makes people seem to miss something. Without preparatory lighting, the action seems quite dangerous.

"--Rob, did the corpse respond to the undead?"

"No, no."

"Really?" Ai Xue replied, walking towards the body wrapped in the shroud, and took out the dagger and cut the shroud. Seeing her movements, two of the group came out and examined the body that appeared under the shroud together with the toss.

"...This inference from height and physique is likely to be human. And it is an adult male."

"I didn't wear any clothes, so I still can't tell which era remains."

"However, this ruin is really a mystery. The age can not be determined from the architectural style or burial method. Maybe it is a ruin 600 years ago."

"--If so, it is a historic discovery."

Maybe this is a topic worth discussing for scholars, but they are here to work.

With the cold sight cast by Hekron and Greenhan, the three men quickly came to the conclusion, "The era and background in which this ruin was established is still a mystery."

"Got it. Can you move forward quickly? I really want to hunt monsters quickly."

Agreeing with some dissatisfaction with Alya, the group moved on, but stopped after a few steps.

Everyone pulled out their weapons and prepared to fight.

There was a rattling sound of bones in front of him.

Illuminated by the ceiling lights, you can glimpse the undead who came from the front of the passage.

The distance shortened, and after seeing each other's true face clearly, the workers seemed to see something they couldn't believe and burst into noise in surprise.

"It's too exaggerated to say this..."

"Hey, really fake..."

"Huh? Is it really a skeleton?"

When someone said the name of the monster, the unbearable burst of laughter filled the whole passage.

"Hey, hello! How can the skull be too exaggerated? We have so many people?"

The appearance of the monsters in the Skeleton Department is not much different, and sometimes at first glance it is impossible to distinguish the types.

But from the perspective of giving people feelings, they can easily be sure that these are really just ordinary skeletons.

"If it's armed reconnaissance, it should send out stronger monsters-I know! There is no monster at all to dominate this ruin, otherwise the other party is incompetent to speculate about our combat power, or else it is an idiot to find no one to invade at all. "!"

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