Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 303: defensive

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For this intruder, Ma Yuan’s suggestion was to use actual combat to inspect Nasarik’s defense system.

Thinking where in Nasariq the monster will automatically appear and decide where to arrange the monster is a job familiar to Anz before. . But now that the situation has changed, there is no guarantee that there is no better configuration.

"...Intruders are very vulnerable, and it is certainly impossible to use them to confirm all the systems. But I still hope to get something from this plan."

"Comply. I promise to meet the expectations of Master Anz."

"Very well, you also know that spraying poison gas to let the undead enter the enemy formation, etc., and other traps that require payment, try to avoid using them. Could you use traps that automatically appear as servants. No problem?"

Seeing Jared's smile, Anz nodded.

"Really? Then I'll appreciate it for now. By the way, what about the other floor guardians?"

"Yes. On the return of Lord Anz, I have given instructions to everyone to gather. Whoever comes first will come first, is it okay?"

"I allow it, it's funny even if there are many people."

"So just in case, I want to confirm that Ariadne should not start?"

He opened the control interface operation tab and confirmed that everything was displayed normally, but he couldn't help asking.

"I don't think so. However, there is a question to ask adults, if the intruder blocked the entrance, will Ariadne start?"

Anz recalled the Q&A of YGGDRASIL I saw before. No, it seems to be written in the update description of the operation update file?

"I don't think...I remember it...should."

This is the case at YGGDRASIL, but no one can guarantee that in this world, this rule is still valid. Besides, even if there is the system of Ariadne, he is not sure.

"So what happens if human operations are carried out?"

"It may not start, but considering how much will be lost once started, I really dare not take this risk experiment."

On a screen operated by Anz, the figures of the workers are shown.

"Huh! Okay, finally entered. I can't wait to be impatient."

Seeing Xiao Xiao broke into the fortress built by himself and his companions with his dirty feet, Anz was very upset. Because the mental ups and downs exceeded the stability range, he was immediately sedated, but even with this, he still could not completely suppress the burning irritability.

The team of workers led by "Green Leaf" Palpadola bid farewell to a group driven by expectations and excitement, and looked down from the entrance stairs of the Central Ling Temple.

There was no movement in the Yongmian cemetery below the line of sight. There was only silence, night and starlight. When Palpadola took a step towards the stairs, the companions said to him:

"Grandpa, wouldn't it be such a shame? Wouldn't it be good for the cemetery to let other teams search?"

"Of course you are right. Every squad... except for the incompetent squad, the other abilities are similar. What we can do, "Heavy Smasher" or "Silicon" should also be able to do it."

"That's it..." Halfway through the companion's words, Palpadola interrupted him and then said:

"But we got the priority search right tomorrow, but not everything will suffer. Moreover, by tomorrow, the surface part search should also be over. If you are unlucky, the last team may not get any Interests may even be transferred to guard the camp."

"It turns out so..."

"What's more, it's too dangerous to grab the first invading mysterious ruins. They are equal to our canaries. I hope they can come back alive."

Palpadola looked back coldly. In front of the line of sight is the disappeared figure of the workers who broke into the ruins.

A slightly insulting expression appeared, which was very inconsistent with the usual attitude of the kind old man who was called the grandfather, but the team members knew him well and were not surprised.

Palpadola is very careful about the personality of the old man. This man always works hard, and thinks about everything. So he can take a long-term adventure on the front line and defeat the dragon. Conversely, his personality is too cautious, and he missed the opportunity to obtain benefits several times. But he never lost any companion, so he was trusted by all the team members.

For anyone, there is no more expensive product than life. But even so, still envy the treasure that slipped away from his own hands.

"We might have missed the opportunity to discover amazing props! What does it matter even if we use our lives as chips?"

"You made sense. But look at this neat cemetery. Since someone is cleaning, it means there will be monsters coming out to welcome us. Let them confirm what kind of monsters are there, isn't it better? The old man is not Like this commission, there are too many uncertainties."

After listening to Palpadola's mumble, the team members asked easily:

"As a result, haven't you picked it up yet?"

"Yeah. Because the other teams also picked up, the old man thought he could run away while they sacrificed."

A group of people walked up the entire ladder and reached the bottom.

"It's difficult for you to search the surface part voluntarily because of this? Is it that you can run away as soon as you hear their screams?"

"This is also one of the reasons. The old man's idea is a bit of a bet this time... just like you said just now, there may be a big loss for it. If you can collect more information, it will be safer, but in fact The old man doesn't know if it really has such a big benefit. If the old man is wrong, let the old man apologize.

"Don't care, old man. We always trust you. Because most of the time, your choice is right."

"Moreover, even if you are losing money, just bite your teeth and find another job to make a fortune. Didn't the old man say it? Staying in Qingshan, I'm not afraid of no firewood, so I don't have to be involved in danger."

"I miss you so much, we were still young at that time."

"You are still very young now?"

"No, the old man said I was young and there was nothing to convince."

A group of people walked along the cemetery to the Xiaoling Temple with a bitter smile on their faces.

"It is said that this should have been discussed with you before making a decision, but the result is that the old man alone is advocating. I am really sorry."

"At that time, we could only say that. The grandfather was the team leader we selected. We are willing to follow the decisions made by the trusted team leader."

"...You were clearly dissatisfied at that time. What are you grinning about? Okay, let's check it out. Then if time is left, ask Ma Yuan to help the old man exercise. Rarely have this opportunity, you too Please ask him for guidance.",,...

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