Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 304: Maid

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"Well, the old man played against him, we all remember it in our heads, it really deserves to be a steel grade."

"... there are also many types of steel grades. The current "Eight Layers" of the Empire can honestly be regarded as a tool of the steel grade. Ma Yuan is the real steel grade. The man standing in the old man Areas beyond reach."


"Hahaha, don't care. The old man in his heyday may still be jealous, but the old man is just a crumpled old man and will not be hit. Moreover, the old man has seen several real steel adventurers, but Ma Yuan is still a wonderful flower among those people. The breath he feels from him is like the steel grade of the steel grade."

"Is that right?"

"Yes, so the old man said that you can ask him for guidance. After the old man's death, if you still want to continue to take risks, accumulating more experience will benefit the future."

"How could Grandpa die! I can't even imagine how you retired."

"That's right. With the old man's tough body, it is not a problem to want to live as long as Elder Paradine, right?"

"Hahaha. No, no, even an old man can't be like him. That person is a stranger."

"The team is really harmonious."

Suddenly, the calm voice of a woman came.

Among the members of this time, the women are only two of Hekron's "Four Strategists" and the three forest elf slaves of Elya "Tianwu". But this voice does not belong to any of them.

The group immediately raised their weapons and turned back.

Earlier they walked down the gentle stairs and saw a group of women in maid costumes standing at the entrance of the Ling Temple, a total of five people.

Every woman is incredibly beautiful, so it is particularly unusual.

The strange thing is that everyone is dressed like a maid, but it is decisively different from the clothes that Palpadola has seen, and it has a metallic luster similar to armor.

"Who... who are you? The old man hasn't seen you... well, is there still a hidden passage..."

"Woman? But... I'm afraid the comer is not good."

"It looks like there is no hostility, but... it can't be someone other than us... hired."

"What should I do, Grandpa?"

The companions did not dare to carelessly, and asked him while watching the women's every move.

The best option is to negotiate first, but it seems impossible to end friendlyly.

"The number of people is quite...can it cope with it?"

The opponent's strength should be comparable to them, or higher than them.

They did not strike while the workers were gathering together, and they ran through the net, saying that they should not have enough combat power or traps to deal with so many people at once. At the same time, they chose to show up at this time and take the initiative to speak to them, indicating that they have confidence to win Palpadola and others.

Although the body became older and became less sweaty, at this moment, Palpadola's hand holding the spear became sweating.

"But the maid appeared in the really makes people doubt their taste."

The casual joking companion, the next moment, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his face was trembling with iron.

For only a moment, Palpadola thought that the surrounding temperature had dropped. However, it is not an illusion that the whole body is covered with goose bumps.

Even with the moonlight alone, the maids who stood in a row clearly saw the fierce light in everyone's eyes. Just like the pupil itself will glow.

"Kill them."


"You can't kill them in the usual way. You have to give them more pain than you think."

The maid's surroundings were tumbling fiercely. There is a feeling of excitement and resentment, as if the space is distorted.

"Okay, okay." The maid who seemed to have the most status clapped her hands gently. "But I'm very happy to see that everyone has worked hard."

With the sound of "Keng", the seemingly marble escalator sounded a crisp metal sound. It was the sound of high heels that seemed to be worn by the maids.

Palpadola and others retreated as if shocked.

Considering that the other party is not holding a weapon, it should be a magic chanter. In this case, it is not a good idea to let the opponent stand in a favorable position in a high place, and use this open place suitable for shooting as a battlefield.

For Palpadola, the most effective tactic is to bring the enemy closer, but on the contrary, it is good for the maids. However, why did those maids walk down the stairs? Do you plan to use "flight" to fly into the air as soon as possible?

The maids were expressionless like wearing a mask, and slowly stepped down the stairs like a king, causing Palpadola and others to be embarrassed, but still hiding behind the shield to discuss what to do and what tactics to take .

"Keng!" A particularly loud voice came, and the maids stopped in the middle of the ladder.

"Okay, let me introduce myself first. I... I was rude... Below is the vice-captain of the Seven Sisters, Yuli Alpha. I should not spend too much time with you, but still Please take care. Back to the topic, although it is faster for us to sweep you directly, but for some reason, we cannot directly shoot. It is a pity."

A few lovely silver bell-like laughter came down the wind.

The smiles of the beautiful maidservants are so charming that people will fall in love almost instantly.

Palpadola, once an adventurer and a current worker, has seen all kinds of things for many years. It also includes monsters with extraordinary beauty such as banshees. But even he had never seen such a beautiful woman, so beautiful and flowery to the point of inspiring.

But what is hidden beneath the correct appearance is to despise people's speech, overflowing with the superiority of words and other overwhelming pride. For men who have been born and died many times and are confident in their skills, this arrogance is really unbearable. You might even want to give them a little color.

However, unlike the poor appearance, all kinds of indirect evidence from just now to now show that these maids are very likely to be ruthless characters, so that they can't make up their minds to fight. A companion who had only suffered the murderous intention, still has a terrified face.

Perhaps the best way is to choose to retreat and let the adventurers-especially Ma Yuan, join the battle.

"So let me introduce your opponents." Li Li clapped her hands. As if responding to the endless clapping of the hands, the cemetery shook. "Senior **** from Nasarik, come out."

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