Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 305: Break through

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Palpadola yelled in amazement.

The ground behind was split, and several skeletons appeared from it.

Was it caught? wrong......

Looking up at the stairs, the maids are still hostile, but they no longer have the will to fight. It can be said that they have entered the battle mode. Although they can't be careless, as the maid said just now, they didn't seem to attack for a while.

Palpadola judged that the current enemy had only the skull behind, and began to observe a new batch of enemies.

The skeleton itself is not a strong enemy. With the strength of Palpadola, even a few hundred are not a fear, and they can be solved mechanically. If you think about it like this, what came out of the ground-eight or so skeletons, is not their opponent at all.

However, there is only one problem.

Palpadola's companions swallowed the saliva involuntarily and stepped back subconsciously.

Those skeletons feel different from ordinary skeletons, and their armaments are different.

They wore luxurious breastplates that would be used by the Guards of a certain country, they held heraldic painted kite shields, they held a variety of weapons, and they carried synthetic longbows on their backs. And all these weapons and armor contain the radiance of magic power.

Arming your own skeleton with magic props cannot be just a normal skeleton.

"what is that?"

"Don't you know? I'm not very confident...but I think it may be a subspecies of Skeleton Warrior."

"Subspecies? It doesn't seem to be a red skull warrior..."

Unfamiliar opponents without relevant knowledge always teach people to be afraid, especially when they also arm themselves with magic props with special effects.

"----From the perspective of the number of people, this should be enough. Please cheer up and let us see how far you can escape."

"It is an honor to deal with us with such a powerful undead. But..."

Palpadola thought calmly.

In any case, it is not possible to prepare the undead with so many magic items indefinitely, it is probably to deal with them with the greatest combat power from the beginning.

Otherwise, they will not be allowed to invade the ruins, but can respond earlier.

"--These are the greatest capabilities of this ruin? Do you think this level can stop us?"

Looking up and hearing Palpadola's questioning, Yuli seemed to be a little shaken, her eyes moving around.

The old man said it! It turns out so. There have been traps in the conversation just now...

The smartest way to use the maximum combat power should be to break down the enemy in the grave. However, considering the possibility of not reaching the enemy, and concentrating on the end of the search, a group of people who are exhausted in spirit and body will inevitably pass through-the exit, perhaps smarter.

The opponent's purpose also revealed three points. The maid said "how far she can escape" is to induce them to consider escaping so as to gain a favorable position to attack from behind. Thinking from the perspective of the other party, they will continue to fight for several consecutive battles, and they should want to minimize the loss.

Therefore, there is only one thing to do.

"It's enough to overthrow all the skeletons here and kill them, right?"

In order to keep up with the squad that followed, they must defeat the senior guards of Nasarik.

Although the other teams are competitors, their companions are companions. Besides, if the other party believes that they will run away, it is less likely to fall into the trap and stay in the same place. Although it was just in case that I had to ask Ma Yuan to take part in the battle if the opponent was very strong, I should be brave even if there are risks now.

"Unexpectedly, something went wrong with the plan. It turned out that we became a canary... It's really a headache to teach people. Well, do you think that's all?"

"The armies of the undead are so powerful, there should be no more."

"This is the route that the intruders will definitely pass, so setting the maximum combat power here, I think it is the best tactic. Think of it, those should be all. And the other party should have more intelligence than us, It is unlikely to be stupid enough to disperse the fighting."

"...No, I think there should be a few in the ruins, but most of the rest are lower-order undead."

"Grandpa... Let's run away. That's bad, really bad."

"It has already been hit by a pinch and can't escape! Even if you want to escape with a fly, you will be shot by a bow and arrow. Guys hold on! There is no other way of survival except to knock them down!"

When Parpadola roared, a voice of helplessness and surprise came from above.

"Well, there is also a way to break through. We will cheer for you, so please start."

Starting with this voice, senior Nasari guards took a step.

Yuli and their heads were so distressed that they kept "screaming".

The unexpected situation made them hard to hide their confusion. I couldn't think of it... they couldn't help thinking that.

"Oh, this is a terrible mile."

"......... I didn't expect such an exaggeration."

"Adult Cosettes will be scared."

"Go on like will end without seeing it at all."

Youli watched as the hammer swayed high.

"It's not good to look like that, it will die."

At the moment Rups Reqina murmured, the man was hit in the chest and fell to the ground.

The sound of metal friction and the sound of heavy objects falling, even in this fierce battle situation, still sounded all around.

The first war dead was a human warrior. The senior guard of Nazarek holding a lightning hammer did not seem particularly happy, looking for the next prey.

"Mr. Shenguan, if you use healing magic soon, the soldier will die."

".........No way. The soldiers died on the spot and caused the front to collapse."

Yuri murmured worriedly, and Hess shook her head and answered.

The two Nasarik senior guards resisted by the soldiers just now have freedom, one to deal with the clerk, and the other to go around the guard. I was dealing with two originally, and now I want to add one more. The priest has no more spirit to use magic. Just to deal with the offensive from three directions, it is already overwhelmed.

The only thing was Palpadola's bravery and warfare, but he dealt with three enemies at the same time and had no spare power to help his companions.

"The thief's firepower alone is not enough. I wonder if he has any secret weapons?"

The thieves who protect the magic chanters of the magic system are much more resistant to an enemy. Here are two. To deal with the undead who are wearing strong armor and unable to strike a life-long death-the senior guard of Nasalik, the light weapons held by the thieves are too lacking in decisive power. ,, ..

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