Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 306: fling in teeth

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The thieves managed to evade the offensive with agility, but the gap between the tired human and the undead who was not tired was too great.

"He looks like we are crying."

"Want to wave your hand?"

"It should be harmless to wave your hand."


Lupus Reqina waved to Parpadola with a smile.

".........Hit it."

"Who told Lupu to distract people."

"Huh~ Blame me?"

".........Well, blame you. But you can cheer them... cheer."

"Yeah, I hope they can work harder."

Hearing this, all the maids nodded.

The battle of the Palpadola squad has always had Nazarek's senior guards prevailing. At this point, the one-sided battle situation can only be said to be unnecessary resistance, and even Yuli and others who are watching the battle can't help but sympathize with them.

At first, they smiled and said, "Aren't you confident before the battle?" But the battle situation was so unsightly, they yawned while watching, and now they even started to help Parpadola to cheer.

"Oh, the strength on both sides is so disparate, I really have nothing to say."

".........Is there no secret weapon?"

"The summoning magic that we sang just now should be right."

"Third rank?"

"No, that secret weapon is too weak. However, it is a good idea to use the summoned monster as a meat shield."

"Indeed, as long as the attack is not hit, maybe how much can reshape the situation."

"But, it was too stupid to use flying magic later. Didn't the crumpled old man also say that?"

"I don't know if I plan to escape, or if I want to use magic from above..."

"......... happens to be a living target."

The magic chanter of the mana department has been fatally knocked to the ground. If you have time to use healing magic or potions, you should be able to return to the front, but everyone has no spare power at all. As a result, the thieves can only cover him at most, and not let the enemy give him a final blow.

"But how can they think that there are only a few senior guards?"

This is really a question.

Would it be unconscious to think of things in a direction that is beneficial to oneself? This does not mean that they are stupid. Perhaps it is because you do not want to look directly at despair. In order to invigorate your courage, the survival instinct of mankind reaches its maximum limit.

"There is no hope anyway."

"Yeah, it's getting worse."

"One way is to thoroughly defend and fight for time, and wait for other thieves to come back, how about it?"

Everyone looked at Antema with white eyes.

"How could it be back!"


"No way, it's impossible to return from Nazarek's underground grave safely."

Along with the painful scream, there was a sound of something falling. The fighting maids turned to make a sound and talked in disappointment.

"Ah, the thieves also fell."

"The victory and defeat have been revealed."

"So just on the ladder, you should listen to them for mercy first..."

"They were so confident at that time! Of course they thought they had any intentions."

The thick and fresh **** smell from the thieves reached the maids.

"looks yummy......"

"can not do this."

You Li advised Antema.

The order given by the master is to bring back those who have lost their fighting power, regardless of life or death. Of course, it's too rude not to give the messy body to the owner.

"Fresh meat..."

"Let's ask Master Anz later to see if it's okay to eat. Now be patient."

"Isn't this wonderful? It was supposed to be able to deal with people who ran away, right?"

"It seems to be miles. So there should be a strong undead ambush near the wall."

"Sir Cosettes can easily catch them if he is right, but..."

".........I didn't expect them to face head to head."

"If you don't know how to analyze your opponent's combat strength, you will end up with this. Well, if you have a breath, he will be cured and sent to the torture room. If you die... report it to Master Anz."

This night, the team of workers led by Palpadola disappeared in this way.

"Block back!"

Greenham's roar sounded in the tomb full of musty smells and corpses.

The room is a square with a length of 20 meters, and the ceiling is five meters high. The room was illuminated by the magic light made by the magic chanter and the torches that fell on the ground, and was filled with waterless figures.

Forced to the corner of the room were members of "heavy crushers" such as Greenham. The entire burial chamber was flooded with a large number of low-level undead such as zombies and skeletons.

Too many monsters are too lazy to count.

Greenhan and the soldiers holding shields blocked the turbulent flow of death from the front with two people, forming a **** to prevent the defenders from being violated.

The zombie waved his hands against Greenham's armor. Although the strength after turning into a corpse is greater than that of ordinary people, it is still impossible to hurt the steel armor. The corrupt and fragile hands hit a crush, and the rotten flesh sticks to the armor.

The same is true for skeletons. The rusty weapon in his hand could never penetrate the magical armor.

Of course there are so-called accidents. But this accident never happened, it was given by the defensive magic applied to the body.

Greenham waved an axe in his hand, but he knocked down one, and other undead will immediately come to fill the vacancy. And they kept shortening the distance, as if they wanted to crush Greenham directly.

"Damn! There are too many!"

The soldier holding the shield beside Greenham groaned in pain. Since the shield covered his body, he was not attacked, but the shield was covered with dirty liquid.

He smashed the heads of zombies and skeletons with a mace, but he eventually lost his pressure and slowly backed up little by little.

"Where did so many enemies come from?"

It is reasonable for the soldiers to have such doubts.

After breaking up with other teams at the crossroads, Greenham searched several rooms. Unfortunately, there are not as many gold and silver treasures as the Ling Temple in each room, but some valuable treasures have also been found, so they slowly explored all the way along the way. Then when they entered the room, and also started searching, the door opened coldly, and a lot of undead came out of nowhere, squeezing into the room.

Zombies or skeletons are not strong enemies. But the number has become so much violence.

Once pulled to the ground or overwhelmed, even if it is not to die, it will certainly be unable to move. At that time the army of undead will attack the guard. ,, ..

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