Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 307: Priest

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The defender should not easily lose, but in the face of this amount of violence, it is really a bit unsettling.

If you go on like this, if you are unlucky, the front may collapse. Greenham judged this way and decided to use the power that he wanted to preserve.

"At this moment we must decide the victory and defeat in one breath! Please wait!"

The defender who has only been throwing stones so far has started to move.

For Greenham and his "heavy crusher," this level of undead was not difficult to deal with. But because of this, the defender will choose to stand by and try to save strength. As long as the defender takes action, it is easy to eliminate the undead at this level.

"My God, Earth God! Please repel the impure!"

The cry of the clergyman holding the Holy Seal forms strength. The burial chamber, which was originally full of impure air, produced a refreshing breeze—a stronger fluctuation than the normal divine power. The priest activated the ability to repel the undead.

Along with this volatility, the undead began to collapse from the side of the priest, and fell to the ground.

The ability to repel the undead, when the strength of the two sides has an overwhelming gap, you can directly destroy the enemy instead of repelling. However, if you want to eliminate a large number of undead, the difficulty will rise sharply, requiring a certain degree of strength.

As a result, more than twenty undead collapsed in one breath.

"Blow you up! "Fireball"!"

The magical magic chanter used the "fireball" to fly to the center of the undead army and exploded. The flame only burned violently for a moment, and all the false lives of zombies and skeletons in the range were burned to death, and the smoke disappeared.

"It's not over yet! "Fireball!"

"My God, Earth God! Please repel the impure!"

The defender once again launched a range attack, and the number of undead decreased sharply.

"Let's go!"

"it is good!"

Greenham and the soldiers who threw away their shields and raised their maces with both hands killed the army of the undead. If it were all left to the magic chanters, it would be a breeze to sweep these enemies, but Greenham still chose to assault, because seriously, they wanted to save their magic as much as possible. In particular, the priest's "repelled undead" has limited use. His profession is particularly good at dealing with undead, and can be a killer in this tomb.

Greenham rushed into the zombie gang and waved his axe. From the body position of the cut fly-if the heart will beat, it should be sprayed-slowly flowing out of a viscous liquid that is not blood. The disgusting odor of the cross-section of the corpse, but not too intolerable.

Or it should be said that the nose is paralyzed.

Greenham joined forces with the soldiers to attack, attack, and then attack. Did not expect to defend at all.

Because of the magical support and strong armor body, and the opponent is a weak undead, it can be so assault.

Greenham's head was beaten and hit from time to time, but the impact was absorbed by the armor, and his neck was barely burdened. Even if he was beaten in the chest or abdomen, he felt no impact.

After all, the opponent is just the lowest order undead. Just now, because of the tactics of the human sea, it was once in a hurry. Once the enemy was swept to this point, it was much easier to fight. The soldier continued to wave his weapon and shouted:

"The only ones I met were the undead, but there are so many enemies in this grave!"

"So there is no guarantee that there will be no stronger undeads! Having said that, if there are stronger undeads, why haven't they appeared yet, I can't figure it out!"

The answering person was the priest who picked up the warrior's shield while observing the situation in the rear.

"...No, maybe the undead here are summoned by some means. It may be some kind of ritual magic, or it may be a prop or something."

Strangely, the body disappears after a period of time, so it does not flood the entire floor, leaving nowhere to stand. It's a bit like the final situation of the summoned monster, so the magician will warn everyone like this.

"A large number of low-level undead organizations?...I refuse! Don't let me imagine the whole grave filled with zombies!"

Greenham responded by cutting off the skull's head like he was cutting a branch, then glanced at the room. There is not much left for the undead, and both hands can be counted. There did not seem to be a new batch coming out of the portal that opened wide, and the battle would end soon.

As he thought so, a creepy feeling rose from the soles of his feet.

Crisis-sensing ability ordered him to leave the scene immediately, but in the current situation it is almost impossible. even so--

"Attention! Go outside—"

The thieves seemed to have the same hunch and roared loudly.

However, it is too late. Suddenly, the originally hard and firm floor became fragile. Instead, a sense of floatation covers the whole body. After a beat, the unbalanced body was hit on the floor.

The companions moaned in pain. However, Greenham squeezed the axe, which was not released even if it fell, and stood up while destroying the skull that also fell to the ground.

"Destroy the enemy!"

Since the undead also suffered falling injuries—especially the skeletons who were beaten as their weak points, suffered heavy injuries when they fell—so they played much easier than before.

Solving the undead in the room, Greenham had the power to look around.

They should have fallen into the bottom of the magic trap cave where the entire floor of the room disappeared. Looking up, the ceiling is quite far away. Visually speaking, there are more than 12 meters. And three meters above the floor, there was a closed door. There was an open door three meters high on the door—a total of six meters high from the floor—that was the door Greenham had entered in the beginning. Perhaps it can be counted as the height of falling two floors.

Overall, this space is like a straight rectangular column. The floor part has the shape of a quadrangular pyramid with the tip facing down. Due to the steep slope, if accidentally, it will roll all the way to the center of the room-the lowest position. At present, a companion rolled down all the way when falling, stuck in the lowest position, and was almost not buried alive by the rolling zombie.

It's unbelievable that there was almost no injury in such a place.

The strange thing is that in the vicinity of the three-meter high position, that is, as high as the closed door, there are four passage-like structures on each wall, a total of sixteen.

"It looks like a room for water punishment. A lot of water will pour in through the openings that look like passages. I don't want it. If it's sticky or something, it's more annoying."...

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