Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 308: Run away

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"I agree. Check the door quickly and escape from there if there is no problem."

It's a bit hard to climb the two-story building by climbing the wall without protrusions. At best, there are only thieves, and it is difficult for people like Greenham to wear full armor. In contrast, the unknown door below is not necessarily safe, but it is at least much easier.

When they were discussing how to climb up, they emerged from the sixteen channels almost simultaneously. It was a corpse that was almost exploding—a plague striker.

The expansion of the body is due to the accumulation of full of negative energy. Once it is knocked down, it will explode. While hurting the living, it will also restore physical strength for the undead. It is a troublesome undead.

The undead like a piece of meat jumped into the air. The body of the plague striker hit the floor hard and made a disgusting noise. The next thing is the problem. The rolling body that fell on the steep floor can't stop, so it rolls like a rock and pounces on Greenham and others.

"Danger! Hurry away!"

"I'm in charge of using the brain, don't be a strong man!"

Everyone, including the sorcerer who was bitter, barely avoided this wave of attack, and the undead rolled to the center of the quadrangular pyramid. The next batch of plague strikers have exposed their ugly faces, let Greenham and others know that these are just the first batch, and also guess what will happen next.

"Run away! This room will be overwhelmed by them!"

If it is hit by a violent rolling undead and falls to the center, it will be directly crushed to death. Even if he was not crushed to death, he would not be able to move, and then suffered continuous negative bursts from the undead who were crushed by his colleague.

"There are enough traps for villains! Please, who will be my footsteps!"

"There is no way! If you fall, you can't hide it!"

Even if you can successfully avoid it, once you lose your balance, you can't avoid the next attack. In this situation, no one dared to act as a platform.

"Then I will use magic!"

"Don't use "fly"! Your strength can't pull us!"

"No, wow! It's dangerous! I'm going to use the "Spider Ladder"!"

"That's fine! Please put it on the nearest door! Greenham, you protect him!"

"—No! Stop it! We must escape from the second-floor door we came in! The door below is dangerous!"

The companions did not have time to ask the basis for this, but they trusted Greenham very much.

""Spider's Ladder"!"

The magic started, and the spider's web stretched along the wall to the second floor high.

The spider silk made by magic has special stickiness. When you don't want to let go, it will stick when you touch it, and loosen when you want to move it. It is suitable for use as a ladder.

Although Greenham and others were anxious, they still climbed up the ladder in a string with perfect skills.

Greenham finally came to the door that had been open and observed the passage carefully. It would be terrible to be knocked down here.

He sighed in relief. It seems that the situation he feared did not happen, and there were no undead in the passage.

After confirming, he jumped onto the channel and pulled the others behind.

"Saved! Almost crushed to death by the undead. This is the worst among the deadliest!"

"...This ruin is really viciously designed. My foot hurt when I fell, so please give me a healing magic."

"Negative burst seems to hurt my toes! It's terrible!"

"I'm lucky to avoid it. It's too cruel to tell the magician to avoid the attack."

The companions panted, and you complained one by one.

"Hey, Greenham. Why should I avoid that door? I thought that door was the correct choice. Isn't the correct path always arranged in a dangerous place?"

"It's just my take a look at the door with an unwanted weapon."

Greenham, who had no spare power, resumed his usual way of speaking. Upon hearing his answer, the thief immediately drew his dagger and threw it at the door. The dagger that flew in a straight line was about to hit-I thought at this moment, a part of the door suddenly swelled up, and the swelled part became a tentacle, flicking away the flying dagger.

"That's...! Gate-shaped mimic demon. No, it is guessed from the color of the tentacle, it should be the immortal gate-shaped mimic demon. This kind of enemy will grab the opponent with viscous body fluid, and then proceed with the tentacle Unilateral attacks."

"Huh! Double trap, right? It's insidious. But you can do it if you really do."

"It’s just intuition. No, to be precise, I just chose the known rather than the unknown. Moreover, the position of the door will be continuously bombarded by a negative critical strike, although the negative critical strike should be for a dead door. The effect is low, but I still feel that it will be a bit strange to set up the channel in that place. Then, I will wait to start moving—"

Speaking of which, Greenham closed his mouth. Because I still talked about an endless thief just now, putting a finger against my lips and listening to my ears.

Greenham also raised his ears, and heard a kind of "click, click" sound that struck the floor regularly.

Everyone’s eyes are on the sound source, the channel,

"Should be... the enemy. Can't we take a break?"

"Yeah, there is only one voice, and there is no feeling of crippling. It's not wrong. Hope is the last enemy..."

Everyone slowly raised their weapons, and the soldier standing in front raised the shield that his companion handed him, hiding half of his body behind the shield. The sorcerer pointed the radiating staff toward the front of the sounding channel, ready to cast magic at any time. The priest held up the seal, and the thief aimed the sound with a bow and arrow.

The click sound became louder and louder, and finally the other party finally showed up.

Luxurious—but a rather old robe, wrapped in a thinner body than a woman or a child, with a twisted staff in one hand—this is the one that makes a knock.

There was only a skinny and corrupted face, with an evil color of wisdom. The body is filled with negative energy, which is like smoke covering the whole body.

This is a magic chanter of the dead. Its name is-

"--The Grand Wizard of the Dead!"

The first magician who saw the true face of the monster shouted.

Exactly. This is the most fierce demon born after the evil magic chanter dies and enters the body with negative life.

Greenham and others suddenly changed their formation when they heard that they were great magicians of the dead. No one lined up. And keep a moderate distance between everyone to beware of range magic. ,, ..

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