Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 311: Horror

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It wears a bright red cloak embroidered with luxurious gold thread, wears a tiny golden crown on its head, and holds a scepter with pure white stones on its forelegs.

The strangest thing is that it is clearly standing upright, but the head is facing them at Greenham. Generally, if insects stand on two feet, their heads will of course face upwards. But this weird existence is different.

Other than that, it is not much different from other cockroaches. No, this alone is already much worse.

Greenhan exchanged a look with the thief, and Greenhan was responsible for negotiating with the other party. Confirming that the thief lowered the bow with the arrow, Greenhan said to the terrorist:

"who are you?"

"Um. You don't seem to have heard what I said just now, is it better to report the name again?"

"No, I don't mean this..." Greenham said halfway, remembering that this was not something he should do or ask now. "...I made it clear, would you like to make a deal with us?"

"Oh, the deal. I am very grateful to the two, and I am happy to accept your transaction?"

One thing in this remark is confusing-why would you thank them both? Although Greenham was a bit concerned about this, he was unable to ask the other party in an overwhelming disadvantage.

"...What we hope is... I want you to let us leave this room safely."

"It turns out that there is such an idea as a matter of course. But even if the two leave the room, they are currently on the second basement floor of the Nazarek underground grave. I have to say that it is difficult to return to the surface.

Second floor--

This sentence opened Greenham's eyes.

"Walk down a little from the ground temple and pass through a door, is it the first floor?"

"Does this generally say?"

"No, I just want to confirm."

"Haha, the two were sent from the first floor, and it would be excusable to feel confused."

Terrorist didn't know how to do it, nodded frequently, Greenham looked at him and felt the coldness pierced by icicles.

This is the fear that the statement just now proved.

In other words, although I don't know how to do it, in short, the other party used teleport magic as a trap. What kind of magic is that, and what kind of magic technology is it? Even if he is not a magic chanter, he can understand the amazing thing.

"... Indeed, I hope you can tell us how to leave this grave, but I dare not be so extravagant. Just let us leave this room."


"We... are willing to hand over whatever you want."

"It turns out so..."

The horror public nodded deeply, making the action of falling into contemplation.

In a dead room, a short time passed. Finally, the Terrorist seemed to make a decision and nodded and said:

"What I want is already in my hands. The conditions provided by the two are not enough to satisfy me."

Greenham was about to speak, and the Terrorist raised his forelimb to stop him, and then said:

"Before that, you don't seem to understand why I said thank you two, let me answer you. My family members seem to have tired of each other. So my talents will thank you for being their feed."


As soon as the thief understood it, he shot an arrow.

The arrow flying out of the sky was entangled in the crimson cloak of the terror man, and lost his strength and fell.

Then-the room started to move.

There were countless rustles in the room, which turned into a torrent of sound.

Then rolled up the huge waves.

It was a black turbid current.

"It's a pity that there are only two people, but just ask the two to become food for their families--"

The upheavy turbulent waves swallowed Greenham and the thieves. The scene was as if swallowed by the tsunami from the front.

Greenham was submerged in a black vortex while desperately slapping cockroaches that had penetrated into the gap of the armor.

To deal with such a small bug group, the weapon is useless, and Greenham will not be able to attack the martial arts. In this case, it is better to play directly by hand. So the weapon has been thrown away by him, I don't know where to go.

He struggled to wave his hands, but countless cockroaches covering his entire body took away his freedom of movement. The scene is very much like a drowning person waving his hands. In Greenham's ears, only the rustling of countless cockroaches could be heard.

The voice of the thief's companion was overshadowed by the rustle and could not pass into his ear.

No, it is a matter of course that the voice of the thief cannot be heard. Because the rogue's mouth, throat, and stomach were filled with cockroaches, he could not make a sound at all.

A tingling sensation came from all over. It was the pain of the cockroach that had penetrated into the gap of the armor biting Greenham's body.


Greenham wanted to yell, but the cockroach in the entrance blocked his mouth. He desperately wanted to spit out the cockroaches, but as long as he spoke a little, another cockroach would hardly get in through the crevices of his lips and crawl around in his mouth.

It seemed that a small cockroach had also penetrated into the ear, and the rustling sound became louder, and the ear itch was unbearable.

There are countless cockroaches on his face, climbing up and down restlessly, nibbling everywhere. There was a tingling in the eyelids. But he couldn't open his eyes. It's not hard to imagine the consequences of opening your eyes.

Greenham already knew what would happen to him, and he would be eaten up by cockroaches alive.

"I don't want this!"

He screamed, and cockroaches poured into his mouth. They moved around stupidly, trying to get deep into their throats. Then he felt something sliding down his throat into his stomach. The feeling of live cockroaches tumbling in his stomach made him sick.

Greenham struggled desperately.

He could not accept this kind of death.

He wants to make his two older brothers take a look at himself. This only idea made him work hard to get his current status.

Greenham has already saved enough to spend a leisurely life without taking risks. With his distinguished reputation, it is not a problem to want to marry a beautiful woman who cannot be found in the village. Whether he is powerful or financial, he is far superior to the two brothers who drove himself out of the house, and should be the winner of life.

He didn't want to die in such a place.

"Ah, vomit! I'm going to go back alive!"

He yelled as he spit out the crushed cockroach.

"...I can really support it, so let's have another one."

Greenhan's cry was easily swallowed by the black vortex after a few seconds.

He opened his eyes inadvertently.

What is in view is the ceiling of a certain place. The ceiling is made of stone, and an object emitting white light is embedded on it. He didn't know how he was here. He wanted to look around, only to find that his head couldn't move. No, not just the head. Wrists, anxiety, waist and chest were **** by something and could not move. ,, ..

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