Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 312: Regretful emotion

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The incomprehensible situation caused fear. He wanted to yell, but there was something stuck in his mouth. He could neither speak nor shut up.

He could only move his gaze, desperately trying to confirm the situation around him, and at this moment, a voice spoke to him.

"Ouch, you woke up."

It was a hoarse voice, and it was difficult to judge whether it was a woman or a man.

A terrifying monster got into his unmovable vision and appeared in front of him.

That thing has a human body, but the head is a deformed object resembling a twisted octopus. The six tentacles that grew near the thigh squirmed.

The complexion appears cloudy white drowning dead bodies. There is also a body that swells like a drowning dead body, wrapped with a little black belt instead of clothing. The belts that are stuck in the skin are like cotton threads used to tie meat dishes. They are ugly. If it is worn by a beautiful woman, it must be pretty voluptuous, but it is not ridiculous to wear it by this horrifying monster.

The monster's hand grows four thin fingers with webbed fingers. The nails are very long, and they are all painted with beautiful nail polish and weird nail painting.

This strange existence, facing him with white eyes without pupils.

"Hehehe. Did you sleep well?"

"Hoo... Huo..."

Fear and consternation, attacked by these two emotions, he breathed a heavy breath in his mouth. The monster touched his cheek with a mother-like gentle movement to appease the child.

The inexplicable cold and slippery touch caused him to pass through a chill.

It is perfect if it emits a thick **** smell or rancidity. However, the monster smelled of flowers. Instead, it fosters a sense of fear.

"Oh, don't be too scared to shrink into such a small ball."

The monster's eyes were on his lower abdomen, and the air felt on his skin made him finally find himself naked.

"Well, should I ask your name?"

The monster placed its slender fingers on the suspected cheeks and turned its head. If it is a beautiful woman doing this action, it must be very pleasing to the eye, but the other party is a monster with an octopus head, like a drowning dead body. This will only make people feel disgusted and scared.


The monster smiled at him who could only roll his eyes. The mouth was completely covered by the tentacles, and the expression remained almost unchanged. But he could still see the other person laughing, because his eyes narrowed like cold glass beads.

"Hehehe. You don't want to say, so cute, and shy."

The monster's hand slides like a letter on his naked chest, but for him he only feels the fear that his heart may be dug out at any time.

"Tell your sister's name, name, and word first." The monster said in a flimsy tone that seemed to have a love symbol at the end of the sentence-although the voice was hoarse. "I am the special intelligence collector of the Nazarek Underground Tomb, Niroste. But everyone also called me torture officer."

The long tentacles twisted, revealing a round mouth at the root. There are sharp teeth around the mouth, and a slippery tube protrudes like a tongue in the middle, like a straw.

"After a while, I will use this to **** you in again."

What is it to suck? He was afraid to move his body, but he was completely fixed.

"Okay, that's it. You were caught by us."

That's right, his last memory stays at the moment when Greenhan and the thieves running ahead disappear. Later, he had no memory at all until now.

"Tell you what fate you will have next. Do you know what the chant team is?"

The sudden question made him roll his eyes. Seeing his bewildered reaction, Niroste seemed to think he didn't know and began to explain:

"It is a choir that sings hymns and hymns, praises God's love and glory. I want you to join the hymn team, and your companions too."

If that's the case, it's no big deal. Although he is not particularly confident about singing, he is not at the point of being a lunatic. But is the purpose of this monster really so simple? He couldn't hide the uneasiness, and glanced at Nirost sideways.

"Yeah, it’s the Anthem. Even if you stupid people who are not loyal to Lord Anz, as long as they sing loudly, they can become sacrifices to Lord Anz. We must aim at chorus. Ah, My whole body is crisp. This is the gospel music that Niroste will present to Lord Anz."

The disgusting eyes showed a color covered with smoke. This may be because the monster is excited about his thoughts. Thin fingers wriggle like bugs.

"Hehehehe. Okay, let me introduce some people who helped you sing."

Probably has been staying in the corner of the room so far, a few people suddenly appeared in his vision.

As soon as he saw the appearance of those people, he forgot to breathe for a moment, because at a glance he knew it was a group of evil creatures.

Tight black leather apron. The whole body is more white than milky. And under the skin of this color-if the blood can be purple-purple blood vessels emerge.

They had tight black leather masks with no gaps on their heads, not knowing how they saw and breathe. And the arms are very long. The height is about two meters or more, but if you extend your arm, you should reach below your knee.

The waist is tied with a belt, lined with countless tools.

There are four such evil creatures in total.

"--They are torture demons, and these children will help you sing in a wonderful voice with me."

He has an ominous hunch. He understood what singing meant, and twisted his body desperately to escape, but his body was still unable to move.

"It's useless, because of your strength is constant. These children will help you use healing magic, so you can practice it."

I am very gentle. Niroste said in this evil tone.


"Well, what's wrong? Do you want me to stop?"

Niroste asked softly when he cried to tears. Then gently shake the six tentacles.

"Listen well, because the adult chooses to stay, we created by the Supreme Supreme are eligible to exist. Serving the adult is our reason for existence. You Xiao Xiao stepped into the residence of the honorable adult with dirty feet , How can we pity you! Do you really think I will pity you?"

"Hou Ou!"

"Yes. You are right. Regret is very important."

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