Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 313: lizard Man

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The teams chose different routes at the crossroads. Among them, Alya Uzles thought that the strong enemy should stay at the deepest point, so he chose the passage directly ahead.

On the way, I saw the stone gate and countless corners. He chose one randomly and walked silently in the grave. It was safe along the way, making him very bored. Not to mention monsters, there is not even a trap.

Maybe this route is wrong. Elya thought of this and gave a sigh.

"Too much, not going fast."

Elya sternly ordered the forest elf slave who was about to stop before walking ten meters. The forest elf slave just shuddered for a moment, and he began to walk forward weakly. Since entering the tomb, she has walked almost nonstop, and is not allowed to stop.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong along the way, but if there is a trap, she may be killed.

The use of slaves in this way is not so much a search for traps, but rather a canary brought into the mine. Elya’s team is composed of Elya himself and three forest elf slaves with different skills-guerrillas, priests, and forest priests. It is too wasteful to make such an order to her with irreplaceable search technology.

But he has his reasons.

Simply speaking, he was just bored with the forest elf walking in front.

One of the "four strategists" emerged from Alya's head, the half-forest elf staring at Alya fiercely.

What a disgusting lady.

There was a woman beside her who could be called a girl, but Elya felt that the girl looked disgusted in her eyes and was understandable. Women are often reluctant to understand men’s sexual desires, and the girl of that age is somewhat of a cleansing habit. But creatures inferior to humans are not qualified to look at human uncles with that kind of eyes.

Just in retrospect, Alya's straight face angered.

"I really want to beat the cheesy face so hard that I can't resist..."

Before being sent to the master, the forest elf slave will be stricken by various means. Such a forest elf slave is simply impossible to resist.

"Why stop? Keep going."

"Oh... that... that, I heard the voice."


The forest elf summoned the courage to answer, and Elya frowned and raised his ears intently. The surroundings were silent, even so quiet that the ears tingled.

"...Nothing can be heard."

If normal, he would have fed the slaves, but the forest elf's hearing is more sensitive than humans. It is possible that Alya cannot hear it, but the forest elf can hear it. To confirm, he asked the two people next to him:

"what about you?"

"Yes... yes, there is a sound."

" sounds like a metal collision."

"...This way."

It is impossible to make a metallic sound in the natural environment.

In this case, it must be someone's voice. In other words, this may be the first battle since entering the tomb. Thinking of this, Alya felt excited and excited.

"Let's go to the place where that sound is made."


He let the forest elf slaves walk in front and move in the direction of the sound.

Soon, Alya also heard the sound of metal. It was the sound of a hard object colliding violently with a hard object, and the roar of the swallowing mountains and rivers.

"Is it the sound of other teams fighting? I don't think there is a circle when I move forward, but it seems that I have encountered other teams."

Cold water poured on emotions like joy, and Alya sighed with no energy.

"Okay, forget it. Maybe you can be a reinforcement and fight a monster."

Alya continued to move towards the source of the voice, but gradually got a strange feeling. This sound is not the same as fighting. It’s like—

When he turned the corner, his doubts were answered.

Turning around the corner, there is a fairly spacious room in front of me. The space is large enough for dozens of people to run around. In this room, there are ten lizard men wearing fine armor. Everyone wore a collar, and the chain attached to the collar was cut from it and swayed in midair.

They waved swords at each other indoors. The majestic blow was bounced off by a bewildered slash, and this kind of scene could be seen everywhere in the room. Although it looks like a fierce battle, Alya can see at a glance that this is training.

As Elya and others entered the room, the Lizardman also stopped his sword-wielding hand, showing that he was right.

In addition to these people in the room, there is also a sturdy man with a huge tower shield in hand, a black full-length mirror with dark red lines like blood vessels floating out, and the last person-no, maybe it should be one.

It was a silver-white fur, and his eyes made people feel the tremendous brilliance of Warcraft.

"You are finally here, Master Intruder."

Many of World of Warcraft, who speak human language, are tough enemies. Basically, most of Warcraft is a type of strong physical attack, but some highly intelligent Warcraft will also use magic.

Alya is sure that he is a talented swordsman, but does not have excellent magic power. He used his strength to strengthen his mind and prepared to resist the other party's magic while asking the other party:

"you are?"

No need to ask at all. Since it is waiting for itself here, it means that it is the guardian of this ruin. The question is how strong the guardian is.

In terms of appearance, it is the ruling of this ruin. If so, killing this Warcraft is a first-rate credit. In other words, this time the best team of workers is yourself. "Tianwu" is a small team of Alya, so he is the strongest among all the workers this time. Luck is also a very important ability for workers.

"Someone wants me to deal with Ru here, and do various tests at the same time... but with Ru's strength, I am afraid it is a bit inadequate."

Disappointment and annoyance hit at the same time.

The former is because Warcraft is just a guard, the latter is because the other side looks down on themselves.

"Do you look at people low before you fight? Hey."

"Uh, yes."

When the master yelled in a low voice, the forest elf was shocked. That look satisfied Alya. It is only right to face yourself with this attitude. Although it was only a few days, it was quite unpleasant to get along with Fei Fei and Ma Yuan's superior presence, which was superior to anyone, and it made me feel comfortable. ,, ..

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