Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 314: Dragon King

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The air flow in front of the nose suddenly produced a gentle change, so that the dragon alias "Pinkin Dragon King", Chain Dulukes Bai Xian, regained consciousness from the light sleep.

The sober consciousness is the emotion called surprise. It’s not even an exaggeration to say.

Dragon's keen awareness is far superior to humans. Regardless of whether the other party has done invisibility or wants to deceive them with illusion, the dragon can immediately notice the existence of the other party thousands of miles away. Even if you are sleeping.

As a dragon king, its perceptual ability is more than ordinary dragons can match. In this case, the people who can be so close to it must have a superb ability.

Even the one who has lived for a long time knows only a few people with such abilities. First is the Dragon King equal to himself, and then one of the thirteen heroes who are no longer in this world, the assassin Igenia. Then again is-

Feeling the presence of the character depicted in his brain, Chaindulux Bession-Charle raised his mouth and slowly opened his eyes.

For the eyes of the dragon, the darkness is as bright as the day.

In front of the breath he felt, an old human woman with a sword on her waist stood majesticly. She avoided the keen sense of the dragon and came here—a smile peculiar to those who succeeded in pranks, which was displayed on the face full of traces of years.

"Long absence."

Char did not answer, looking at the old woman.

The full white hair shows how old she has lived. It's just that there is a lively temperament like an unaged child on his face.

Aging makes her thin and wins, but fails to change her mind.

When Charle compares her with reality and memory, the old woman's eyebrows are raised, forming a dangerous angle.

"Why? Old friends can't even say hello? It's a nerve-wracking task. It turns out that the dragon can also cause dementia."

Char showed his fangs and gave a soft laugh.

"I'm so sorry. I was so shaken when I saw my old friend, so I was speechless."

It's hard to imagine that the huge body will make such a soft voice. In contrast, the old woman's answer was as full of sarcasm as Charles expected.

"Old friend? The old friend is that empty armor over there...although it's scarred."

In the past, when Charles traveled with the elderly woman and others, he used the armoured armor from a distance to replace himself. Therefore, when the true face was exposed, the companions were so angry that they were cheated. The resentment at that time has not yet disappeared, and she is still so blamed so sourly.

On the one hand, it hopes that she can let go of her, but on the other hand, she feels that it is a very pleasant thing to be able to play with her friends in the past.

As usual, the conversation made Char smile, and then he saw the old woman's finger.

"Huh? The ring seems to be missing. Where did you get it? I think no one should be able to take anything away from you... But that is after all a powerful prop beyond the human domain, I don’t want it Put it in the hands of dangerous elements. Especially those who teach the dark sacred scriptures."

"I want to change the subject. But your eyes are really sharp, is it the dragon's ability to perceive treasure... well, okay, that old man gave it to young people. Rest assured."

That prop can't be sent as soon as it can be said.

It is a prop made with "primary magic". Now that the power of magic is dirty and distorted, it is difficult to make the same prop again. As one of the few original magic bearers, it wanted to ask where the ring went.

However, it trusts its friends.

"Really, since you decided to send it, you should be right... Right, I heard that you were an adventurer before, right? Did you come for business today?"

"Of course not. The old man came to find a friend to play with. The old man has retired and is not an adventurer. Don't let the old woman, the old woman, lose her life. The old man's duties have been given to the crying ghost."

"Crybaby?" Charles thought for a moment, and his mind flashed. "...Do you mean her?"

"Yes, it's the younger sister of Imbell."

"Ah~" Char made a dumbfounded voice. "Probably only you can call her a little sister."

"Really? You are better qualified to call her little sister. Because she is about the same age as the girl, but should you be older?"

"That's right...but, really, that girl was willing to be an adventurer. What tricks did you use?"

"Huh. Because the crybaby whispered and finished, the old body said, "If the old body wins you, you have to obey the old body", and then Haibian gave her a meal!"

The old woman laughed happily, as if she were very happy.

"...The only human being who can win that girl is probably you."

Char made a human voice sweating coldly and shook his head. At the same time, he remembered another old friend, a companion who played against Demon God side by side and was particularly active in the battle of Demon God.

"It's hard to say, after all, there are other companions to help the elders. Even if you can't win the opponent by your own strength, you can subvert the disadvantages by virtue of favorable or discordant attributes. The crybaby is very strong, but someone is stronger than her, for example, you can be relaxed Beat that girl. As long as you don’t set limits on yourself, you are the strongest existence in the world."

The old woman moved her gaze and looked at the platinum armor. The old woman probably thought she would get an easy answer, but Charl's answer was heavy:

"It's hard to say, maybe the forces that pollute the world are starting to act again."

The armor's right shoulder opened a hole pierced by a gun.

"...A hundred years of aftershocks are coming? Isn't this time on the side of the world like the leader?"

"...Although it might just happen by chance and go to war, I think that the vampire's nature is evil. Having said that, although I had thought that it was almost time, I didn't expect it to happen suddenly. , Should it be said that you are unlucky or lucky enough to confirm the existence of the other party?"

"Pros and cons, choose the one you like. Having said that, the old man also asked before, can't I ask other dragon kings for help?"

"The answer is still the same, it's difficult. Now those who are still alive are all those who haven't participated in the Battle of the Eight Desire Kings. Speaking of which, I think like "Holy Heaven Dragon King" will only fly in the sky, or It is a dragon like "Dark Night Dragon" who is nested in a huge underground cave and does not know what he is doing, it is impossible to help us.",,...

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