Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 315: Ghoul

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"Really. Isn't there a dragon king like "Colorful Dragon King" who has children with humans? Try to talk about it, maybe there will be good development?"

"...Maybe. But I personally think that it would be better to wake him up and say that she is sleeping in the bottom of the sea city and asks for assistance. The chance of success is higher.

""Waiting in a dream", isn't it? If the leader's wisdom is all preserved, there won't be so many troubles. He died too early."

"No way. He... killed all his companions (players) who came together and was hit. I can understand why he refused to be resurrected. Didn't Ligurett also get hit?"

The old woman's eyes looked into the distance, her expression nodded slowly.

"Ah, are right."

"Ligulet, sorry, you are no longer an adventurer, I still say that, but can I please you one thing?"

"What's the matter? My body can guess 80%, but let's listen to you."

Char's eyes were on a sword. The shape of the sword does not seem suitable for slashing, but the sharpness of its blade is unmatched, and it is a level that modern magic can never create.

This sword—one of the eight weapons left by the Eight Desire Kings—is the reason why Charles cannot leave this place.

"I was doing this in the past, and I hope you can help me now. I hope you collect intelligence on items that can match the sword over there... and the guild weapons. Or like the kingdom. The kind of reinforced armor possessed by the steel-level adventurer "Vermillion Dewdrop", a special item of YGGDRASIL."

This is what the so-called turbulent turbulent stream is like. The stormy offensive makes people think of this kind of association.

That’s right, the enemy is just a low-level undead, and it’s not too scary for the “four strategists”. However, the enemy's attacks were wave after wave and never stopped.

After finally defeating the two hungry ghosts in the tenth battle since the beginning of the continuous battle, Hekron wiped the sweat from his face with his hands.

The body longed for rest, but without that time, he only drank the water bag hanging on his waist, and suppressed the heavy breathing to instruct everyone to retreat. However, perhaps it should be said that the enemy did not allow them to retreat.

A team of three skeleton warriors holding a round shield and two skeleton magicians wearing robes and staffs jumped out and blocked their way.

"Remember to save the magic!"



In a situation where it is impossible to predict what will happen next, magic that can deal with various problems is the last ace and cannot be used easily. So from now on, they always save their magic as much as possible.

Having said that, relatively, they use up their limited ability to use the number of times per day. Because there are too many traps and undeads blocking them along the way.

Skeleton archers standing in line behind the lattice door, shooting arrows from where the sword could not reach-because of their resistance to stab weapons, it is difficult for Imina’s bow to hit them fatally-by Robert Dyke Extinguish the undead by exercise.

The undead who had been beaten with a glass bottle filled with poison were also destroyed by Rob Dyke's repulsion of the undead.

The floor mimesis that turned into a floor, used sticky body fluid to stick the feet of the person who stepped on the floor, and the joint attack of the flying undead were also broken by Rob Dekker by repelling the undead.

The mixed forces of all kinds of undead, which can cause diseases, poisoning, curses, and other abnormal conditions, are also eliminated one by one by Robert Dyke's repelling undead.

By this time, the number of times Robberdike's repelling undead could use in a day was very few, but other abilities and magical powers were preserved. Probably only when the zombie clan was mixed with flesh-like Golem, who had similar appearance, he fought a little bit.

"Attention! Most footsteps appear behind!"

"Undead reaction! Six in total!"

Imina—after a slow shot, so did Robert Dyke—shouted like this, making everyone suddenly nervous. The five skulls in the front refused to go to war, presumably intending to take a back and forth attack, and wipe them out in one go.

He Chonglang thought about the next move.

Several tactics were instantly listed in his mind. Preemptively attack the enemies in front of you, and then solve them in one go; leave the enemies in front of you, and turn around to beat the enemies behind; temporarily stop to observe carefully, see the strength of the front and back enemies, and then weaken The party of the party begins to pack up; use magic to delay the pace of one party and take the opportunity to defeat the other party.

Each tactic has its effect, but it is not effective enough. At this moment, the intuition, like the will of heaven, came to Hekron's brain.

"Hekron! What should I do?"

"Retreat! There should be a fork in the road! Run in!"

As soon as he heard this sentence, Imina, who was in charge of the rear of the palace, rushed out, and Ai Xue and Robert Deck followed him, and finally Hekron.

Imina will follow the orders and say that she can do it from a distance. Hekron ran desperately so as not to catch up with the other members running at full speed. Of course, the enemy will not let them go with good intentions, and the footsteps of the undead are chasing back from behind.

"Eat me!"

Hekron took out the viscous alchemy solution and threw it back.

The solution made of alchemy spreads smoothly on the floor.

The effect was immediate, and the footsteps all disappeared in one breath.

If you are a wise undead, you might think of a detour, but of course the lower-order undead cannot be that smart. Besides, monsters like skeletons that have no muscle strength are difficult to pull apart with brute force once they are stuck.

"Undead reaction! Four on the right!"

"On the right is the wall!"

"No, that's illusion!"

Four ghouls attacked through the wall. The scrawny, undead, and the violent appearance of piercing yellow nails like bird claws are very scary. Having said that, no one in this team will be so naive as to be scared by this trick.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Even after the raid, Imina immediately pulled out her dagger and threw it, shooting at the ghoul's throat. Dirty liquid-like blood poured out, and a ghoul collapsed to the ground. The other one, Rob Deck next to Imina, used all his strength to swing the mace and smashed his head.

Hekron judged that there would be no problem with the two, so he used his full attention to the rear, and the enemy would definitely catch up. In this case, it may be safer to splash the chain gold solution as before.

Hekron was about to throw out the gold chain solution, and suddenly saw a terrifying undead. ,, ..

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