Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 316: arena

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"Dead Magician!"

At the same time, he also saw the thunderbolt wrapped around the fingers of the undead high-level magic chanter. Even Hekron knew what magic it was.

"Lightning strike". The effect is a continuous lightning attack. There is only one way to evade.

"--Tuck the ghouls together!"

Imina and Robert Deck probably don't know why Hekron gave this order, but the two did not hesitate to do so.

The moment the four entered the phantom wall together with the ghouls, a white lightning strike passed behind them like a flash of light.

When the air rattled, a magic circle spread under the feet of Hekron and others. At the next moment, there was a pale light that could not be evaded, and all the people were wrapped up, and then the scenery reflected in the view changed.

"Pay attention to all! Raise the alert!... what's going on?"

Even if the ghoul disappeared, the surrounding scene changed completely, and the tense nerves after continuous fighting would not relax. Even so, he can't help but utter a dumb murmur in the face of this excessively abnormal situation.

Hekron shook his head and refocused. The first thing to do-mastering the situation is also important, but it is more important to confirm the safety of the companions.

Imina, Ai Xue, Robert Dyke.

The members of the "Four Strategists" still maintain the formation that they just stepped into the magic circle, and there is no lack of them.

After confirming that everyone was safe and sound, the four of them did not dare to carelessly and continued to raise vigilance around them.

There is a dark passageway that extends straight out. The channel is wide and high, so large that even giants can easily pass through. The torch flared up in the passageway flicked, forming a shadow, and the shadow fluttered like a dance. In front of the passage, there is a huge lattice door that falls. From the gap of the lattice door, the white magic light penetrated. Looking towards the other side of the passage, it seemed to extend far away, with several doors en route, clearly illuminated by the torch light source.

The entire passage was silent, and only the crackling of the torch could be heard.

At present, it seems that there are no monsters to attack them. Despite this judgment, he was still unable to relax.

"Although I don't know where it is, the atmosphere is completely different from the previous places."

Indeed, the feeling here is completely different from the tomb just now. Perhaps it should be said that there is a more civilized atmosphere here. The members of the "Simou" looked around and tried to grasp where it was, but only Aixue's attitude was a little different.

"--here is......"

Hekron was keenly aware of the feelings in this sentence and asked Ai Xue:

"Do you know where it is? Or do you have a clue?"

"--I know a similar place, the arena of the empire."

"Oh, after you say that, it really looks like."

Robert Dyke spoke out in agreement. Although Hekron and Imina did not say anything, they also agreed.

The members of the "Si Siou" walked from the waiting room to the arena at the time of the arena. It is indeed similar to this place.

"Then the other side is the arena."

Robert Dyke pointed to the side of the lattice door.

"Should be. Teleport to this place... presumably that means."

Just tell them to go to the arena. Although I can't imagine what is waiting for them there.

"—It's dangerous. Long-distance teleportation is considered to be fifth-order magic. I was able to make magic traps in that field. This kind of thing I have only heard of in the story. This ruin is beyond common sense. A place built by a man of magical technology. It would be very dangerous to call the enemy's intentions. I suggest going in the opposite direction."

"But ah, if the other party is inviting us to go, can we take advantage of this opportunity to die for survival? Think about it. If the other party invites us to pass, we don't listen, don't we bother him?"

"Both options are dangerous, what do you think Rob?"

"Both people's statements are justified. However, I have a question about Miss Ai Xue's speech. Is this a trap set by the people who live in this ruin? Would it just set a third party that I don't know? Use the traps effectively?"

The four looked at each other and sighed. It is not the way to continue the debate. Although the information was not sufficient and the opinions were not unified, it was still necessary to reach a conclusion.

"—Rober was right, maybe here is a relic from five hundred years ago."

"Yeah. It is said that quite a long time ago, there were quite advanced magic techniques."

"Once it ruled the continent, it was destroyed. Is there only the country in the capital?"

"——The Eight Desire Kings, it is said that they promoted magic in this world. If this is a relic of that era, maybe..."

"...It turned out to be the case. If so, I'm in favor of going to the arena. Really speaking, if the other party used a trap to send us here, nothing will let us go."

After hearing Robert Dyke's speech, Hekron and the other three nodded to make up their minds and began to move forward.

As he approached the lattice door, the door seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and rose violently. A group of people walked through the lattice door and saw a place with several floors of auditoriums around the middle space, reflecting into their vision.

This arena is not inferior to that of the Empire. No, looking at this luxurious building, I am afraid it is still more magnificent, and "perpetual light" is applied everywhere, emitting white light to the surroundings. So the surroundings look as bright as during the day.

When the members of the "Silou" saw the audience, the shock reached the highest point.

Because there are countless soil blocks, the audience is filled with dolls called Gorem.

The so-called Golem is a kind of inanimate creature created by magical way to the owner. They do not need diet or sleep, neither fatigue nor aging, they are the best janitors or laborers. Because the production takes a lot of time, labor and public expenses, even the weakest Gorem is expensive.

Even Hekron, who was hired at a high price, could hardly afford a Gorem.

Such an expensive item filled up the arena, and it could hardly be kept.

From the perspective of Hekron and others, this is like a sign showing how rich the owner of this arena is and how lonely he is.

As if the response was repeated several times since being sent here, they looked at each other and then walked to the center of the quiet arena. ,, ..

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