Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 325: Prove God's experiment

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Robert Dyke was about to speak, but Anz snatched in front of him and said:

"...Well, assuming that it is a higher being-that is, the so-called god, I think it should have been a colorless existence. To put it bluntly, it is a mass of power. Just drop colored liquid on it , There will be various changes... Well, thinking about these problems in a world with magic laws, even I myself want to vomit. Even if God actually exists, it is not surprising."


"Sorry. I didn't mean to say this. I was thinking about the power of the gods you believe in. Can I learn it... to be clear, I want to conduct human experiments."

"...Human experiment?"

"Yes. For example, let some memory change, change the **** you believe into another god, and see what the result will be."

crazy. This is the honest feeling of Robert Dyke.

No, the other party is an undead, and it's not surprising to do anything harmful.

Anze looked at Roberdeck stepping back with interest. That line of sight is like a scholar who observes laboratory animals, making Robert Dyke even want to vomit.

"Why are you doing this?"

"In order to prove the existence of God...don't make such a joke. The real purpose is to solve the mystery of power, maybe you can make yourself stronger. Moreover, if there is such a God, I also want to confirm if they have any emotions or wisdom that might be against me. As for me, I don’t think at all I am chosen. In fact, I have seen many similar shadows."

He couldn't understand what Anz was saying.

"So I need to expand my armament. Of course, maybe no one is enemies at all, or no one is as strong as us. But as the head of the organization, you can't neglect your duties, do you say that? If you think you are strong, you are safe. Yi, don't seek improvement, one day someone will take advantage of it."

I want to confirm the existence of God, also for this reason. Anz shrugged after speaking.

Ai Xue repeated the disordered breathing.

Whenever the surrounding trees shook with the wind, she was startled, and then looked around like a little sturdy.

There are forests all around, and there is no light in many places. The lush foliage of the trees covered the light from the sky, and the ground was almost dark.

In places where it is difficult to walk even with human vision, Ai Xue, who does not have lighting, can move because of the magic "night vision", which makes her surroundings look like daylight in her eyes.

But even so, there are still countless places that can easily hide a person's weeds under the tree, enough to hide behind the big tree, and rustling branches, etc.

As a magic chanter, Ai Xue cannot be pushed away by brute force if she is knocked down or overwhelmed by a monster. If it is normal, the companion will immediately reach out, but now no one will help himself, no one is responsible for protecting the front, and no one will help himself.

In other words, she must be aware of the enemy's presence before falling into a melee fight to see if she wants to distance herself or escape. She knew this very well, so she looked around nervously, mental fatigue was more intense than usual.

Originally she thought that since she was outdoors, she could use "fly" to escape. However, when she flew over the woods, she saw a huge black paper-cut figure in the night sky, as if looking for something flying around, she had to give up the plan.

Once you witness the existence of giant bats, you don't want to compete with them in the air. Because even if you can use "transparency" to deceive the bat's vision, you can't deceive the special sensory organs they have.

After confirming the safety around her, Ai Xue floated again and moved slowly in mid-air.

She moved forward at a speed much slower than the fastest speed of "flying" because she wanted to spy on her surroundings. If you are flying at full speed, even if you are alert to your surroundings, the timing of the discovery will still be slower. In this way, it may even crash into a group of monsters. To avoid this situation, you can only slow down.

Soon, Ai Xue felt the magic film covering herself gradually weakened. The "flying" time has passed.

She slowly let her feet touch the ground.

The question is what to do next. There is no problem to use "fly" again. She could feel this magic in herself. But she also needs "night vision" and must maintain the defensive magic that is launched just in case, which consumes magic power, and must retain the power to deal with the battle that may be unavoidable.

Among the magics that Aixue can use, the third-level magic "flying" is the highest-level magic. In other words, it is the most magical magic. So she tried not to use it.

But "flying" can ignore the difficult terrain, and the body will not fatigue, if you can not use this magic, how much time it takes to escape from this forest, she can not even count. Not only that, if you can’t fly, you can’t confirm your current position.

Ai Xue came here along the way, sometimes raising his height and flying to the tree to confirm the big tree next to the arena to determine the direction. If you don't use "flying" to move, Ai Xue will probably lose her sense of direction soon. The big trees that could be used as road signs could not be seen in the lush forest, and the situation did not allow her to climb to the nearby trees every time to confirm the direction.

"-- Find a place to rest."

Ai Xue muttered to himself.

Indeed, as long as you can rest and restore the magic, you can use "flying" several times, and it is safer to move in the sun. In particular, many monsters inhabiting the forest are nocturnal.

Instead of reluctantly advancing in this dark forest, it is better to find a place to hide for the night, which is much safer.

However, Ai Xue did not know where the safe place was.

If Imina is there, she should tell herself where it is safe. If Rob Dyke or Hekron are present, you can rest in peace even in dangerous locations. But reliable companions are gone.

"--Imina, Rob Dyke."

Ai Xue leaned her body against the big tree and remembered her companions.

"...You lied to me."

After so long, the two have not contacted themselves.

They still failed to escape.

No, she already knew. They can't beat the superman existence of Anz. But Ai Xue still couldn't help but have small expectations, is it because he is too stupid--

Ai Xue sat on the ground with his ass, leaning against the tree and closing his eyes. She knew it was dangerous.

But she wanted to close her eyes.

Thinking about the three men, she closed her eyes hard.

The cold touch of the bark soothes the head. Taking a short break, she felt strongly that she was really tired. The rising tension seemed to turn into mental fatigue, which made her breathless. ,, ..

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