Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 326: Vampire girl

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She relaxed her neck and pushed her head back.

Then she widened her eyes.

In the night world where "Night Vision" shines brightly, a scene is reflected in the field of vision, but Ai Xue cannot react.

Someone looked down on Ai Xue.

It was a creepy and beautiful girl Ai Xue had never seen before.

The girl wore a soft, dark ball gown that was incompatible with the forest. The skin is as white as wax. She also lifted her long silver hair with one hand so as not to fall on Ai Xue.

Even Aixue, who was once a noble, had never seen such a beautiful girl. If it appears at the ball, it will definitely become a sought-after. Based on her beauty, she can get everything she wants. Crimson double pupils scattered the charm of hooking.

Ai Xue immediately recovered. It is impossible for someone to appear here in this way. And she stood on the tree with her feet, standing at right angles to the trunk.

It may be the chase sent by Anz. But it is not certain that they have not lived in this forest for many years.

"Is the hide and seek over?"

Little expectations are easily broken.

"--Chasing soldiers."

Ai Xue jumped up and pointed the staff at the girl while pulling away the distance. The girl seemed to have lost interest in Ai Xue, walked down the tree trunk and landed on the ground.

"Run away quickly."

"--As long as you knock you down here, you can escape safely."

He said to himself, but Ai Xue smiled inwardly. She also understood that she couldn't beat the chasers sent by monsters like Andz who were beyond common sense.

But she still displayed this attitude purely to observe the other party's reaction.

"That's fine, just play with you a little bit."

An attitude that fully understands the strength gap between each other. In other words, for her, the battle with Ai Xue is just a game.


After Ai Xue chanted magic, she began to run away. There is no time to fly slowly at low altitude. Raise the height in one go. She covered her face with her hands, traversed between the branches, and quickly flew over the trees.

Under the night sky, Ai Xue looked around. She was watching out for the giant bat-like monster she had just seen. However, they were not seen in the vicinity. In this case, run away.

"Oh, come on, come on."

When Ai Xue was about to escape, a pleasant voice said to her. Ai Xue's heart beat for a beat. She looked around and looked for the other party's position. Then Ai Xue saw the sky higher than himself.

I don't know when it started, the girl was just there.

"——"Lightning Strike!"

The front end of the protruding staff flew out of a pale lightning strike, pierced the night, and penetrated into the body of the girl. This is the strongest attack magic Aixue can use. Even though it was penetrated by lightning, the smile on the girl's face did not disappear.

Ai Xue wanted to escape, but the girl made a happy voice.

"Come on, my family."

A pair of huge wings grew behind the girl. It was like the wings of a bat, but it was ridiculously large. It is an unusually huge bat flying away from behind. Of course, bats with crimson eyes cannot be just ordinary beasts.

The bat fluttered, and the girl grinned aside. That kind of smile is enough to freeze Ai Xue's whole body, which is not in line with the appearance of the girl.

"Come on, despite trying to escape--"

Ai Xue runs away.

Run desperately.

In order to get rid of the chasing soldiers, he rushed into the woods, allowing the branches to cut his body and escape.

But he left his companion and fled, at least he had to escape successfully. For this she is willing to do anything.

Then I don't know how long it took to fly, Ai Xue faced despair.


There was an invisible wall in front of my eyes.

The world is still expanding, but there is a wall blocking Ai Xue's body. Now Aixue is at an altitude of two hundred meters, and the invisible walls extend all the way to such a high place.

"--this is......"

Ai Xue murmured in a desperate voice. She flew while touching the wall with her hand. However, there are walls everywhere. wall. wall. wall.

Yes, no matter where she flies, her hand feels a hard touch.

"What is this?"

"The wall."

There was a response to the self-talk that should not have been answered. Ai Xue guessed whose voice it was, and turned back tiredly.

The person there was as she guessed, the girl just now. There are also three giant bats circling around.

Ai Xue looked around.

She has accepted the facts. I have witnessed such an amazing phenomenon, and I can only accept it.

Accept the fact that you cannot go back alive.

"Okay, don't you run away?"

"--Can I escape?"

"Impossible. Because I didn't intend to let you go."

"--is it?"

Ai Xue clenched the staff with both hands and flew towards the girl. She had no magic power, so she couldn't use magic. But she did her best to escape. This is the duty of Ai Xue, the last member of the "Four Strategists".

"Good, you have worked hard."

The girl said to Ai Xue who gave her life assault without interest.

"Then, your escape ends here. It's a pity that you didn't cry to show me in the end."

The girl easily grabbed the waving staff with her hand and pulled towards herself. Ai Xue lost her balance and was pulled towards the girl. The two hugged in the air.

The girl just buried her face in Ai Xue's shield den. Ai Xue twisted her body and tried to break free, but the girl's body couldn't be pushed away like it was fixed by glue. The warm breath fell on the neck, causing Ai Xue to shudder.

"...Um~ sweaty smell."

As a worker, Aixue believes that there is no way to keep clean at work. This is a matter of course for people who travel abroad, such as workers, adventurers, or travelers, even if they are dirty, they can answer "whatever" with a smile.

However, being said by a young girl who is younger than herself and beautiful as a fairy, you will inevitably feel ashamed.

The girl's face left Ai Xue's neck.

Only then did Aixue finally realize the true face of the girl. She is not in the category-but a vampire.

The girl grinned, and Ai Xue's heart shattered because of despair.

The corners of the mouth extend to the ear like a crack. The color oozing from the iris stained the entire eyeball with blood red.

Then she opened her mouth as if it would snap. Just now, the mouth filled with white teeth was lined up. At this time, there were covered with thin and white objects like syringes, which overlapped like shark teeth. The pink, obscene and reflective mouth appears wet and slippery, with transparent saliva dripping from the corners of the mouth.

A terrifying fear came from the bottom of my heart and enveloped Ai Xue. ,, ..

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