Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 327: Task force

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After handing over the intruder to the aftermath, Anz returned to the throne room.

At the moment, Ma Yuan was sitting on a high chair beside him, boredly playing with a skull.

"Have you waited a long time?" Anz was a little embarrassed, he thought it would not take long to deal with these intruders.

"No, I just saw it on the screen." When he saw Shatiya chasing Ai Xue, Ma Yuan started to stop in the past, but thought that Anz rarely wanted to establish majesty, and he could not just destroy his instructions , Forget it.

Anz also disappeared, and in front of him opened the control panel of Nazarek.

"Can you see it too?" Anz asked.

"Well, but I haven't added a guild before. I haven't really seen what the guild's control board looks like." Ma Yuan paused and almost said that he could only see his own system board.

Ma Yuan and Anz browsed Nasariq's information together, and explained to Anz what he meant by looking at Anz.

"Just now we didn't use the pay-type trap, it was considered a relatively successful exercise."

The amount of money Anz cares about has changed only slightly, which makes him very satisfied.

"Is there any problem with the workers outside?"

"No problem, my name is Pandora guarding there."

Seeing that in the morning still half of the workers did not return, the adventurers panicked, but Pandora Yaket suggested to them to stay at the scene and wait for a day. Although it has been said in advance that if you encounter an emergency, you must evacuate the stronghold and observe the situation further away, but the words of the steel-level adventurer are more important than the prior decision.

In addition to this matter, Ma Yuan actually cares about another thing, another thing that may lead to unexpected things in his plan.

"Anz, when you just dealt with the intruders outside, you were angry because they deceived you and made you think you had a companion's news?"

"Yes, no one can replace my companion." Anz is very sure of this matter.

"So in all your plans, how high is the priority for finding companions?"


"So why not form a direct force to search for them?" Ma Yuan asked with a smile.

Anz has been in this world for so long. If you really want to find it, have you sent someone to find it?

"What do you mean?"

Anz's tone stiffened involuntarily because he sensed the dark side lurking in his heart.

There have been several opportunities so far to take the initiative to find companions. But every time he used "inadequate manpower" and "inadequate intelligence" as the reason, he delayed the arrangement again and again.

Because he was afraid that he could not find every corner of the world, he could not make a decision. Rather than trying to make sure that you are alone, it's better to be a monster that becomes crazy and enhances its reputation.

"Those people just made a lie because they wanted to escape, and they could see through it immediately. What if it is difficult to ask the authenticity of the information in the future?"

Anz held his jaw with a boneless hand: "So..." he whispered moaningly. He remembered the conversation with the workers just now, and it was not anger but emptiness. The sway between hope and despair is really heartbreaking. Regardless of personal sentiment, it seems that as a leader of the organization, even if it is only a small step, it is time to decide to move forward.

"Then... order Yaerbeide to form a team." Anz gritted his teeth and finally made a decision.

Ma Yuan was relieved. He was really afraid that if everything was ready at the last minute, Anz suddenly gave up and returned to reality because his companion might still be in this world.

There are several meeting rooms and meeting rooms in the Ministry of Magic. Among them, Fruda is now going to the reception room decorated with the highest furniture. This room will only be used when the emperor or someone with a similar position comes to visit.

Standing at the door of the room, Fulda confirmed his appearance.

This high-level robe can be worn to participate in a large party hosted by the emperor, and the perfume sprinkled on the neckline and sleeves exudes a pleasant fragrance.

Fruda itself has almost no interest in politics or society. It should be said that he hopes to devote his whole heart to studying magic, so he is annoyed with other trivial matters. But he also knows that his position cannot be indifferent to these issues.

He didn't want his appearance to be improper, hurting the prestige of the empire.

Very good, no problem.

After confirming that there were no disturbances in the clothing, he knocked on the door and then opened the door.

There are two adventurers in the luxurious room. One is a warrior, wearing dark armor like the death knight just now. Then another one is a handsome young man with dark hair. He didn't add any equipment, as if he were just an ordinary passer-by.

Even so, he still dared not take it lightly.

"Is it Mr. Ma Yuan and Mr. Fei Fei, sorry to keep the two waiting for a long time."

When Fulda closed the door quietly, there was a strange feeling suddenly.



Evruda's eyes should have seen another overlapping image. But now he can't see it, so he can't help but blurt out because of excessive shock and surprise.

Fruda has an innate ability to visually see the aura emitted by the magical chanter of the mana department in accordance with the available rank.

However, Frouda clearly heard that Ma was originally a magic chanter of the magic system, but his natural powers could not sense the spirit of the other party.

Probe defense?

Only this is possible, but this will create new questions. Why does he have to detect and defend? The average adventurer does not specifically detect and defend. Because it is too cumbersome to use power specifically for such things, and it will not always be in a position to be alert at all times. Moreover, it is considered rude to not eliminate detection defense when meeting people.

Okay, after all, I also used the ability of the detection department, and I don’t know how to polite...but why should he hide his power?

Fruda's abilities are widely known, and the other party may be doing this to guard against himself, but he still can't figure out why.

Seeing Fruda standing at the same place, the other party said to him in surprise:

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, this is really rude."

Fruda sat down in front of Feifei. But he couldn't help but peek at Ma Yuan.

"Oh, I get it. Let's get started."

What started? Fulda had no time to ask before seeing Ma Yuan take off the ring in his hand.


It seemed as though a burst of waves was looming.


He almost didn't make a sound. ,, ..

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