Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 328: Vassal clothing

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Ma Yuan's body radiated power from the mountains.

The body is not really affected by wind pressure. This is a rush of power that only those with the same power as Fruda can witness.

Fruda is like a man who has been blown by the freezing wind, shivering in a huddle.


Impossible, there can be no such thing. Impossible-there is more powerful than yourself.

But he could not decisively deny that the scene in front of him is a fact. This ability has never betrayed himself. That being the case-his power is far above himself, it is a true fact.

"The seventh, isn't it, this huge power rush is... proof of the tenth rank...?"

If this is the case, it is already a field of mythology.

Fruda can no longer make a sound, because the fifth-order magic is the realm of heroes. The sixth rank of Huluda reached is the unprecedented field. However, there is now a character who has easily stepped into the next level and suddenly appeared before his eyes.

And still such a young person.

Does it mean that appearance is not consistent with age?

He couldn't understand what was happening in front of him. Even Fulda, who has lived for more than two hundred years, cannot even recognize this fact by using the highest-level magic that humans can reach.

"This...this...this too...this is too incredible."

The warm liquid slipped along Fruda's cheek. But he has no extra mood or energy to wipe. Too strong a shock disturbed him.

Fulda kowtowed his head and pressed his forehead to the ground. In the face of the uncontrollable joy that emerged from the bottom of my heart, the pain lost meaning.

"I know this is very rude, but I still have to bow down and plead with you! Adults must enlighten me! I want to peep into the abyss of magic! Please, please! Please!"

"--What price are you willing to pay for this?"

The voice was as cold as an ice wall. Let one hundred people listen to it, and one hundred people would describe it this way, but listening to Fruda's ears is a sweet voice that is heart-warming. Of course, he was well aware of the hidden poison in this sentence. But—what about then?

Fruda didn't even hesitate for a moment and chose to pay the price. Even the soul is willing to hand over.

"Everything! That's right, I'm willing to pay you everything! Lord of the abyss! Unpredictable great man!"

"...Good. If you are willing to surrender everything, my knowledge is yours. I will fulfill your wish."

"Oh! Oh!"

Fulda rubbed the forehead against the floor and shed tears of joy. The hardened heart that had been condensed by jealousy seemed to melt. He waited for more than two hundred years, and now he finally has the opportunity to realize his long-term wish.

Excited to the extreme, Fuluda continued to touch the floor with his forehead, crawling to Ma Yuan's feet, and kissing his feet. He originally wanted to lick the entire foot protector clean. But the calm part of his mind worried that his master and God would be disgusted, so he had to compromise.

"That's enough, I already understand your loyalty."

"Oh! Thank you! teacher!"

"Then give you an order first. Send the live offering to my castle—"

"Old man! Old man! What's wrong, old man!"

Frudar, who was lost in thought, heard someone calling himself and recovered. The shocking encounter a few days ago still clings to Frudar's heart and pulls him into the realm of daydreaming without paying attention.

Fruda blinked a few times, and when he remembered where he was, he bowed his head gently to the person who called him.

"It's rude, Your Majesty. I'm thinking about something."

In front of Fruda's line of sight, there was the only person who could call himself "old man." This man is the emperor of the Baha'i Empire, Giknif Len Fallod Al Nix. This room is the emperor's office.

Usually there are only a few people in this room, but there are many people gathered together at this time. Emperor Ji Ke Nifu, and four followers. Empire's highest-level magic chanter, Fruda, and Paradion. The ability is sufficient to assist the talented emperor, the ten faithful and capable officials. Not only that, but even one of the four strongest imperial knights of the empire, "Thunder" Bajd Peshme, was present.

They chose their favorite seats and sat down, discussing the empire's policy from now to now. The papers scattered around illustrate the heated situation of the meeting. Some of them were dumb.

The young monarch, known as the Blood Emperor, said to Vulda what he would never say to others:

"No, don't care. After all, I have a lot of things to bother you. The old man is also old. I also want to give you a little blessing, but many things still have to be troubled. Forgive me."

"Thank you for your considerate care. However, I am an allegiance to your majesty. Please do not worry, please tell me something."

The comforted Fulda bowed her head gently.

Grew up to be a kind child.

Fruda stared at the young man with a clear eye, and had this idea in mind.

Fruda started to serve the empire from about six generations before the emperor.

He had a bad relationship with the emperor at the time, six generations ago. However, because Fruda was already a powerful high-level magic chanter at that time, it was not long after he was recruited to gain a high status among court magicians.

For these reasons, Fruda became more intimate with the five generations of former emperors. While gaining the status of chief magician in the court, he also began to engage in the magic education of the four generations of emperors.

From three generations before the emperor, he began to serve as a teacher to teach the emperor various knowledge, and also had a significant influence on political decision-making.

Then came the current emperor, his beloved child.

He took care of the emperors of all generations, and none of them was incompetent. Every generation is very good, like a blessed one, all of them are talented children-although the former emperor of the sixth generation was already a strong man. Among them, the current emperor is particularly talented. Although it has been slowly paving the way since two generations ago, the ability to successfully implement the monarchy is still bestowed on him by his excellent talents.

Fruda deeply loves Giknif Len Fallod Al Knicks.

Fruda educated him like educating his children. He could be sure that the emperor regarded himself as his second father.

even so--

Even as a beloved son of his own son, Frudar can still give up.

I want to peek into the abyss of magic, Jill. I will not hesitate to give me anything for this. Even a cute child like you is the same. ,, ..

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