Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 329: explore

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"Then your majesty, this time it was decided to completely stop the attack on the kingdom, right?"

"Yes. Because it is more important than this to investigate the demon named Yadabava. Father, did you find anything?"

"It's a pity, Your Majesty. I have been conducting an investigation, but no information has been found so far."

That's right, it was said so in advance.

"Master Paradion. Can't use magic to investigate?"

For the man who asked the question, Fruda pretended to express an expression and looked at him coldly.

"Magic does have the possibility of omnipotence. That is--"

"--Senior man, sorry. I will talk about this for a long time. Don't talk about it."

"I get it, Your Majesty." Fulda said with a displeased expression, and started again with the teacher's teaching of stupid students: "There is a way to use magic search. For example, this room has a soundproof wall. , You know that, other things like detecting magic obstacles are also a simple method."

"...So that's the case. That means there are various means of confrontation, so it's very difficult."

"That's it. However, if only the magic fails, it's still lucky. Advanced magic chanters will also prepare for this type of magic to counterattack and directly kill opponents who use probing magic."

A few people heard that the other party was just about to fight back and they were going to kill, showing a disgusted expression, but Fruda was not interested at all.

"Think about it," a courtier picked up a piece of paper. "Master Parazain used magic to find the stronghold of Ma Yuan, the magic chanter. Does this mean that the man is not as capable as Master Paradai?"

"too naive!"

Fruda desperately suppressed the bitter smile, and said in a strong tone, so that the other party clearly felt his irritability.

Part of it is the truth, only the fool will look down on the adult. No, I used to be a fool. Ignorance is really a sad thing.

Fruda secretly mocked the stupid self in the past. At that time, I was too ignorant.

"excuse me."

Fruda raised her hand to accept the other's guilt.

"Oh, by the way, old man. What happened to the workers sent to break into this person's residence?"

"A spy who followed them sent the first report with "message", it should be all dead."

Jikenev indexed the date with his hands, then opened his eyes slightly. He heard that there were several excellent teams of workers dispatched. It is indeed a surprise that such a combat power was devastated in just one day, or half a day.

Needless to say, Fruda was not surprised. He felt that this was a natural result. However, of course the expression on his face is unbelievable.

"... Really? Having said that, the magic information alone is not credible enough, and it will take a few more days for the adventurers to return?"

"Because they encountered no survival, they decided to retreat immediately, but it should be four days away."

"The adventurers waiting to provide information... I think it will take at least five days. We will not be able to act until then."

"Message" is a means of transmitting intelligence that lacks credibility. Because the longer the distance, the more difficult to hear. In addition, there are other reasons why countries do not attach importance to the "message".

The most famous is the tragedy of Gothenburg.

About 300 years ago, this country set up a "message" network in the city to increase the speed of information transmission. It is a human race country dominated by magic chanters of the magic system. Due to excessive trust in the "message", this country fell into a state of civil strife just because it received three false intelligences. There was a war between the cities, and it was devastated by monster attacks and sub-human aggression. The country perished.

In addition, the bards also told the husband who received the wife’s betrayal that the wife was killed and the wife was killed, and the result was actually a provocative story of false intelligence.

Therefore, few people trust the information transmitted by "messages", but people who over-trust "messages" will be treated as fools. Ji Ke Nifu is one of them. He does use "message". But it will certainly obtain information from other paths at the same time, and will never rely solely on magic.

"However, that man is really stupid. If you hire a worker at Ye Lantier, everything will be more in line with our plan. Although it is also because of his inability that he will dance ridiculously in my hands, but it is too much Incompetence is also a problem. It must be better to be a bait."

"Your Majesty said so."

After hearing Fruda agree, Jikenev frowned.

At the meeting a few days ago, he accepted the plan made by Fruda’s proposal for two purposes.

The information obtained by the count only knew that it was an unknown ruin. It is already an adventure for the imperial nobles to break into the ruins of the kingdom territory, and it takes great courage to hire workers in the kingdom territory. No wonder he will hire workers in the empire.

"Ma Yuan and Fei Fei came to the empire, right in our arms."

"That's right. Now he should pass the news of the unknown ruins and the workers' death to the trade union over there. In this way, the kingdom's trade union learns that the empire wants to search for the ruins, and it will formally start an investigation. "

It is for this purpose that they will squeeze adventurers into this operation. Of course, the emperor's authority was not used at all, and the spy spread some wind to other nobles to facilitate this.

This incident must be handled from the start as a stupid noble act. In this way, even if the interference of the empire reveals, the hostility of Anz Oul Kung will be directed towards the manipulated earl, and Giknif can carry out this matter in a friendly manner.

"And the adventurers of the kingdom will attack the residence of Andz Urgong, who is fiercely resisting. How will a magical chanter with strong power react to the kingdom? How to do it?"

"It's really exciting to expect." Jikenev said with a smile, just in case, just make another confirmation:

"I already know Anz Oul, how much strength Kung has. He can easily eliminate the workers' squad. This matter should be dealt with cleanly, and it can be solved with a head of a stupid noble."

"Of course, we handle it very carefully, only the people present here know the inside story."

"That's good. Just in case-what's wrong?"

An earthquake-like shock interrupted Jikenif's words. The windows and furniture of the room were shaking and bumping. However, it doesn't feel like an earthquake. It seemed that a giant beast slammed into the ground, causing a violent shake only once. ,, ..

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