Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 330: Intimidate

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"What's going on? Go and confirm—what's the noise! ​​What's going on!"

Not only indoors, Jikenev also heard screams from outside. The walls of this room are thick and strong. In this case, how loud are the people outside? Or are there too many people screaming? What caused the screaming—the sound most inappropriate for this place?

Looking at the atrium where the screams came from the gap between the curtains, a casual man who observed the situation answered his question with a pale face.

"Your Majesty! It's a dragon! The dragon landed in the atrium!"

In just a moment, an extremely sluggish air flowed through the crowd. No one can immediately understand the meaning of this sentence. No, it is impossible to understand. Even though everyone knew he could not lie, he rushed to the window and wanted to confirm it with his own eyes.

They almost pulled the heavy curtains hard. Seeing the scene behind the curtains, outside the translucent glass window-steady, according to the dragon in the center of the atrium, everyone was speechless.

" could there be a dragon there? Where did that dragon come from?"

"Foreign affairs! Is there any rude man who will ride the dragon into the atrium today?"

"I haven't heard of such a thing!"

"Have you met the dragon of the reviewing country? Isn't that the dragon of the reviewing country?"

"...The dragon is completely different from what I have heard. I heard from diplomats and should be trustworthy."

"These are not the key points. Let the other party invade the palace forbidden area is the biggest problem? Your Majesty is here, what are the Royal Air Guards doing!"

The dragon has a strong body wrapped in solid scales, a life span far above humans, and various special abilities and magical powers. It is the strongest existence in the world. Of course, the dragon's strength is also high and low, and you can often hear examples of adventurers defeating the dragon. But throughout history, we can often see cities destroyed by angry dragons, and sometimes even countries. The fact that a city in the southern country was destroyed by a dragon more than two decades ago is still fresh.

This kind of existence appears in the very center of the imperial city, which is a very serious situation.

Even Ji Ke Nifu was breathless and watching the situation, at this time, only two little figures came down from the dragon's back.

Looking closely, it was two children whose skin seemed to be tanned by the sun.

"That should be a dark elf."

Fruda calmly said the race of the two.

"Sir Paradion! What is the origin of the dragon! What are those two?"

"Well, I don't know the dragon..."

Needless to say, the two of them descended from the dragon. The dragon that landed in the atrium was also surrounded by knights. Although these knights are the pride of the empire, they stand very unreliable in front of the dragon. It is indeed the strongest creature.

Among the knights, a man with a shield in his left and right came out.

"Hey, did that guy get out of the horse? Although there is no other way...but it is a pity to lose him."

Stepping forward is one of the four knights of the empire, "not moving" Nazami Enek.

He is one of the pinnacle fighters of the empire and has the strongest of the four knights in defensive battles. Although this warrior can resist multiple energy system attacks, it still looks insignificant compared to the dragon. Hearing "Thunder Light" Bajd Peshme's judgment on the end of the same robe, everyone can only nod and agree.

"Your Majesty, please go to take refuge!"

"Where can I escape? Is it safe where you say?"

Hearing a sneer at the suggestion of the courtier who had come back to it.


"--I understand what you want to say, but if I abandon the imperial city and run away, it will inevitably become a laughingstock. Even if the opponent is a dragon. Although that one does not seem to be the dragon of the commenting country, if the other party knows that I will not If I fled, I did this... I heard that the dragon is very wise, and it seems to know the political situation of the empire well."

The reason why Jikenif can exert pressure on the nobles is because of the military strength of the Knights as a backer. If a dragon appeared in the imperial city, the emperor and the knight left the imperial city and fled. Once the aristocracy knew this, they would probably belittle the emperor's military power and rebel. He didn't think he would lose to the Uganda, but it would still cause the imperial power to weaken at a stretch.

(Whether it is fighting or fleeing will suffer, it's a nasty trick. What is the divine dragon?)

Soon, more and more people were going to the atrium. There were a total of forty guards and sixty knights surrounding the dragon and the two. Not only that, but also magic chanters from the magic and faith departments.

"One hundred and twenty people alone are not enough to deal with them. Your Majesty, I think I'd better pass by."

Jikenif frowned slightly. Fruda is the biggest trump card of the empire. He wasn't sure if it would be beneficial to use this trump card for a strong man like dragon. However, he believed that Fruda could escape safely even in a desperate situation, and this trust cut off his confusion.

Jikenev did not know.

He didn't know that Fruda would take the initiative to say that he wanted to go, in order to avoid Jikenev's retreat using Teleport Mowa.

"Sir, please. Please if you can do it, can you tell "do not move" to retreat?"

"Observe. However, those people are unfathomable. I think their strength is probably unimaginable. Your Majesty, please be prepared to escape."

With only this sentence left, Frudar opened the window. He jumped out of the window and flew into the sky with the power of flying magic.

"Uh, can you hear me? I'm a subordinate of Lord Anz Oul Kung, whose name is Yaula Bella Fiora!"

Just then, a super loud sound rang all around.

"The emperor of this country sent some rude guys to the Nazarek underground grave where Lord Anz lived! Lord Anz was very unhappy. So if you do not apologize, we will destroy this country!"

Jikenev's expression was distorted. Who actually used what method to find this answer? How did he discover the truth along the small clues?

Looking around the room, everyone looked at the emperor in amazement. Those who understood the doubts in Gickniff's heart shook their heads.

"First of all, we have to kill all the people here! Mare."

Another dark elf standing beside him inserted his staff into the atrium floor. In an instant, it seemed that only a local earthquake occurred in the atrium. The reason why it seems like it is because Jikenif can't feel the vibration of the ground at all. ,, ..

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