Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 331: Dragon props

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The earth still wailed and torn around the dragons and dark elves, and the cracks in the ground more complicated than the spider web opened wide.

Knights, guards, magic chanters. With the exception of Fruda flying in the sky, everyone was engulfed by the earth.

The dark elf seemed to skillfully put himself and his companions out of the range of effect, and if he stood indifferently, as soon as he pulled up his staff, the earth suddenly gathered together like in the event of an earthquake. It seems that because the gathering speed is too fast, the earth rises along the spider web pattern just now, instead it becomes a mound.

The knights assembled in the atrium just disappeared. It ended so abruptly.

"Okay~ All of them are killed. Then it’s the turn of the humans in this city... Uh, I don’t know which one is the emperor, so forget it! But if the emperor does not come out quickly, we will destroy this City! Emperor, please come out quickly!"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty."

The minister shivered and asked Guikenev with a pale face.

"...I just wanted to say that we pulled the dragon's beard, so did we ride the dragon?"

Ji Ke Nifu desperately suppressed trembling. The only supreme existence of the empire, the emperor who holds the power in one hand, cannot show fear in front of his officials.

"Anz Oul Kung... who the hell... no, now is not the time to think about this."

Jikenev shouted loudly from the window:

"I am the emperor, Giknif Ren Falod Al Knicks! I want to talk to you well! Could you please come to the palace!" He turned to the minister: "Make the highest level of hospitality Prepare! Hurry!"

The courtiers crawled out of the room on a rolling basis, and Jikenev's eyes turned from their backs to the dark elves looking at him.

"...I'm too young to look at them. If it's just a subordinate... Isn't this person I can handle... That being said, I can't be here Retreat. If the other party wants to negotiate...then let's talk about it, Anz Oul Kung. I will definitely defeat your ambition!"

The fortress city Ye Lantil was surrounded by a triple wall matching the name. The door installed on the wall is the strongest and strongest thing in the outer wall, full of rudeness and oppression.

Because this was known as the pressure from the gates that would block them back even if the Empire attacked, the traveler's gesture of opening his mouth in surprise, as long as people passing through the street would certainly see such a scene. And the people on that street must have shown the same expression in the past.

An inspection post is set up next to such a city gate, and several of the soldiers relax in the sun while relaxing.

Although some people might wonder if the soldiers in the city that will become the frontline of the war are so loose, their job at the inspection office is to check the travelers. It is their task to discover illegal goods and spies from other countries. Those who do not want to enter the city are naturally equivalent to not working.

Therefore, for ordinary soldiers who are not working at all now-although there is no such thing as a card game to pass the time, they can't hide their yawn.

Of course, although I am busy now, I am very busy when I am busy. Especially in the morning, the period when the city gate was just opened is hard to describe with pen and ink.

When the sun rose to the highest point in the sky, we began to see the sparse travelers from the streets. It is natural for a world with monsters to travel with a certain number of people.

Ma Yuan and Anz were sitting on a carriage with incense burning in the stove, which made people feel drowsy.

Anz wanted to say something to refresh, and asked: "Your dragons... won't you lose control?"

Ma Yuan yawned and replied: "Relax, they will listen to Aula and Mare."

He was really a bit tired. He summoned these dragons to consume a lot of MP. Although his MP length is unlimited, he is still mentally tired.

"Speaking of it, what kind of props did you use to summon it?" Anz was really curious. After all, the dragon is a rare species in the game or in the world today.

Ma Yuan was so terribly sleepy that he almost said that there were no props at all, and he was his own avatar.

Fortunately, he was slightly refreshed and replied: "...This item is not available on the market. At that time, a friend was inside the game and gave me a gift specially."

This is actually true. Isn't this physical ability all given to him by the system? Even if he wanted to, he couldn't help himself.

Anz was envious when he heard the words: "If this kind of prop is sold, I guess you can buy a big guild."

"That's why people are willing to sell."

The two were talking, and the carriage stopped suddenly. Ma Yuan glanced over and it turned out that someone in front had a dispute.

"No way. It will be troublesome if there are problems later."

"It would be nice if the woman wore a magical singer's clothes at a glance."

"With a strange staff and a strange cloak all over?"

"Yes. In this case, you know that you are a magical chanter at first glance. Then force her to join the Magician Guild and make her obliged to hold the guild mark like an adventurer."

The soldiers who were sitting all the time stood up, looking at each other and laughing. To greet the girl who might be a magical chanter.

"What's going on outside?" Andz frowned.

Ma Yuan recruited a soldier and asked.

It turned out that a young girl took out a rather high-level magic prop when she passed the security check, but she said that she was just an ordinary village girl. How could soldiers let such strange things go?

"Is this the little girl?"

The magical chanter made a calm voice, and the soldiers felt wonderful as always.

Although he looks like a male in the second half of the second half from the outside, the very hoarse voice made him unable to infer the age from the voice. Is it only the appearance that is particularly young, or only the voice that is particularly hoarse?

"That one......"

An Li alternately looked at the soldier and the magical singer who appeared. The soldier thought of her surprise and could not help but nodded in his heart. The soldier was also frightened when he first saw the magical chanter.

"This is Mr. Magic Singer who came from the Magician Guild. To investigate briefly, please wait." head. "So please?"

"of course.",,..

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