Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 332: Goblin Horn

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Then the magical chanter narrowed his eyes. It's like a beast aiming at prey. To the soldiers who are used to it, they can't help but put their eyes on the posture. An Li is still the same as usual.

Seeing this, in the soldier's heart, the idea of ​​"sure enough" continued to grow stronger.

It is certainly not just a villager who is so calm while being kept in sight. At least, if there is no experience of confrontation with monsters or people who take their own lives, it is impossible to bear such a sight. Therefore, the soldier was convinced that his imagination was correct.

"No, I'm just, just an ordinary person. Just a villager. Really!"

"Village? Why are you guys lying? So how did you get this magical prop! If you are a simple villager, how could there be such a thing!"

Ma Yuan got a headache from the outside shouting and went straight to see it.

At first glance, he looked back and shouted Anz: "Hey, come down and see if this is the little girl in Kahn Village?"

Anz narrowed his eyes carefully for a moment: "Really. Why is she here?"

"...Why doesn't matter here, look at the horn prop in her hand, did you give it to her?"

Anz recalled this. When he went to the hero to save the United States, in order to protect Anli's safety, she gave her a horn that could summon Goblin, but she didn't expect to cause much trouble here.

Ma Yuan waved his hand and said to the soldier: "Let her go, this girl we know is not a suspicious character."

The soldier immediately passed the word.

"Let her go. The adult, the steel-level adventurer has guaranteed her identity. I want to restrain her again, what do you think?"

"This is of course a judgment...but is it really okay?"

"Do you doubt what the adult said is really good?"

"Of course it's not good! Understood. Give permission immediately. Then allow Arie Emmert of Kahn Village to enter. You can go."

"Ah yes. Thank you very much."

Anli lowered her head a little and walked out of the hut. Seeing her back, the soldier asked the magical chanter.

"Master Ma Yuan?"

"I'm leaving."

"So, what is the relationship between the great hero and the village girl?"

"I don't know. Master Ma Yuan said to me just like before, ensuring her identity and liberating her."

"Then other questions. The little girl named Emmert. Do you really think she is just a village girl?"

"I don't think so at all. It can't be a simple village girl, otherwise the big hero wouldn't come out to help her. So it's not accidental to take the magic props...Is it related to France? ?"

"I honestly don't know. After all, it was the person whose identity was guaranteed by Master Ma Yuan. If you report to the above...Although you did nothing wrong in your position, wouldn't Master Ma Yuan be unhappy? ?"

The soldier's face was twisted.

The great cause of Ma Yuan, the great hero in Ye Lantier's cemetery, is a topic that must be discussed when soldiers gather.

No one does not feel enthusiastic about the heroes and legends that broke through the tens of thousands of undead groups. The sword dance of the overwhelming hero who can understand even if I just look at it from a distance. The posture of letting the powerful Warcraft kneel and ride made the soldiers fanatical.

Just like a woman will be fascinated by powerful men, there are many men fascinated by Ma Yuan, a big hero. It can be said that most of the soldiers with weapons are fans of Ma Yuan.

This soldier is also one of them.

He is a fan of Ma Yuan, and he was touched by Ma Yuan's shoulder, which was enough to make him boast when he saw anyone. So he didn't want to upset his respected character.

"Also. If Master Ma Yuan promised, then it's all right."

"I also think it's just that. It wouldn't be good if it was against Ma Yuan's personal acquaintance. After all, it's good to take a cool under the big tree. Troubles can be avoided.... Then I will continue Standby."

"Eh. I'm going back to work."

Anri drove her back toward the door of Ye Lantier, and wondered what happened and tilted her head. I am afraid that it is the adventurer with a thin back-in Anli's memory, it is indeed the character who collected herbs with Enfirea. He helped him.

Originally, he should be seen to thank him immediately, but it is a pity that when he looked around after entering the door, he could no longer see his posture.

Thanks again next time... Will you forgive me? Although I thought I would search around if I had a little time, there were some reasons why An Li couldn't do it. That's what she worried about occupying An Li's heart. She was holding a part of her clothes, and she could not rest assured without confirming the existence of that one.

——Goblin's horn flute.

This coins...thousands? Lie to me. Please say that it was a lie to me... Anli suddenly shed cold sweat. I have always thought of it as such a precious thing because I gave it to myself simply. No, indeed Enfirea said that this is an expensive item. However, this amount is beyond imagination.

Eh? Am I using such props? no problem? What should I do if I ask myself to return?

Thousands of pots of medicinal herbs are needed...maybe they will be used to collect medicinal herbs all my life...and I have another prop worth thousands of gold coins.

Anli sneaked around. Although the surrounding figures are sparse, it is probably several times that of Kahn Village. Does anyone have the idea to play this horn? Such annoying thoughts appeared in An Li's heart.

It would be nice if it was not brought out. There should be a lot of local crimes? If the Horn Flute was stolen... Ah Le? If the horn was blown, and Goblin appeared to make a big fuss, wouldn't it be the prisoner... Just as Anli's cold sweat doubled, a character was dropped next to the driver's seat where Anli was sitting. It seems that there is no action of gravity, it is really because of the power of magic.

That was asked by Anz to ask Nabe clearly in the past.

"... Ha. Fei Fei Da-Mr. has something to ask you, so I'm coming. Answer quickly. What are you doing?" She didn't expose Ma Yuan.

An Li has no obligation to answer. However, she thought, this person is probably the partner of the person who helped him before. This character should answer if he wants to know. ,, ..

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