Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 339: Self-righteous monster

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When the atmosphere changed, the ancients released a strong hostility, and Liyulaz was a strong vigilance.

"I know! Obstructor! If this snake hadn't been thinking about it, we would have killed you already! This saved a lot of effort! The cowardly black dwarf!"

"Don't draw conclusions too quickly. We are here to negotiate with you."

Ma Yuan is in a prone position.

"Submit us if you want to live."

"This idiot! We can't listen to cowards! Just eat you here! Then eat the next imp!"

"Since this is the case, how about letting me pick you up with someone with a strong name? Shouldn't you be afraid to run away?" Ma Yuanyi provoked.

"Interesting! It's enough to deal with you alone! Eat you piece by piece!"

"Very good. That's your choice. Then the negotiation failed. Andy, stay away. I will play alone."

It was only then that the sword aimed at Ma Yuan was swung down. A giant sword of about three meters held by Gu. Anz did not move, accepting the attack from the front.


"What's the matter? Do you think it's incredible?" Ma Yuan's pattern remained immobile, and the ancient ugly face was distorted by surprise. This time he swung his sword horizontally. But Ma Yuan, just like before, accepts the stab of the sword from the front.


After taking a few steps back, Gu compared the size of the sword in his hand to that of Ma Yuan. Then just turned away from the enemy and came to the other giants. At the next moment, the giant sword turned up the giant below him and cut it directly. The sword cut through the shoulder, the giant's body was easily cut off, and blood spewed out. The giant made a loud, stupid sound. Seeing that his subordinates looked old and satisfied, they confirmed that the weapon was normal.

"It turns out that the giant's ability to regenerate. It's amazing to see it actually." The cut wound healed quickly, just like a fast rewind replay. This is the only way to understand the regenerative ability of the same race, but Gu is evil, and if the wound disappears, it will be added again. Gu looked at his men who had fallen to the ground.

"It is the privilege of the strong to decide the life and death of the weak. However, I am very-unhappy."

Ma Yuan took a step and lost the mood to play.

Gu holds the sword in both hands, waiting for Ma Yuan to advance slowly.

"Ancient! That guy is so unusual, he wants to work together to bring down—"

"Shut up! If you are timid, just look over there!-Goooooooo!" Continuous attacks like an attack, each blow is powerful. The attack power of the body far above the human is the top of the opponents that the horse originally encountered in this world.

Of course, Anz will be much stronger than this monster.

However, to what extent can Ma Yuan be irritated by the fact that the strong city walls cannot be broken or the ground can be attacked with a big hole? Ma Yuan took a strong blow from the front.

"Oops. The clothes are all wrinkled. Can you stop?" Ma Yuan looked away interestedly, sorting out the messed clothes. Then I thought of looking up like Gu. "Ah, are you satisfied?"

"You ah ah!"

Gu judged that the sword had no effect and turned to attack with his hand. The huge fist is like a hammer. If it is a human, it will be broken and easily beaten. It was a fatal attack for people, but Ma Yuan took it from the front as well. After Yu Yu tapped the place where he was beaten, it was like being touched by a dirty person. Gu stopped attacking, his ugly face was even more ugly, and stared at Ma Yuan, who was not surprised.

"Do you have a brave name, a confident attack here?"

"Defense is quite a bit-ah ah ah!" Ma Yuan, who moved closer to each other, waved the battle, and Gu's feet were cut in half. The unbearable huge body fell to the ground.

"Cowardness does not mean weakness, you should understand the size of the acorn, right?" Giants and ogres around the world exclaimed when they saw the miserable appearance of their leaders. Ma Yuan sighed helplessly, and monsters who didn't understand the situation at this point had no value.

Anz also understood this and gave up the idea of ​​raising them.

"Anz, the only one who doesn't let him escape, catch." Ma Yuan's words were simple.

Anz acted immediately, ignoring Gu in front, and grabbed Naga's head with one hand to face them. That attitude clearly told Gu and everyone present that they were not his opponents.

In the face of strong contempt, Gu's teeth were completely indifferent because of the sound of resentment.

"You, boy!" The body of Naga's snake kept twisting and curling Anz: "Just strangle you like this!"

A calm voice came from the ball shaped by the Naga.

"What's the point of doing this meaningless behavior?"

Anz easily pulled Naga, several times heavier than himself.

Part of the muscles that were cut off were born, the regeneration of the feet was completed, and Ma Yuan’s eyes turned to Gu who finally stood up. Gu's physique hasn't changed, Ma Yuan looked at him and said, "Healed. Can I continue?"

Ma Yuan said indifferently, clearly telling Gu that he did not intend to defend at all.

"You, you guys, what did you do? What did you do to me? Magic?" Gu held back with his sword, and Ma Yuan chased so close.

Ma Yuan's pace is much smaller than that of the ancients, and the distance between the two is greater than the one he just pulled during the battle.

"I'm going forward with the coward's name, and you're going back with the brave name? Why is this?" Ma Yuan asked him with a smile.

Faced with the match of terror and anger, Gu Yuan intended to slash, Ma Yuan did not evade or defend, directly hit back with his fist.

In the resounding screams, the ancient men who watched aside showed horror.

"It's a giant, and the blessings of regeneration ability have been restored a lot. But it will still hurt. The attack just now is my most powerful so far. Thinking of defense, I protect my coward sword from my attack. where."

In front of Ma Yuan's line of sight, there was only a half-thick head. Ordinary creatures will indeed die, but the giant's head recovers bit by bit. The ancient restored to its original face is very ugly, and there is strong terror on it. It’s like being overwhelmed by the feeling of horror several times more than before.

"You, you guys, who are you! Why is my attack useless! Big guys! Kill this guy!"

Ma Yuan did not explain, but said in a good mood: "Oh, oh, the person who is worthy of the name of the coward, broke the heads-up really matches your name. So, I forgive you.",, ...

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