Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 340: surrender

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All the monsters present were stunned, and were slow to move because of fear. At this time, people without brains also felt the power of Ma Yuan and Anz. Even if it is annoying, the situation in front of it clearly tells this, and their resistance will not be effective at all.

This is also the same for Ma Yuan, and now the scene maintains a delicate balance, which has restrained everyone. If the balance breaks down next, the giants will rush out to escape. It will be troublesome to be escaped. ——It is very troublesome to chase one by one

"Then the game ends here."

Ma Yuan cast a racial coercion that was different from the dragon's breath but could also act as a deterrent.

Like puppets with cut threads, ogres, giants, and ancients all fell down. The monsters that fell to the ground did not move, even if they were still alive, but the fire of life would gradually extinguish, and the voice of the old man's fear sounded in the quiet cave at a glance, "You, who are you?"

Naga wanted to stay as far away as possible and rolled up.

"They are too weak." Ma Yuan shrugged and did not intend to explain.

Instead, Anz gave him a thoughtful look.

"Originally, you have no value. It would be useful to kill where it should be, but if you refuse to accept our control, then kill it."

"The old man is very willing to accept your domination! Obedience to the strong is for granted to the weak. The old man will go for you forever, and he will do nothing!" Andz looked at Naga, who pressed his head to the ground, shrugging with little energy. "...... Well, it's fine, it doesn't matter. Basically it comes in the name of communication."

"I have agreed with you. If you are loyal to me, if you work hard for me, you will be compensated for it....Speaking of it, what about your men?"

"The old man has subordinates. This time I have not brought the negotiations with the ancients. In case the negotiations break down, the subordinates can't escape without visualization."

"So it turns out, then the next question. Do you have giants under your staff?"

"There is a horse."

"That's really great. Then you can replace the giant of the East."

Ma Yuan walked towards the ancient corpse and said, "What about the giant zombie data?"

Anz has no objection.

Using special skills, Anz can turn the body into an undead. Although it is a zombie or skeleton, the stronger the physical ability, the stronger the zombie.

Ma Yuan picked up the giant sword on the ground, which is much taller than Ma Yuan's height, and it is a magic weapon that can change its size according to its strength. If you wield a sword that you can’t equip, you will be forced to lift it. It's no problem just holding it.

Anz said: "Take this to strengthen the village's personal combat power? Probably the best use of this magic weapon. Did not get the value of Nasalik."

Ma Yuan said nothing, but nodded.

"Let's take a look at the situation on the other side of the empire, although my dragon won't make any trouble...but just in case."

Anz heard the words and cleared the cave. They sat cross-legged and summoned the crystal screen.

Jikenev Len Falod Al Knicks-the unique supreme monarch of the empire-known as the Blood Emperor, the feared youth recalled whether his acting was flawed.

He is confident that the smile and attitude just made the other party feel good and foolproof.

Nobles are very good at this kind of scheming, especially as an emperor, Ji Ke Nifu, who has been instilled with this kind of knowledge since childhood, is so superb that no one can see through at a glance.

In the eyes of those guests, Jikenev must be like a gentle and hearty young man.

It is important to soothe each other's mood.

People who wrap themselves with suspicion are not easy to observe.

However, as long as the trust and goodwill are used as the silk thread to manipulate, and the suspicion coats are taken off one by one, the other party's heart is equivalent to no defense.

Of course, these inducements are cleverly hidden under the gentleman's sincere welcome smile.

The target of gentleman Gick Neve was two dark elves who suddenly rode into the imperial city while riding a dragon.

For the first time, he met someone who was so inconsistent in appearance and strength.

The tragedy of the earthquake caused by the little girl holding the staff killed 170 people.

The detailed list is: forty guards, sixty knights, eight magic chanters of the magic department, and eight magic chanters of the belief department.

In addition, there is one person-the severity of the victim is staggering.

These knights are responsible for guarding the Imperial City. Although they are the elites of the elite, they can still lose their eyes.

In terms of the level of adventurers, it is considered a group of silver warriors.

Domestically, they have invested a lot of effort in the training and advancement, and this level of knights will still be in need.

Next is the guard, they are the top elite indispensable in the future of the empire.

The loss of half of the people who can match the gold-level adventurers at one time is very heavy.

Moreover, their equipment is a magic weapon and armor that has mobilized many magic chanters in the Imperial Ministry of Magic and took a lot of time to build. It is more valuable than the same weight of gold.

The heaviest loss was the last one, one of the strongest knights of the empire, "not moving" Nazami Enek.

I said that I was just imitating the warrior I had seen before, but because he adopted a two-handed shield battle and valued the fighting style of defense, he was also called the "hardest knight" among the four strongest knights in the empire.

In this world, personal bravery can win hundreds of soldiers. The death of a powerful soldier is not just a loss, even if the military power of the empire declines in one fell swoop.

Honestly, Jikenev wished he could throw away water at the other party, but of course he couldn't do this to the killer who didn't blink.

He didn't know if the other party intentionally wanted to show his strength. In short, he just welcomed these uninvited guests with a smile.

However, he will not be beaten all the time.

Jikenev stared closely at the two children in front of him, observing their every move.

A lot of information can be seen from a little boring little detail.

Jikenifu's feeling is quite keen. He once used the same spicy smell to see through the nobles who have done their loyalty to themselves. In fact, they secretly colluded with the nobles.

This time he also tried to find some clues.


Appearance ──


As a dark elf child who broke into the Imperial City as the messenger of Anz Oul Kung, the facial features were born quite properly, and it is conceivable that he will be favored by the opposite **** in the future. ,, ..

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