Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 342: revenge

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Looking at Yawula frowning and tasting this drink, Ma Yuan refrained from smiling and suggested to Anz: "They should be going to school at this age? This polite question, sometimes I have to talk about it."

Anz looked at it and felt that it was not very good. How could he choose the things from his host, but because they did not receive any education, Anz did not intend to criticize them, but secretly will be in Na Salik's idea of ​​opening a college is in his mind.

Jikenev wondered whether he could pull the girl holding the staff into his camp; or let her mediate to make the situation beneficial to the empire; but the other party's information is insufficient at present, and no good strategy can be thought of.

What's more, don't forget this seemingly obedient girl that triggered the terrible killing.

To provoke such a person casually is equivalent to reaching into the sleeping dragon's mouth.

"Then Your Excellency, first of all, I have just given the name, let me repeat it. I am Giknif Len Fallod Al Nix of the Baha'i Empire. I already know the Philippines Euler’s name, can you ask your name?”

"Then... that, uh, my name is Mare Belo Fiore."

"Thank you, His Excellency Fiore. Then, just now, Fiore said, "Master Anz is very unhappy. So if you don’t come to apologize, we will destroy this country." You meant to ask me to go in person. Is Nazarek guilty?"

"Does this need to be said?"

It was very brief, but there was a cold emotion hidden in it.

The dark elf in Awu La had no warmth in her eyes.

You can only feel the feelings of human beings when they look at bugs.

The point of the question is here.

In fact, what the other party is saying is true, so how many facts should your party admit?

Where did the other party learn this fact?

If it is normal, Jikenif will send the messenger away with some rhetoric, and then take action to collect intelligence, but do not know if the other party eats this set.

The result is still to test the other party's bottom line, otherwise the situation is not good for themselves.

Ma Yuan said suddenly: "Do you know why I lent you the dragon so readily?"

Anz was surprised for a moment. Wasn't it because Ma Yuan had a good relationship with him?

"It's because the empire really provokes me." Ma Yuan narrowed his eyes. When he and Andre saved the village of Kahn together at the beginning, because they had just come to this world with inexperience, they were quickly stricken by the empire. Stared at, and secretly followed them for a long time.

Originally, Ma had thought of a way to get rid of them, but when he and Andre separated from them, the empire could not find him, and began to track Andre and Ankar, which had disturbed them for hunting several times.

In fact, it is said that Andre is wrong. As a steel-level adventurer from the empire, they intentionally or unintentionally helped the royal family of the kingdom to cause an imbalance of power. Although these loopholes were quickly filled, the empire The seniors seemed to be more competitive with Andre, and they had to find ways to rectify them.

Ma Yuan has only these few friends in this world, how could he easily let others bully.

After receiving Andre's news, he lent Andz a few dragons at a stretch, and began to deter from the emperor.

"It is also Lord Christine who ordered the two to step into our imperial city riding a dragon?"

"Yes... yes, Lord Anz ordered us."

"It turns out... that's how it is."

"Why have you had a bunch of strange questions just now? Do you want to apologize? If you don't come, make it clear. I will go back and report to Master Anz, and then come back to destroy this country. It's that simple."

There is a saying "Don't enter the dragon's nest, you can get the dragon's egg", which means you don't want to take risks, don't think of great achievements or merits.

Jikenev followed this teaching and was determined to take a step.

"Of course, I will be sincere and sincere to blame. I don't remember sending anyone to a place called Nasariq, but it may be that my subordinates are adept at it. The subordinates make mistakes, and the superiors must be responsible."

In the corner of Zikniff's eyes, the three civilians saw their eyes widened, while Frudar nodded, saying that he answered the question quite correctly.

"Oh, you know, then come with us."

"Wait, it's okay to go, but I'm also the monarch who rules the empire. I can't leave the country suddenly. So, give me two or three days--"

Jikenif observed the other person's expression and confirmed that the number did not anger the other party.

"──Used to deal with urgent matters, and then add a lot of preparations, as well as gifts to Your Excellency, etc., add up to about ten days -"

"──Ten days? It's a little too long."

"As long as ten days, I can prepare a decent gift. It's not good to give some boring gifts, and lose it. Besides, I also have to investigate who should be responsible for this matter. The empire is very big, and it will take a lot of investigation. time."


Yaulah said while sinking into contemplation, Mare next to him began to feel uneasy.

(So ​​it turned out... I was hesitant to hear that I was going to prepare a gift for Christine, which shows that she holds a considerable respect for her master. From this point on, you may be able to earn a little more time.)

Jikenev was about to speak, but Aula was a step ahead of him.

With a smile on his face, Yawu La said with a joke:

"Funny. Master Anz originally asked me to come over immediately, but you didn't specify the correct time, so "immediately" means a few days later, depending on what you think."

Ma Yuan added oil and vinegar to the side: "I tell you that this emperor didn't even take you into your eyes, then you should be thinking about **** you."

"He doesn't want to mess with me, it's the hell." Anz doesn't care if Ma Yuan wants to use him or what ideas, anyway, for the time being, their interests are the same, then he should help Ma Yuan to solve some troubles. .

"I said, why don't you talk?"

Hearing the cold voice of Yaulu, Jikenif found himself accidentally caught in the maze of thinking.

"Uh, no, it's rude. I'm just thinking about the limited souvenirs I can prepare..."

"Yeah. Okay, it's not bad. Then can you answer my question? When are you going to the underground tomb of Nasariq-come to pay respect to Lord Anz?"

"Well this."

Jikenev ignored the obvious provocation of Yawu La: "Considering all kinds of preparations, I will go in and disturb in five days."

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