Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 343: meet

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"Come on, go back and prepare to meet the guests." Ma Yuan's mouth twitched, revealing a sneering smile.

"Did you think of a good idea?" Anz looked forward to Ma Yuan.

"Well, why, would you lend me command?"

Anz thought for a while and said: "It's not impossible, then I told them to do it. You will plan the reception this time."

"Thank you."

Six luxury carriages galloped on the grassland.

Even on the grassland, the stability of the carriage is still amazing.

The first is the wheel part, using magic props called comfort wheels.

Not only that, the body part has also been handled with magic props called lightweight cargo.

And the creature that pulls this super-high-level horse-drawn carriage costing a lot of money is also a special animal that meets these luxury standards-a horse-like Warcraft, eight-legged horse.

The cost of six carriages of this level is too much to make people too lazy to calculate.

A group of people riding strong horses is responsible for alerting the carriages of such ordinary rich people who can't afford it.

A total of more than twenty guards were all dressed the same—wearing armored shirts, wearing long swords on their waists, carrying arrows and long bows on their backs.

Among a group of men, the only person leading the team is a woman.

Only she is different from other personnel. She wears heavy equipment, armor is a full body armor, and the spear is different from the knight's gun, like the kind that infantry will take.

The mask lifted, but the right half of the face was covered with a golden cloth, and it looked very weird.

This group seems to be a mercenary, but the disciplined actions and words and deeds have an atmosphere different from that of mercenaries.

They have sharp eyes and are alert to the situation around them.

Even the appearance of continued vigilance in the open plains may be considered too timid.

However, in this world where magic actually exists and monsters are wandering around, no matter how difficult it is, there is no guarantee of safety.

At the other end of the flat line, I saw the poison lizard who had to escape at full speed.

In order to guard against these monsters with deadly abilities, they maintain a tense atmosphere at any time.

However, ordinary mercenaries will not achieve this level.

The most important point is to prove that they are not ordinary mercenaries, that is, a group of people who exist in the sky but are invisible to the naked eye.

These people played the same effect as invisible magic, flying in the air and moving in parallel with the ground group.

There is a kind of Warcraft called the eagle, which is the offspring of the cross between the Griffon and the mare.

The upper body of this kind of Warcraft is a eagle eagle, and the lower body is a horse. It may be because of its blood lineage, it is easier to tame than a griffin, and it is a very popular flying beast.

At this time there was a group of people riding this Warcraft in the air.

Flying mount animals-although these are just Warcraft-the market price is very expensive, it is impossible for all mercenaries to get together.

That's right, they look like mercenaries, just to hide their eyes and ears.

The real identity of the group advancing on the ground is the Imperial Guard.

Flying in the air is equipped with super precious magic props, the elite of the Royal Air Guard Regiment that wraps the wearer and the beast riding at the same time with an invisible tulle.

Of course, the owner of the carriage is the emperor of the Bahas Empire, Giknif Ren Falod Al Nix himself.

There are several reasons why they did this dressing. The biggest reason is that the emperor could not lead the knights through the territory of the kingdom-that is, invading the country.

So the exterior of the carriage is also simpler than the interior-although it is still more luxurious than the average carriage.

The carriage carrying Jikenif gradually slowed down and finally stopped completely.

However, he can't get off immediately. Although it is troublesome, in order to stay decent, he has to do some volleys.

Originally the emperor's ostentation should be done by his servants, usually maids.

Maybe they should wait for the maids in other carriages to arrive, but not so much time.

After all, they came in the name of an apology. It is not a good idea to procrastinate and wait for each other’s messengers to wait.

After finishing his appearance, Gick Nifrara put on his cloak.

This is made of Warcraft leather with magical defenses and is extremely precious.

As long as you wear it, no matter how heavy the snow is outside, you won't feel cold.

Then, as long as the scepter is inserted into the waist, the most basic preparation is completed.

Gickney went to take a quick look to make sure that his dress would not be ashamed.

Jikenev nodded in satisfaction.

As if waiting for this moment, someone knocked on the door.

"So, Your Majesty, I got off the train first."

"sorry to bother you."

At the end of the short answer, Bajd opened the carriage door.

The way of opening the door was majestic, just in line with the carriage that the supreme ruler of the empire was riding.

In order to be able to be a meat shield in case, Rone moved between Gick Nieve and the door.

Across Bajd, you can see the scenery outside.

The grassland first came into view, and then the guards standing in line.

The ground behind is uplifted like a hill, and a huge lattice gate seems to be buried in the hill.

Behind that door is the Nazarek Underground Tomb? It's a little different from what I heard... It's within the error range.

After Bajd walked out of the door and lined up with the guard, Jikenev also got out of the carriage.

Jikenev took a deep breath.

The fresh air that had flowed into Gickniff's lungs should have been quite cold, but protected by the power of magic clothes, he only felt that the temperature was just right and very comfortable.

While exhaling deeply, he turned his head slightly to confirm the figure of his men.

The apprentices of Vulda, dressed in robes and holding staffs.

There are holy seals hanging on his chest, and they belong to the magic chanters of the Faith Department of the Knights.

Guards who remain immobile.

This also included several people who were dispatched earlier and notified by information.

Jikenif wanted to ask who they met, but it was really inconvenient to ask here.

The maid and those who ride in a carriage seem to have not been allowed to get off.

When he looked to the left, he saw a log cabin on the first floor covering the ground alone.

The house was too uncoordinated with the surrounding terrain such as grasslands or graveyards, which made him unable to grin.

Most importantly, where did the wood come from?

In the distance, you can see the mountains of Angelicia, and he remembers the vast forest of Duwu around the mountains.

Did you move from there? I don't know how many kilometers away, it was really a lot of trouble.

Jikenev was not very knowledgeable enough to know the wooden house, but he didn't think the building was so grand.

Having said that, considering the surrounding conditions, it is perhaps commendable to be able to build such a wooden house. ,, ..

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